The Bremen system, a war zone controlled by the Rheinland Military. Constantly attacked by the Liberty navy, each day many pilots find their death fighting each other. Dignity, honor, valor, truth..Few have seen these conflicts, few have lived to tell about them, but in the near by nebula a probe attached to one of the asteroids observes these epic battles, for months this probe intercepted transmissions, gather data about war strategies, weapons and shields technology.
*** (static) Herr von Speer, we have an unknown contact about thirteen clicks away, near this nebula. What are your orders ***
*** Three clicks(static)
. and coming closer... this.. (static)
. Libertonian fighters! Our weapons have already opened fire ***
*** scanners show(static)
.. some really strange(static)
. signal within the debris ***
*** We have a serious problem. The moment we feared has come ***
*** I recommend to keep this secret, so that(static)
there will be no great panic ***
*** It is some organic compound ***
*** to bring in a dangerous biological weapon(static)
*** (static) long as we found a solution for the weapon..***
***Does anybody know what we are dealing with(static)***
Signal lost: Erroroverwrite, transmissions recorded.
The small spider probe has been jumping from one asteroid to another. Trying to locate the source of the last intercepted transmission, but for 2 days there hasnt been a transmission which matches the frequency. Finally it detected a faint signal.
*** We are ready ( static ) for departure..Copy th.(static)good luck.remember this is our only chance to.(static) an antidote..***
Analysis complete: 89% match. Primary objective: Locate the source and observe.
The probe calculated the course of its unknown moving target and slowly went to the edge of the asteroid field. From there it waited. It didnt take long and the Danzig was in visual range.
Target locked..firing homing beacon. Trackingtracking.signal found. Target left the system scanners..searching signal: Link reestablished, uploading visual data.
Location: California system
Destination: Unknown
Objectives: Unknown
Detected transmissions: 0%
Observation on Targets movements..magnifying image..Locked on primary target. Sending recorded data to the command ship.
The probe send all data it collected, the signals destination was deep in the border worlds.
Location: Sigma 13 Crow nebula.
The Crow nebula, main source of H-fuel for the entire Sirius and one of the most beautiful systems. The vast blue glowing lightsurrounded by the silence of space. The GMG miners often speak of this system as heaven and hell at the same time. Outcasts and Corsairs are often raiding the trade lanes. But in the far corner of the cloud..a sleeping giant waitedhidden from the rest of the Sirius no one knew of its existence.
===Receiving data====
Source: Spider probe 146
Uploading recorded data to the main frame.
Analyzing( completed )
66: Father, we have found them. They are heading deep in to Liberty territory.
Dr.Pod: It is timeignite the primary engines. Our time has come at last my children!!! Prepare the nomad cell for a hyper jump.
The giant vessel slowly began to move, in the blurry cloud it resembled as a ghost ship, mysterious and ancient. It had its marks from many battles on the scared hull. It was half station half a carrier, constructed from what ever technology could be salvaged by the mad Doctor Pod; From Liberty, Kusari, Bretonia, Rheinland and from the most deadly species known to man kind: The Nomads. This monster was named the KyNyan as it accelerated to full impulse from the front the ship a focused blue beam was fired. For the first time an artificial singularity was opened. The Monster ship entered the anomaly and disappeared leaving no trace of its presence in Sigma 13 .
Location: Bremen system
Sector: 2 G
Military battle group Beta-9
Reconnaissance mission
In the edge of the Bremen system a gravitational anomaly began to form slowly emitting a strong signal. Military battleship Westphalia detected the distortion and contacted the nearest patrol to find out the source of the anomaly. Captain Christian Koerner has been charged with the task to lead the battle group. The 3 cruisers, the RNC-Hameln, RNC-Ingolstadt and the RNC-Offenbach finally reached their destination and prepare to scan the area.
Security channel
[color=#BF00BF]*** RNC Hameln to Westphalia Command. ***
*** Receiving your signal Hameln, what is your status. ***
*** Our group arrived at the coordinates. We are commencing the gravitational analysis now. Our sensors are going crazy over here. We cant confirm the presence of liberatorian vessels. ***
*** High Command recommends proceeding with caution we dont what we are dealing with. ***
*** Still out of visual range, moving to the last way point. ETA 1 min. ***
Captain Koerner enters the bridge, he sits in his chair and observes the forming anomaly. It was a beautiful view, with bright blue colors slowly mixing in to a vortex.
