Opening Transmission Comm ID: ********01
Target: All ships in the vicinity
Recently, a small fleet of Nomad ships including the dread ship Harbinger and the most infamous Tundra broke through our defenses, demolishing numerous capital ships. The Freeport was defenseless before the onslaught as they bombarded us, again, with long-range artillery weapons, sitting safely out of our defense-turret grid.
Now, much of the station is damaged. We are requesting repair ships be dispatched and new ships be brought in for defense. The transmitter relay was hit, so this transmission may be sketchy for some of you, but we ask that you please be quick about any aid.
"either that transmission is made up or it hasn t reached our com. - of course the persephones com system is limited while being in the nebula but i haven t heard a single emergency call from any zoners so far.
investigations will be started presently.
so far - it could also be a fake, nither the order, the BHG channels, nor the ZRT or other zoners in the area reported any attack. i am sure we would have heard if "numerous capital warships" had been destroyed - or at least i do believe we would have heard about it.
it also doesn t really appear to be an official station com - since the com ID is cloaked.
" quick inquiries have turned out that there has been an attack. - but nither the guild, nor the corsairs in the area have noticed such a massive fleet... - however the order reports a total wipeout at the iota location, which supports that matter.
currently the station is being examined - but due to the recent reinforcements that were installed after the last major attack over a year ago - i don t expect such massive damage to evacuate the station - but we will see.
so far it appears that the time for the attack was chosen to oppose only little resistance. - regarding to an order officer, they were utterly overwhelmed and wiped out. not a single zoner guardship was in the area at that time nor possible to be contacted.
while i am inspecting the station, i asked the order to transmit a full and detailed record of the events to the zoner council.
it is very disappointing that none of our heavy guardships was able to react at that time - it could have saved a lot of damage, nor that any other fleet was ready to oppose the attack.
it looks like we got caught with our pants down today.
The transmission above isn't a fake. I was at the Freeport 11 all the time, trying to help the survived pilots, pick up pods, do anything. However, me and my friend, private detective Alan Pirus were not able to defend the Freeport, because we were under heavy supressing fire all the time we tried to approach them to make a Supernova run.
Instead, we called for help and tried to help other pilots. I have plenty guncam shots as well, several are here as follows:
One and the only ZRT was there and he was destroyed quickly by the Nomad forces. I believe it's the reason why you didn't receive any signals - the ship was destroyed before launching a system-wide transmission.
---- Incoming Transmission ----
-- From: Yaren Base
-- Sender ID: The Doctor, of the Seker Order Destroyer
-- Recipients: The Persephone II, All Concered Parties
--- Unencrypted ---
"Looks like we got caught with our pants down today."
Is that all you can say?
Is that all you can say when Nomads swarm the skies around your station? Is that all you can say when they slaughter fleets from other factions that protect your Freeport, including completely destroying my vessel? Is that all you can say when countless people are killed and there is only one of your ships in sight?
Your pants were down? Is that it?
You take little responsibility where much is needed.
This is not an "oops" situation, ladies and gentlemen, it's a call to action.
"yes - that is all i can say before facts are being confirmed. - sadly, ANY reports were missing about such an attack up to now. - no word on the council, no word from the ZRT, no contac from the order - none from the BHG.
so - yes .... i would have expected an emergency call but all the channels remained silent.
if you guys have defended the station with your lifes ( and i guess you survived - cause otherwise i d be talking to a ghost ) - then why haven t you reported somthing of that magnitude to the council IMMEDIETLY?"
---- Incoming Transmission ----
-- From: Yaren Base
-- Sender ID: The Doctor, of the Seker Order Destroyer
-- Recipients: The Persephone II
--- Unencrypted ---
Why didn't I report immediately?
Oh, perhaps because myself and sixty percent of my crew were floating in space and have only recently been picked up and taken to Yaren by some obliging Corsair smugglers. The other forty percent is dead. Or maybe I didn't report immediately because I, as a doctor, had a remaining seventy or so crewmembers to take care of because those who survived didn't fare the best.
I doubt you've ever been near a hull breach caused by Nomad weaponry, but I can assure you that it's not pleasant - the radiation is quite the concern, past the actual decompression and such... I won't trouble you with the details.
I think that the reason that you didn't get your transmission sooner was perhaps because this conflict was so massive, most everyone knew about it to begin with. I can't imagine how this escaped your notice. Perhaps your communications operator was sleeping on the job.
But I can assure you that the reason I haven't mentioned it is because we're somewhat inconvenienced at the moment, and didn't see it expedient to send a message to the already wise and omnipotent council. Surely an event this widespread wouldn't escape their notice - and, the Freeport send a message of it, so I suppose that the news is out to those who didn't hear about it originally.
Either way, I'd be obliged if you contact your council about this if you deem such a transmission fit - I'm somewhat busy trying to save what's left of my crew, you see. Even this conversation is taking too much time.
The attack of Freeport 11 has been confirmed by Order spy satellites and actual emergency fleet responded to short range emergency signals. A detailed report is currently being prepared by our Majors who were present at the defense protocol of Delta and Freeport 11.
A quick summary states that the Nomad fleet had more than one capital class ship as well as bomber and fighter supports, vaporizing anything on their way. Reports suggest that the last two Delta attacks in the previous 48 hours had more than 15 capital and 20 or more smaller craft losses on BHG, Order, Zoner and 'lancer sides.
In order to provide an extra hand and aid with any necessity of evacuation, if things turn out to be like that, Order is mobilizing the Deviator to FP 11 to stand as a full time defence factor.
Deviator, under no circumstances, will fire on any BHG craft and will lend a hand whenever they need against the alien threat until the safety of FP 11 is assured.