Very dear members of all factions protecting smugglers,
very hostile members of all factions chasing smugglers,
Very dear pilots hesitating between these two possibilities,
As the Chairman of GST, I have the greatest honor to present you the diplomatic "orientations" of our well (or bad) known galactic-wide trading company: the Galactic Secure Trade Co.
But first, let me assure you that GST's most important principle is the following: Members of GST believe that this galaxy should simply let ALL trade activities be what they are. No blockade should be declared by any so called 'authorities'. And if there are some blockades, then these should be... runned if necessary. In other words: we were very... unpolite zoners, we are now very... polite smugglers.
GST's galactic-wide relations:
1) Relations with House & private (for ex. LPI) POLICE factions:
Specifically with so called "Liberty" Police and Bretonian Police, since they first declared us ennemies.
2) Relations with House NAVIES:
Most of the time IGNORING them.
3) Relations with House SECRET SERVICES:
ENNEMY to (most) LSF.
Secret relations with other really secret services.
4) Relations with TRADERS and MINERS generally:
VERY polite.
5) Relations with "unlawfuls":
SECRET, for business reasons.
6) Relations with ZONERS:
Perfectly NEUTRAL. Would be officially friendly from our point of view, if we weren't afraid of the consequences our zoner brothers would have to face if we'd stayed zoners, or if we hadn't cut all contacts to our ancient faction, incl. with the (]c[).
7) Relations with other smugglers:
VERY friendly.
I want to put the stress on the fact that being the only tagged Company officially smuggling in Sirius doesn't mean we're ignoring or scorning other smuggler captains, pilots and groups. On the contrary, we are proud to be sometimes usefull to many of them as the best DIVERSION for the various and highly interesting activities of our fellow smugglers.
Yours very, very sincerely,
GST Chief Executive Officer
John "Jack" Burton
GST CEO John Burton (3076-...) is a retired Liberty high rank politician and business man.
His functions in Liberty administration are still not clear today.
He left Liberty administration some years ago and founded the well known Galactic Secure Trade Company in Kusari space with WDR funds.
The GST Company was based in Zoner systems for the following years, until tensions with Liberty authorities because of GST breaking the Texas blockade became to dangerous for Zoners.
Then the GST Security Council decided the Company should switch to Smuggler ID and cut all official contacts with former Zoner Allies.
You can find more information and desinformation on GST's Neuronet:
and contact John Burton and other GST members there almost anytime.
--Incoming Transmission--
[Source: New London]
[CommID: Foreign and Colonial Office]
Likewise for the Bretonian Armed Forces.
Also, I would care to laugh loudly and publicly in the face of your suggestion that you maintain good relations with general traders and miners, most of whom prefer not to associate with your kind of poorly mannered criminals, or for the outrageous suggestion that you maintain any kind of secret relations with any Bretonian secret services.
Bowex, BMM, the BPA, BAF, MI5, MI6 and any other lawful Bretonian forces of the Crown will treat you as hostile, regardless of what your puported "stance" towards them may be. Good luck ignoring them when they blow up your vessels.
I urge all responsible Bretonian citizens to treat these people with the contempt they deserve and report them to the authorities wherever they may be found.
Lord Charles Canning
9th Earl of Malmesbury
Foreign Secretary of Bretonia
--End Transmission--
Sir Stanley Nelson <span style="color:#000066">Charles Canning </span><span style="color:#000066"> Foreign Secretary</span>
***Incoming Transmission***
***Comm ID: Andrew Mort***
***Location: Alcatraz Depot***
Let me just mention here, boys and girls, while the paycheck for damaging our base with your "friendly fighting" is not fixed, all LR- taged vessels are encouraged to extract the payment from the GST trade vessels via gunforce, the goods are to be delivered to bases of destination or handed over to more compitent pilots. The GST docking rights on Rogue bases are disabled untill we talk over our differences and after a short talk with your boy "GST Last Bounty" I doubth that will ever happen.
Very hostile members of factions chasing smugglers,
I have the honor to tell here your intentions are taken into account by the members of our GST Security Council - like they always did.
Commander Jack "Asgardian" Malrone, good to hear you again. We were sincerely beginning to worry about you, since we can not help having strong and warm feelings towards you personnally and your whole fleet of good coordinated, excellent trained and sometimes successful fleet and allies. I wish we'll cross again somewhere in Liberty space very soon to see who's faster, and who's giving the more profit to the peoples of Liberty.
