if you are looking for feedback, then you shall receive some.
Overall, i vary much enjoy interacting with the TAZ as a whole, but several incidents in the past have<strike> made me doubt the sanity of the human race.</strike> reminded me that the only difference between a member of the TAZ, and an indy zoner, is the [TAZ] in the priors name.
Alas, this happens to the best of us, myself included.
' Wrote:<span style="font-family:Century Gothic">Violence is Golden</span>
Now even though you've been nice and sent cake and stuff, there must be some of you out there who have a bone to pick..
I've been back at the Temple for about a month now.. I feel I'm up to speed on most Diplomatic issues, and have a few more in store.
While the Doc prefers to keep it "mellow" for the most part, I tend to be a bit more "edgy". Good? Bad? Indeterminate?
Kudos to our great bunch of Members. You keep the old Chao spinnin'.
To the Umbra.Venator: I may owe you an apology. I should have at least given you the chance to introduce yourself before shooing you away. However, just because "Doc knows me." doesn't mean I know you. Let's try again.
To those folk on our "Enemas" list: Now would be a good time to bury whatever hatchets we have.. Sort of a "Jubilee" Day, if you will, and if you even care to.
Be warned. I'm not much for "vanilla". I prefer chocolate.
The TAZ are Servants of the Chao formost, and "Zoners" second. We may in future do things that don't fit the mold. Sombunall will be amused.. sombunall won't.
Oh, and here's our current "Rubber Rose Roundup", just so you won't have to go searchin':
"Enemas of Eris" (Banned in Bafflin', and Hostile to TAZ)
Independent Flatulent Fool "Eat.at.Joe's", Desecrator of Baffin
Desecration of the Temple, and Destruction of TAZ assets.
Bounty Hunter vessel "Fenris", Native of Bollocksistan
Violation of Laws the First and Fifth
(Oh, and blowing up Reggie's wife Moira to boot..)
Solaris, Corsair Gunboat, Diaper Desecrator,
Pirating in Baffin. Self-admission of idiocy to a TAZ member.
Dwain_Burnett, Kaichou Bomber,
Violation of the Temple. Flippancy and disrespect.
Crazy, Outcast gunboat
Taxing and firing in Baffin. He is now KoS. Do so with extreme prejudice.
Capone, Trident Gunboat
Taxing and destroying traders in Baffin space! He is officially KoS! No mercy!!
Self admitted enemy of all Zoners! Kill him with impunity!
For disobeying a Temple Guard and docking on Pueblo Bonito and just being a cabbage!
2fast4U, OC Sabre
No handshake;
Violating Temple airspace;
and being somewhat less brillant than a box of rocks.
Labour_Exchange, Pirate Transport
Attempting to pirate a ZoE vessel outside Shasta!
No response to warnings;
After warning shots, proceeded to dock on Shasta and disappear.
Failure to respond to TAZ hails;
Failure to observe Password Protection Protocols;
Possible use of a cloaking device in Baffin proper;
and, Eris thinks he's a twit.
Vessel "FantasticVoyage" Some sort of long train-thing.. for
Complete and utter Cabbageness.
Don't call us. We'll call you.
TheO-Team][BadBod & TheO-Team][TaxMax]
For, Spittin', Pirating, and General Cluelessnes
And for daring to show up when we're all either drunk or hung over.
Beggars|Me.Haz.no.Cash and Lookin.for.Cash
Attempted extortion in our home system, attempted murder and annoying Eris.
If you have the time and effort to work so hard to get a handout then you have time to find some good, honest work. Just do it out of our presence or.......BOOM!!
Outcast Vessel "Malgalad"
Repeated Violations of Temple Space
(Law the 5th.)
Raven's Talon "N'turuXe"
Repeated Violations of Temple Space
Failure to respond to hails
Entering system after being Enema'd and toasted
Now even though you've been nice and sent cake and stuff, there must be some of you out there who have a bone to pick..
You dont keep enough snacky cakes and munchie type foods in the kitchen. Last night, after my normal, uh *cough* meditation with Eris, I had to eat carrots cause there was nothing to be found, no chips, no cakes, no candy, no chocolate, no cheesy poofs, no poofy cheese, no nachos, no potato's, not even a steak of venison.
Worst of all, no honey....
My bone to pick, you should really keep your kitchen better stocked.
Nooblet\' Wrote:Living life as a Zoner? Sure, on my Eagle, Kingfisher, Conference, Fearless, Corvo, Aquilon and/or Juggernaut perhaps. Not on an Advanced Train or Zoner Whale.