Koerner: Report, what do we have here?
Unconfirmed Captain we are still running the test, but the origin of this singularity is not caused by natural force .What ever this is its getting bigger. Captain we have visual contactgetting the test results now.
Thisthis cant be right. Double check those readings. Sir.the singularity is phase lininggravitational sensors are off the scale.
Westphalia Command: *** Hameln could this be caused by Liberty forcesrepeat could this be liberatorians? ***
*** Negative Westfallia we are 56k away from the New Hampshire jump hole, theres nothing out here. ***
CaptainI have a reading, the singularity has phasedsir there a massive object warping out of the anomaly.
Koerner: *whispers* Oh my God
As the singularity expanded ten times the cruisers size the KyNyan arrived followed by the blazing lightings from the anomaly. Captain Koerner stood and just watched the monster ship, amazed by its size. For a moment they thought the Wilde have created a new weapon, but the design was unlike anything they have seen before. It was just a moment of silence, a moment which ended with the alarm from the RNC-Hameln.
Sir the unknown ship is targeting us!
Koerner: Shields up! Power up the primary turrets, fire on my mark. Incoming missiles 250 degrees starboard ; 5 warheads closing fast!
Koerner: All cannons open fire! Evasive maneuver alpha 13.aim the solaris turrets at the missiles!
Large energy reading from the targetantimatter configuration! Theyre firing at the Offenbach!!
Kroener: To all ships fire at will!
The warheads detonated in to the Hameln and cut her shields like hot butter. The RNC-Ingolstadt takes direct hits at the top tower by the antimatter blasts, the entire ships burns and its collapses in 10 seconds
Koerner: Give me a damage report!
Theyve knocked out our primary engines..never seen such fire power.the reactor is at 56%...we have confirmed hull breaches on decks A, D and G.
They are firing 7 more on the Ingolstadt! Dear God.. she going down! They are ejecting all life pods.
3 more antimatter charges 320 degrees directly ahead Captain!
Kroener: Divert all power to the forward shield!!
The second hit literally melts the lower decks of the Hameln. Captain Kroener knew the cant take another blast like that.
We are loosing structural integrity!
Are the shields even up!?!!? Confirmed, decks D, G and H are destroyed, casualties number is growing!
Reactor down to 11%....shields are 4% and dropping! Half of the turrets are destroyed!
Kroener: Send orders to the Offenbach to cover us, we are retreating.
Sir the Offenbach is going down ! Theyre cutting us to pieces!
Kroener: Attention this is the Captain! All crew abandon ship, I repeat! All crew abandon ship! Get to the escape pods!
Theyre launching again!
Koerner: Set all cannons to intercept the torpedoes! Defensive maneuver Zeta 6! I want full spread!
Munster Research Facility - Bremen system
Ready Room of Director Thauer
817/10/05 - 19:14 Rheinland Standard Time
Director Thauer was sitting at his table, looking at some documents with a grim face. Out on the corridor, many agents ran around and shouted orders at each other. The entire station was in an uproar. August and his chief officer Grahl entered the room and saluted the Director.
"Have a seat. First of all, I have to thank you for the outstanding operation result. Due to your commendable strategy, we were abled to design an antidote without any casualties. Only an agent of the strike force is slightly injured, but the civilian population of Rheinland is safe from this terrifying biological weapon."
"It was an hounour to serve the Kanzler. As always Herr Direktor. You agents really are highly trained specialists. Our enemy shall fear them! I am lucky that the danger of this bio weapon is eradicated finally."
"Indeed, but now I want to ask you for another service for the MND. About one hour ago, we got some... strange signals, which came out of the deep space. We sent three cruisers there, which patroled this area..."
"Please proceed..."
"I have nothing to proceed. We received an emergency signal from the RNC-Hameln, then... silence. Nobody is responding to our calls. We initiated deep space scans from the Westphalia, but we didn't find anything. It is like these three huge ships don't exist anymore. Now you come into play... we want you to fly near this sector with the Danzig and scan everything with your intense short range scan arrays. They are part of Vanessa Grafs equipment and should help us to investigate in this case. We have transferred the coordinates to the Danzig's computer so you will start right now."
About fiteen minutes later the Danzig undocked from Munster and set course to the given coordinates. Chief officer Grahl was standing next to August on the bridge and watched out of the front windows.
