80% or so think Official Factions should have more rights.
As a result, the Admins have been discussing which specific rights could be granted to Official Factions. We have come up with these 5.
These will be posted in the Discovery RP Factions forum, as a pinned thread, then Rule 4.3 will be altered to read:
Quote:4.3 Official Faction Rights are summarised in a pinned post in the Discovery RP Factions forum.
THIS POST is an introduction and summarizes the proposed Rights.
THE POST AFTER THIS ONE is a description of what will be required to implement them.
Comments? Concerns?
Here are the 5 Rights of Official Factions:
Quote:1) Official Factions are free to restrict or not restrict access to their owned systems and tax players who enter owned system. However, properly Tagged and ID'd independent players may enter Guard/Owned systems, and cannot be taxed. Access to systems that surround owned system must not be restricted unless there's a war with another faction.
Quote:2) Official factions have authority over players of the same NPC affiliation, as long as RP justification is provided. This authority applies in forums and in-game, and applies to player faction diplomacy, and strategic and tactical direction. However, exercise of that authority, on the forums and in game, is restricted to official faction members with the rank of the official faction leader and one rank below him/her. The authority may be exercised through the use of in-game in-RP orders, which, if not obeyed, can result in in-game in-RP consequences (arrest, court martial, and even lethal force in extreme circumstances). Official Factions cannot, under any cicrumstances, require another player to follow non-canon RP if that player doesn't want to.
The intent of this right is to allow official faction leadership to also provide leadership, with discretion, to independent players, to improve server gameplay, fairplay, and roleplay.
This right is NOT intended to provide the official faction leadership the right to exercise power for its own sake.
An example of "good" exercise of these rights is to require an independent player to not utilize a heavy captial ship against a smaller lone fighter or bomber, or to not enter an existing fight where entering the fight would unbalance it greatly, or to require the independent player to take action or not take action in support of good RP. (ie, ordering the escort of a diplomat, or something equally creative)
An example of "bad" exercise of this right would be to require the player to patrol an empty system, for no particular reason. Requiring the independent to investigate a particular suspicious ship, though, would be legitimate.
An offical faction consistently abusing this right, could lose it at the Admins' discretion.
Quote:3) Once a faction achieves official status, they will receive their downpayment of $500 mill back. They will further receive a Cap 8 Armour Upgrade, once they have spent 3 months contributing meaningfully to server RP, for instance, via events and forum activity.
Quote:4) Official Factions who have planned an event can restrict participation of others in that event as they see fit.
Quote:5) Official Factions control the issuance of Battleship Licences to independent players and faction members for their house Battleships, via the forum application process.
Players sanctioned for PVP violations in a battleship may, at the Admin's discretion, have the licence removed as part of their sanction. They must then re-apply for the licence from the official faction, or downgrade the ship.
An Official Faction which has granted a battleship licence to a player may ask the Admins afterwards to remove the licence, with reasons. Conversely a player who feels they have been treated unfairly by an Official Faction, regarding a licence, may appeal to the Admins.
This is existing Rule 4.3. No new requirments.
Official faction leaders would have to ensure that only official faction members with the rank of the official faction leader and one rank below him/her will exercise this ingame, and make sure that ALL members know this. This is not a licence for junior members to start ordering independents around.
Official Factions will get their 500 mill back from the Admins once approved, and will have to demonstrate RP/Forum/Ingame presence if they want that Cap 8 after three months, and request it then.
This is more or less in place now. Just not officially recognised. Note that ideally, Official Factions should have as much event participation as possible from independents. But they need the right to say "No" if things are imbalanced.
To actually make this happen, the following would be required. It would not happen by itself, and there would be maintenance requirements:
1) MOD CHANGE : Licences would not automatically be bought with a battleship. They would only be available on the Admin base.
2) FORUM CHANGE : A new "Battleship Licence Requests" forum would be required.
3) OFFICIAL FACTION MAINTENANCE DUTIES : Processing Applications promptly.
4) ADMIN MAINTENANCE DUTIES : Keeping Official factions supplied with licences. May also be neccessary to intervene in Battleship Licence Requests forum if a faction is being unreasonable and/or tardy.
5) RULES CHANGES. The proposed change to 4.3 related to all rights:
4.3 Factions are free to restrict or not restrict access to their home systems and tax players who enter home system. Access to systems that surround home system must not be restricted unless there's a war with another faction.
4.3 The rights of Official factions are summarized on the Discovery Server Factions forum.
Text will be added to Rule 5.12 (in bold)
5.12 Sanctions for violating PvP rules include a credit/equipment fine (no less than 50 million credits), placing character inside the prison system, banning up to 7 days. Battleship licences may be removed, and would then need to be re-applied for, or the ship downgraded.
For reference, the following is a summary of the in-game battleships, their NPC affiliation, corresponding official factions and leaders.
These are the people who will approve the use of the corresponding battleship.
Ship, NPC Affiliation, responsible faction, leader (s)
Liberty Dreadnought - LN, LN, JihadJoe
Liberty Carrier - LN, LN, JihadJoe
Bretonia Battleship - BAF, BAF, Dieter
Kusari Battleship - KNF, KNF, Lotek
Rheinland Battleship - RM, RM, Malexa
Osiris - Order, Order, Swisscorch
IMG Carrier - IMG, IMG, Niezck
Bounty Hunter Battleship - BHG, BHG, Athenian
Spyglass - LH, LH, Xoria/LH, HF, SevereTrinity
Outcast Dreadnought - OC, 101st, ROS, Council of Dons
Outcast Battleship - OC, 101st, ROS, SOB, Council of Dons
Zoner Juggernaut - Zoner, TAZ, Malacalypse/Council of Zoners
Aquilon Carrier - Zoner, TAZ, Malacalypse/Council of Zoners
Legate - Corsairs, TBH, Benitez, OPG, Council of Elders
Togo - Blood Dragons, NovaPG, Lohingren
Gallic Battleship - GRN, GRN, No Official Faction
Council Battleship - Council, Council, No Official Faction
The obvious gap in the above is the Gallic Battleship, Council Battleship, and
Kusari Imperial Yacht. Admins would have to review those licence requests.
Good changes, just would like for the factions that took control of the entire NPC faction through name changes to be put through another applciation process.
CR are conspicuous by their absence in the battleship listing. I am guessing they can buy their own but can't issue them out to others (because there are no indie CR)? Or do they have to ask the IMG for permission.
' Wrote:I think we were going to make them free. That is still up for debate/decision.
Does this mean that current holders of Battleship Licenses would get a refund of the 250mil outlay on those?
Zealot Wrote:Just go play the game and have fun dammit.
Treewyrm Wrote:all in all the conclusion is that disco doesn't need antagonist factions, it doesn't need phantoms, it doesn't need nomads, it doesn't need coalition and it doesn't need many other things, no AIs, the game is hijacked by morons to confuse the game with their dickwaving generic competition games mixed up with troll-of-the-day.
' Wrote:Does this mean that current holders of Battleship Licenses would get a refund of the 250mil outlay on those?
Or they can take it as not having to register/apply for thier capships and be potentialy turned away.
' Wrote:0-499 posts: Your posts will be completely and utterly ignored. 500-999 posts: People will read your posts, but will never care for the content. 1000-2000 posts: Your posts will be read, your points may be considered, if you're lucky. 2001+ posts and custom title:Your opinion matters.
Quote:Or they can take it as not having to register/apply for thier capships and be potentialy turned away.
Including the official faction battleships?
Those who fly battleships often have some RP sense, I've seen worse RP from faction battleships than independent ones at times.
We are not 'guilty' people or criminals remember, we usually have nothing to hide.