' Wrote:Does it have to be liner size? Why not something like the P-Train size?
Anyways, I love the design. The Abolitionist movement could definately use something like that for freed slaves (the ZAS as well)
Indeed, And this concept certainly looks a lot more fitting. Not entirely sold on that engine design however, one larger engine may look more balanced than the two small ones.
ok - here is the skinned version - as you can see - its rather harmless looking with a sleek, whitish metal hull.
edit: it has 3 smaller engines, cause people complained about the big single one on the even smaller original concept. - so if ppl think that the single engine on the gunboat sized vessel would be too large - i couldn t really make an even larger one on a liner sized vessel. - those three engines do look OK - they give the ship a sturdy look - but nothing thats too expensive, a more industrial appearence.
edit2: - oh, and it doesn t look BHG-ish anymore... so now it could well be a generic cryer ship ( but isn t cryer some villain that makes cash with synthetic drugs? ) - not sure if a semi lawful faction could afford such a big ship - ( or i m messing things up - and cryer is really lawful? )
say, what if you uuuh, make the main part red and the crosses white?:D
but it IS a lovely ship. I'd say maybe Zoner so they can have some of these and be a neutral party near a war zoner and help those who need medical attention?
Cryer is "lawful", at least in the "lawfuls" eyes. They've had a monopoly on the pharmaceuticals market in all houses for over 400 years. It's one of the richest corporations of Sirius, right up there with Universal/ageira, perhaps even close to Interspace. I would expect they'd contract out the building of the vessels to Liberty shipbuilders however, not being engineers themselves.
That texture looks very generic and fitting, as well as corporate. Could we see a rear view of it please?
i have another "unready" ambulance ship ( freighter sized ) laying around. - they could work in a team... erm.. team RP that is.
but we all know that sirius pilots are equipped with amazing rescue pods that ensure an almost 100% survival rate - and from what i know.... are very comfy and sometimes even provide a full array of alcoholic beverages. ( at least judging from some of the recent "rescue pod chatters" i wittnessed )
Actually, make the big one the hospital ship, make the smaller one a rescue and assistance frigate.
The rescue and assistance frigate gets in close, assists ships, cuts it way in if necessary, rescues personnel, does MASH style surgery, etc
Hospital ships do the long term care and transport of the injured.
Maybe a small ambulance unit too?
Nothing wrong have a medical / rescue line of ships. I feel ships of this line have been missing from the game since it was made.
I guess the only problem is figuring out who is going to sell it.
Zoners, APM, Renzu, Or perhaps a new company?
We already have one of those, there is an HW freighter in Liberty that is pure white and looks like some type of ambulance.
Some say that he is allergic to a fungus found only between the toes of Corsairs,
and that he is oblivious to 98% of Liberty Law. All we know is... He's called the Busdriver!
' Wrote:edit2: - oh, and it doesn t look BHG-ish anymore... so now it could well be a generic cryer ship ( but isn t cryer some villain that makes cash with synthetic drugs? ) - not sure if a semi lawful faction could afford such a big ship - ( or i m messing things up - and cryer is really lawful? )
They're only as 'unlawful' as Interspace or ALG or something. Only evil in the way that all big companies invariable are. Definitely more respectable than zoners or bounty hunters etc. As for affording big ships, Cryer (in vanilla at least) would be much, much richer than Zoners, and it's not like they have any lack of huge ships. But yeah it would be some contract thing. Sort of thing that would be sold on that DSE shipyard in New York, although that must be full. Maybe that weird Universal one in that weird system? Duluth or whatever.
' Wrote:ok - here is the skinned version - as you can see - its rather harmless looking with a sleek, whitish metal hull.
edit: it has 3 smaller engines, cause people complained about the big single one on the even smaller original concept. - so if ppl think that the single engine on the gunboat sized vessel would be too large - i couldn t really make an even larger one on a liner sized vessel. - those three engines do look OK - they give the ship a sturdy look - but nothing thats too expensive, a more industrial appearence.
edit2: - oh, and it doesn t look BHG-ish anymore... so now it could well be a generic cryer ship ( but isn t cryer some villain that makes cash with synthetic drugs? ) - not sure if a semi lawful faction could afford such a big ship - ( or i m messing things up - and cryer is really lawful? )
This is the best thing that has ever potentially happened to me since I joined Disco.
Words can not convey how excited I am about this newest design.
The Devs will be in trouble if they don't include this in the game.
Or whatever trouble I can give them. (Which isn't really much, haha.)