"Mein Herr, I have a bad feeling about this. I can not tell you why, but something feels wrong."
They reached the coordinates, Director Thauer gave to them. A space cemetery. Floating ship parts, dead bodies and cargo crates drifted around. It was like nothing the crew has seen before.
All bridge officers stood with open mouths and watched the horrible scenery... August got back his countenance first.
"Whatever happened here... we will find it out. Herr Leicht, fly us through this field and activate the bow lamps. I want to have a look at every single scrap part."
The Danzig went deeper in the debris field, there was no sign of survivors, for the first time the crew saw such devastation. The cruisers were shredded, cut in to small scraps of metal. Several life pods were found, but they were empty or worse, broken in half and the helpless officers were pulled in to the cold darkness of the void. The Danzig transmitted a message on all frequencies, their hope was for possible survivors to receive the signal. The density of the debris was too thick and scanners could not tell a functional pod or ship from the floating metal. Finally the Danzig received a distress call.
Leicht: Sir we are receiving a transmissionits pretty only, I will try to establish a visual link.
==== (static).thank God..we have to get out of here (static)they are hunting the remaining life must.AAAAA..====
The military survivor shouts loudly and before the transmission ended the crew heard the sound of cracking metal and a laser shot.
Leicht: Am sorry sir, we lost the signal.I managed to get 1 second from the on board camera.
Speer: On screen.
Can you clear the picture?
Leicht: Already did, cant get any better than this.
Speer looks closely to the glowing green light. He knows he saw that somewhere.
Speer: What the hell are you. ( talks to him self )
Track the last transmission from that pod. I want to know where it is! That thingor what ever it is, I want to see it on this bridge by the end of the day. Answering for what happened here.
Little did Vizeadmiral Speer knew that were being watched.
Sensors detected another ship. Rheinland Gunboat class, it has not spotted us yet.
Dr.Pod: Destroy it like the rest!
Affirmative. Locking on target, antimatter cannon charging: 30%.....60%...78%....100%.
Wait! That signal.identify it!
Scanning complete: Results: Homing beacon mark 146. Recon probe device.
Contact 51.. We have a new target for the hunters.
Leicht: Sir, am picking multiple objects on an intercept course.
Speer: Can you identify them?
Leicht: No Sir, the debris field distortion limits our scanner theyre gone.
Speer: What do you mean..
Suddenly the Danzig gets hit several times, the powerful hits shake the entire ship. Dr. Pod send 3 parties of droids on board special Raid Pod . The vessels used the debris field for cover, then penetrated the Danzigs shields and began to slice their way in the gunboat. Herr Speers reaction was quick and he ordered all available soldiers to block the attackers. The Rheinwehr marines were ready, they loaded their weapons and pointed them at the melting hull. But the real surprise came did not came from there.
Marine1: fire on my mark.
Marine2: Just let me at them.
Marine3: You hear something? I think theres something above us.
( The Rheinwher soldiers look up )
A large explosion blew a whole in the sealing and 51 entered first. Before the marines could fire, 51 used his dual flamethrowers and burned them alive. Another security team entered that deck, but all it got in return was 51s rockets. When the area was clear, the droids breached the Danzigs armor. They secured the deck and under the command of 51, they headed for the bridge.
Speer: Team Alpha report!.....Team Delta do you copy?.....What hell is going here!
Leicht: Sir, am reading an intruder just outside the main corridorthey broke the camera
Speer turns around and looks at the door leading to that corridor.
Speer: Seal off the bridge now! Close the reinforced blast doors.
It was too late, the droids used a mine to blow their way in. 51 threw a flash grenade and blinded the crew, in the chaos they captured chief officer Marlene Grahl.
51: Primary objective completed, 79, report in have you found the doctor?
79: Affirmative, awaiting your commands.
The droid raiders quickly retreated on their ships and headed for the KyNyan leaving the gunboat behind. Dr. Pod observed everything from the command bridge with a sharp looking smile on his face. Several minutes later 51 entered the bridge.
51: All objectives completed.
Dr.Pod: I expect nothing else from you.
51: Respectfully father, are you going to leave them alive? We can not allow any witnesses.
Dr.Pod: Why bother, their fate is inevitable. Everything is going according to plan. I want them to watch and see my greatest work. Now I want our guests to be treated well, no disintegration! First theyll answer some questions.