Lord Charles "Lemaitre" Canning (any ancestors from Galia, mylord?), I'm very pleased to meet you too. Wether there are double agents in your MI5, MI6, MI69 or your prosperous trusties is your own business as a... secretary for Foreign Affairs. Please be aware I did not speak of "good relations" with traders and miners, only of "polite" ones. Ennemies can be polite, sometimes. I urge you to check your glasses maybe, mylord. And to avoid laughing like an upstart.
I wish you safe readings, mylord.
Andrew "Sindroms" Mort (the name says it, I'm afraid), and I'm afraid, too, you'll have to check more than your glasses if you're going to disturb the excellent relations between GST and the people of, let's say, some bases in Liberty you (and everybody) know the location of, that are profiting from the smuggling we provide or help to provide - and disturbing these relations just because one of our Security guys hit Alcatraz with a Train Cruise Disruptor missile three weeks ago during a training with some LR ID vessels (untagged, I must confess, but affiliated).
We did NOT open fire on Alcatraz on that day 3 weeks ago. We did NOT open fire on any LR vessel on that day three weeks ago. You did open fire on our ships. And you did NOT engage capital ships and bombers that had always been on the side of the oppressors of YOUR people. And we continued to deliver the commodities you (and everybody) know on the bases of YOUR people since this regrettable event - an event, though, that had the lucky consequence to show undoublty your personal interests were converging with those of some LN and BHGs both ennemies to GST and to the people of the Liberty Rogues. I suggest you take some diplomatic night class before attempting to a cosmostrategic discussion with me or any of my cold and collected colleagues.
I wish you a safe 'turncoat' dance with your strange allies, Andy.
To you all very sincerely, but with contrasted feelings,
GST Chief Executive Officer
John "Jack" Burton
GST CEO John Burton (3076-...) is a retired Liberty high rank politician and business man.
His functions in Liberty administration are still not clear today.
He left Liberty administration some years ago and founded the well known Galactic Secure Trade Company in Kusari space with WDR funds.
The GST Company was based in Zoner systems for the following years, until tensions with Liberty authorities because of GST breaking the Texas blockade became to dangerous for Zoners.
Then the GST Security Council decided the Company should switch to Smuggler ID and cut all official contacts with former Zoner Allies.
You can find more information and desinformation on GST's Neuronet:
and contact John Burton and other GST members there almost anytime.
Incoming Transmission: Ben Faraday, Liberty Rogues Hellhound
Mr. Burton:
until that paycheck is deposited in Andrew Mort's neural net account, kindly remove yourself from this transmission channel, Liberty Rogues installations throughout Liberty, and, for preference, all of Sirius, before I put my boot so far up your ass you choke on your own testicles.
***Relay transmission***
***Comm ID: Andrew Mort***
Sin...what? Are you clearly high or something boy? Do I need to Re-upload the footage where our defenses are firing on your ships, while we remind you CONSTANTLY to hold fire and move away from the base?
The more you are ignoring us or better yet, taunting us, the more you will find yourself unwelcome in Liberty space.
I think my Hellhound rank officer has stated what I am trying not to tell to your face, boy.
Get the frak away from our bases untill you have paid the damage done.
I did write it some hours ago. Ennemies might be polite, sometimes. And sometimes they're just the ennemies of politeness. That's already something.
We did not have the pleasure to meet you before, but you seem to have good reasons to follow this Andrew "Sindroms" Mort. Maybe we'll actually meet one day? The pleasure will be ours, no doubt. Because the only fact that you're boiling in your anger make us... I would say... happy. (What a strange universe.)
Check your own a* & t*, very dear Valkyrie-Rogue.
There might be something wrong with them.
John "Jack" Burton
//PS: By the way, you should check your avatar. It does remember me of bad times before the Great Migration. Question of taste?//
GST CEO John Burton (3076-...) is a retired Liberty high rank politician and business man.
His functions in Liberty administration are still not clear today.
He left Liberty administration some years ago and founded the well known Galactic Secure Trade Company in Kusari space with WDR funds.
The GST Company was based in Zoner systems for the following years, until tensions with Liberty authorities because of GST breaking the Texas blockade became to dangerous for Zoners.
Then the GST Security Council decided the Company should switch to Smuggler ID and cut all official contacts with former Zoner Allies.
You can find more information and desinformation on GST's Neuronet:
and contact John Burton and other GST members there almost anytime.
Incoming Transmission: Dervin Malfient, Liberty Rogues Veteran
Don' mince words? The man does mince the English language! A stutterin' keeper on Cardamine is more intelligible than ya. Why don' ya shove off an' bother the Kusari. P'raps the Rheinlanders, I hear they love smugglin'.