The server comes back up, I tell myself : Cool, will be able to equip this new character with decent guns.
And suddently I see a guy in front of the wreck but he wasn't there 30 seconds ago (checked player list)
I arrive, and see him shoot the wreck and loot then disconnect in space. It surprised me.
Stating his name in here does somehow make it appear as a trial in forum, which it shouldn't become, really.
Wreck camping per se is not against the rules, however F1ing in space while interacting with others is.
So, if you weren't fighting him or talking to him, he didn't do anything wrong (though disappearing right in front of you would of course be strange, inRP).
Just to note, if he was doing it in an under level ship, he does not enjoy the protection of under level rules. You can pirate him or if applicable in rp, blow him up and take the gun.
i mean seriously, its an alt that sits by a wreck and logs in immediately, takes it, and goes away to sell it to players after jacking the price up to 6+mill!:angry:
i mean seriously, its an alt that sits by a wreck and logs in immediately, takes it, and goes away to sell it to players after jacking the price up to 6+mill!:angry:
Not really, you can camp your alt right there and fight them for it. You can park your gunboat right there, or your battleship if you want. Just make sure that char has the RP to shoot them and be there (aka, is a pirate of the proper faction) and you are all set.
' Wrote:Not really, you can camp your alt right there and fight them for it. You can park your gunboat right there, or your battleship if you want. Just make sure that char has the RP to shoot them and be there (aka, is a pirate of the proper faction) and you are all set.
but if its below 30, its pvp-proof unless it attacks me, and all it takes is one of these guys.