At the far edge of the omega 11 system the KyNyan holds its position. Using the high radiation level from the red giant as cover from any possible military patrol. There was no escape from this desolate place. Many pilots have found there death here: pirates, civilians, miners, militaries or police.its all the same to the dangerous solar flares melting all vessels which get too close and frying the pilots in their seats. Here Dr. Pod can now focus his full attention on Frau Grahl and Vanessas assistant.
Frau Grahl woke up tied up to table, she still felt dizzy from the flash grenade. For a moment she thought that it was all a bad dream, but all that changed when she saw Dr.Pods maniacal laboratory. It was a sick place with barely any light. The walls were covered in blood and the faint stench of rotting flesh was hard to ignore. The only light in that room were the green tanks, full with many of Pods unfortunate test subjects. Frau Grah tried to set herself free, then she heard a voice.
Dr. Pod: Ah miss Grahl, so good you could join us. I apologize for my rude children, I hope they didnt damage you too badly.
Grahl: Who are you! Why did you bring me here!?
Dr. Pod: So much to say.......but unfortunately so little time ( Pod emerges from the dark corner of the lab and comes closer to Frau Grahl )
Grahl: You are the one responsible for the loss of our ships..Ill see to it that you answer for you crimes.
Dr. Pod: You ask too many questions miss Grahl, lets make a fair deal. Ill answer you and then you answer me.
Now before you start lecturing and whining about your poor cruisers.I got only one question for you. I need the sub-space access codes to the militaries AI protection grids. Specifically those around New Berlin.
Grahl: You know my answer.but may I ask what for?
Pod turns the table so that Lt. Grahl can see clearly at a monitor.
Dr.Pod: Watch closely, since am in such a good mood Ill be patient and explain to you everything.
You see I was a respected scientist in the Cambridge research institute. Oh yes.I was one of the best. I worked hard, I wanted to find a way to reverse the aging process. And after months of sweat and tears I finally did it. But it was not a formula or a special serum.I found a way to successful bond a machine with a living organism. That was when I realized.the future belongs to the machines! Not to some weak I tested the whole project on me. And now I am perfection itself!
Am sure you have seen reports of my children spreading the true Way through out Rheinland. But you know, you dont survive in this wretched galaxy by being stupid. This ship around you.yes yes yes..this ship is more than 200 years old. It has been my lifes work, my home.., but I needed supplies, so I raided some of rheinlands transport ships. The problem with Rheinlandis that its full of rhienlanders.and they keep getting in my way. Your military will cross my path for the last time. OH YES.I know about the biological weapon of yours..and am going to prefect it. With its help Ill truly have the power of God! That is why Ill extract everything from the puny assistant and Ill spread this virus across every Rheinland planet and station. Humans: They are a disease, a plague, a parasite to the Sirius sector.
My purpose is not only to cleanse the galaxy, but to ensure a safe future for my children.
Grahl: Then there is nothing left for us to discuss.
Dr. Pod: I thought you might say that, but dont worry I have a special surprise for you. ( Pod pushes a button and opens a small window )
Frau Grahl looks closely, it was just another room, but with some.strange people inside it. They were acting like lunatics, running around and screaming, scratching on the walls leaving nail marks on them.
Dr.Pod: Listen.the wonderful sound of insanity.
The door to the room was full with terrified people opens and a woman walks out. Frau Grahl notices that is not human, this abomination had faint green silicate skin, Grahl could see its internal mechanics. Instead of normal fingers, it had nails like needles, from which an unknown fluid was slowly leaking.
Dr.Pod: Meet my special 66. Beautiful isnt she. I always wanted to have a daughter.
Tell me miss Grahl, would you like to face your fears? All at the same time?
Dont worry, 66 knows the human biological structure too well, you wont die, just experience the true meaning of suffering.
66 sets Grahl free and drags her in that room. The Lt. tries to fight back, but the droid is stronger than her. 66 injects frau Grahl with a toxin
66: Poor little girl..are you lost, Youre in my world now. Here I decide what is real.
The toxin quickly affects Grahls nervous system, she feels the effects: Her eyesight becomes blurry, she barely stands still, she starts to hallucinate and falls on the ground. The nightmare was about to begin. Grahls started hearing numerous voices, her body was burning up, and with her blurry eye sight she couldnt tell whats real. She tried to get up from the floorthen in flash she saw her fears.
