I get this kind of thing at least once every time I go out and fly Mariko Kietan's Rheinland Bomber. It is therefore a mixed blessing that I rarely use that ship anymore, due to most of my friends disappearing and therefore unable to provide an escort.
Of course, I don't really blame people who moan, since on the face of it, a Rheinland Bomber pilotted by a Kusari girl who lives in Bretonia... . Still, I do get very tired of being talked down to by people who plainly have no idea what roleplay means.
However, I do really appreciate it when people play it out with me, just because I can explain why I have it in quite a short time. I tend to always say in PM afterwards, '//I do have a special RP for this, check the forum...' because people have often used the roleplay interaction to press me to change the ship rather than find out why I have it. At least most of the BAF| know the name Mariko Kietan, and the ones who don't are above crying out without searching for an explaination.
while what you write is definitely understandable - there are also situations where a half hearted RP that is "questioned" is ... well... half hearted.
for example - you re playing a typical thug, no one important - just a soldier, but you have a long tradition of service and are recognized by the people you usually meet ( or in short, you gained some sort of popularity )
you are doing your regular "new york" route, not only cause theres the most to do in new york, but also, cause you DO like to listen to the chatter. ( it is just so much more entertaining in new york than it is in texas ... )
"someone" approaches you named "LNS-Boston[Admiral]" (< just an example ) - and claims that he is an admiral and orders you ( the little fighter you RP ) to patrol in texas.
but you don t WANT to patrol in texas.
now there are two conflicting sides. - you are voluntarily RPing a regular soldier, so of course, you should voluntarily head to texas. that is the RP you chose, that is the consequence you should take. - not complying questions your whole roleplay.
the other side is that you might be indignated and start getting defensive about that patronizing behaviour... in the end "who does that guy think he is to order me around". so you ask the question "are you officially recognized as an admiral by the [LN]?" - at which point the other person who chose ( chose as freely as you chose ) to RP an admiral has no answer, cause maybe he is NOT recognized by the [LN].
does one side of the RP has more validity than the other? - the problem starts when both sides are reasonable and are also within their RP, but one side wants the other side do something this side doesn t feel to do.
nither of both is more or less justified. - the player playing the admiral can do so AS MUCH as the other player RPing the soldier. - from a hardcore point of view.... the one RPing the soldier has committed a RP faux pas, cause he only chose to RP a soldier as long as it pleases him, the admiral however has started to limit other players freedom by ordering them around - which is within his RP - but still a reduction of freedom for others.
thats just to show that situations can be more complex than a good vs. bad situation.