5.7 A player who was killed in a PvP fight must not enter the system where the fight took place with any of the characters on his/her account(s) until four hours have passed from the time of his/her destruction.
If the player respawns in the same system, he/she must leave the system within 10 minutes of his destruction without engaging anyone, except in self-defense. Other players are not allowed to attack one who is leaving
So here is my story, im in Omicron Minor with my carrier, Bounty Hunters attack and i get destroyed.
Now I can't play the game for 4 hours becasue even if they leave or get killed I cant enter my home system!!!!
This isnt the first time this has happened and this time i nearlly did my nut and quit Disco altogether.
Can someone please explain the reasoning behind the change?
It was better when you could return if they get killed.
Except my trader all my characters are Order, and don't say "Well get another charcater" Because I dont want to sit in Liberty or somthing listening to the noobs going "LOL" and "ROFL" all day...
I am really really annoyed, so if you have read my rant then thanks...
' Wrote:5.7 A player who was killed in a PvP fight must not enter the system where the fight took place with any of the characters on his/her account(s) until four hours have passed from the time of his/her destruction.
If the player respawns in the same system, he/she must leave the system within 10 minutes of his destruction without engaging anyone, except in self-defense. Other players are not allowed to attack one who is leaving
So here is my story, im in Omicron Minor with my carrier, Bounty Hunters attack and i get destroyed.
Now I can't play the game for 4 hours becasue even if they leave or get killed I cant enter my home system!!!!
This isnt the first time this has happened and this time i nearlly did my nut and quit Disco altogether.
Can someone please explain the reasoning behind the change?
It was better when you could return if they get killed.
Except my trader all my characters are Order, and don't say "Well get another charcater" Because I dont want to sit in Liberty or somthing listening to the noobs going "LOL" and "ROFL" all day...
I am really really annoyed, so if you have read my rant then thanks...
Keep an extra Order character in Delta?
Make an Order Reconnaissance Cruiser and park it anywhere?
It's supposed to prevent misconduct. If a lane pirate gets destroyed by lawfuls in a system, he shouldn't be able to return within four hours and pirate the same lane. Edit: Even with another pirate character.
That being said, I have an issue with this rule... let me give an example: I get destroyed in Honshu on my Kiretsu by IG or KNF. I switch to my KSP because I love flying around in a Wyrm and scanning people. Blood Dragons show up in Honshu, and I can't go there until 4 hours since my Kiretsu death occurred...
' Wrote:Except my trader all my characters are Order, and don't say "Well get another charcater" Because I dont want to sit in Liberty or somthing listening to the noobs going "LOL" and "ROFL" all day...
Funny, the last time I was in minor it was far worse then your average day in New York....
And yes. The common advice: Spread your wings a little. Try some other factions and areas.
Just stay in system, PM your attacker and get permission, and continue to do RP.
People are not that "maniac" - in general - to prevent you from playing a game.
All my chars are Order (except the nommies) so if it happens to me, I cannot play the game so I am openly abusing it as a co-operation with my attacker. If my attacker says "no, I want you to leave" then I do.
I never ever, NEVER EVER re engage. If I died, I died. That is a fact. And usually I don't get involved in the battle RP on going. If I do, I do it according to my death (like POD comm or over the Isis CIC comm kinda).
And yes, some of the rules are preventing the gameplay more than protecting it, it is a fact.
' Wrote:5.7 A player who was killed in a PvP fight must not enter the system where the fight took place with any of the characters on his/her account(s) until four hours have passed from the time of his/her destruction.
If the player respawns in the same system, he/she must leave the system within 10 minutes of his destruction without engaging anyone, except in self-defense. Other players are not allowed to attack one who is leaving
So here is my story, im in Omicron Minor with my carrier, Bounty Hunters attack and i get destroyed.
Now I can't play the game for 4 hours becasue even if they leave or get killed I cant enter my home system!!!!
This isnt the first time this has happened and this time i nearlly did my nut and quit Disco altogether.
Can someone please explain the reasoning behind the change?
It was better when you could return if they get killed.
Except my trader all my characters are Order, and don't say "Well get another charcater" Because I dont want to sit in Liberty or somthing listening to the noobs going "LOL" and "ROFL" all day...
I am really really annoyed, so if you have read my rant then thanks...
I'm sorry, but what part of spaceship GAME did you miss?
I've a suggestion for you. Moce one of your other Order characters to Delta. Makes it simple, then. Or do as I do - have a freelancer character that is completely unrelated to the Order and go explore Sirius with him. You'll see fun sights.
Well, if there's one thing I hate, is Corsairs getting killed in Gamma, then undocking from Crete and camping the Docking Ring. If you're killed, you either log out, or get out of sight. Not only that it creates confusion and more lag, but it's also against the rules. Same thing applies to the Order folk camping Isis after they die. And there are numerous other situations.
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