some time ago ( i think it was before the public beta ) someone ( i think it was dusty lens ) came up with the idea of a MASH or med-ship.
- now that almost every faction in sirius is at war with someone - having a combat ready med-ship is quite a logical thing....
well - that ship started as a rheinland medical frigate... cause they would need something like that in the war... - but the result looks more like a BHG med ship ( and they also need a med ship, i guess )
.... well - actually, it looks like a BHG battleship that was somewhat modified with rheinland parts - oh, well.... i didn t really put too much efford into the skin.
such a ship could also be used as a BHG specific liner ( since its not really practical to RP a med-ship of course )
med-ship, or passenger liner? I would like either, The general shape is quite appealing but it doesn't seem quite right. As you say it's a bit BHG-ish, could you make it more civilian? Furthermore, what purpose does that rear fin have, and will it make flying it more frustrating in any way?
Finally, that engine doesn't match any other design in FL at present (as far as i'm aware)
I think the skin should look more like the unsiversal ship, train, transport, civillian and station designs. So it looks more useble to all.
aside from that i like it, this and a midical ship at all.
uh - the ship isn t really large... the engine is the size of the rheinland cruiser engine ( which is a large single bubble, too )
for a med ship - i wouldn t really think of a ship the size of a liner ( which can take like 4000 passengers ) - rather something the size - slightly larger than a yacht.
but - yes, the design did not turn out to be what i had in mind at all - and now it looks more like the junkers salvaged a BHG ship and did "their thing" with it. the big bad question is ... if a battleready med-frigate is a sound concept at all...
i have something like that in mind:
- medium cargohold ( something around the yacht )
- transport shields
- 5-6 lvl8 ( gunboat ) guns and a small GB powerplant ( 400k )
- liner armour ( ~ 200k )
- an agility noticably worse than a gunboat
or in short - something like the salvager.....
edit: the "thing" in the rear is a collapsable solar screen with antennas. - i reckon that a med ship should have some powerful communication systems aswell as an "emergency powersystem".
A good ship, i can definatley see it being part of a BHG fleet as they like their variety in ships and have a private ship building company behind them. And it has the feeling that it dserves to be in a BHG fleet. It'l definatley add some RP into the BHG.
But the question you've got to ask yourself is will it be abused?
EDIT: Also if you finally decide to make it a BHG ship then you may have to revamp it in order to get it to look like that was the original design. Such as textures mostly. But it's still a very futuristic and inspired ship.
Ok, where is it sold! I always wanted to be a medic!:)... kidding.. If I may, I would suggest to make it big. At least like a liner. Think of it this way, it's a flying hospital, along with beds, operating rooms, storages of medical supplies, a kitchen... it should be huge and slow. How about a heavy shielding but low grade guns? Also, maybe add a red cross somewhere on it?