The entire Danzig bridge crew was accommodated in the New Berlin hospital. Fortunately for them, they werent injured too badly and the doctors expected their condition to improve soon. Vizeadmiral Herr Speer was still unconscious, one of the doctors was on his way to Speers room.
Doctor: Still sleeping?.that makes 26 hours. Seems like you are doing fine here.
Suddenly Speer wakes up, he still thinks that the Danzig is under attack
Speer: Grenade! Take cover!!
Doctor: Herr Vizeadmiral, calm yourself please, you are safe.
Speer: What the..what happened, where am I?
Doctor: We were hoping you to tell us that, your ship was found drifting in space and half of the crew was dead. Those who made it are here now in New Berlin. You are lucky to be alive, who ever attacked you, was not interested in the ship or its commanding officer. Only 2 people are missing.
Speer: Doctor, please tell me.their names.
Doctor: Your Lt. Chief officer Marlene Grahl and some medical assistant, there was no information about him on your ship.
Speer looks at the doctor with a terrified look and quickly gets up from the bed.
Doctor: No sir! Wait you have to rest.
Speer: How long have been here?
Doctor: More than 1 day, sir please calm down now.
Speer: There is no time! I have to contact the high command.
3 Hours later.
Location: Braunschweig system
Military Battleship Moselle
Sector: 6 F
Speer: I want every available wraith to scout the border systems in Rheinland. Meine Herren we are facing a dangerous opponent, instruct the fighters to proceed with caution.
**Moselle intercom ** Vizeadmiral Speer you have a message from Director Thauer.
Moselle hangars
Speer heads for his ready room. When he enters it he notices the flashing red light at bottom of his personal computer. Director Thauer was still waiting no doubt he was concernedhe had his reasons.
*** Channel open ***
Thauer: Herr Vizeadmiral..I am pleased so you are alright and
Speer: Lets skip the formalitiesI trust you know what happened.
Thauer: Yes, yes I do. And I trust you know how serious this is. Who ever attacked you, they knew their target, they knew about the weapon.everything.
Speer: I know who attacked us, I hoped those things were gone, but now this.
Thauer: What matters now is that we stop them at all costs. If you know how to find your attackers, do what ever you want, the MND will support you.
Speer: Danke, but I doubt we can handle this threat just with fire power. We need help.
Thauer: Help? What do you mean?
Speer: Those RBT units Herr Director, the ones your research teams constructed. Am sure you understand. Pardon me, but Ill say this straight: Because of your foolish projects a lot of good soldiers died and hope you learn from that.
Thauer: Now is not the time for ethics, you said you know how to find them.
Speer: Yes, looks like Ill break my promise. I will contact you when I have more information. Speer out.
30 minutes later
Moselle Engineering deck
Speer: Have they located it?
Yes sir, weve already send a transport to pick it up. They should be back in 5 minutes.
Speer: Goodgoodthank you gentlemen for your efforts.
The automatic doors open and the group of marines enter the engineering deck. They were carrying with them a cryo-pod. Speer moves closely to the pod and looks through the glass.
Speer: Welcome back fryer. Plug him in and extract every thing hes got in his data base!
After many attempts the engineers encounter the same problem over and over again. The positron network of Unit-04 did not accept any commands.
Speer: You are even more stubborn than before.
Herr Vizeadmiral, we tried everything, am not sure how this thing is doing it, but it blocks all of our commands.
Speer: Toaster, doesnt want us to know its secrets. Alright, can you reactivate him?
Yes, but that wont change a thing.
Speer: Just do it, lets see if theres still a small part of Botzler thats still alive.
The crew quickly plugs in the power core and activates the primary system network to 04s programming. The green eyes of the robots head begin to glow and it starts to transmit garbled messages. Speer moves closer and stares at its eyes.
Speer: Guten Morgen bucket head, remember me?
The RBT unit doesnt answer
Seer: Am sure you do, now listen carefully, your fellow toasters showed themselves and they intend to cause is more trouble than usual. Now you are going to tell me everything about your ships, weapons and plans.
RBT still doesnt answer
Speer: Look.Botzler04or whoever you are, we have little time before those things find a way to use what they stole from my ship. When they are ready, they will kill people, hundreds-thousands of rheinlanders will die. You have the information we need to stop them. I know everything about, who you were, what youve done, and I know that you wont let that happen. You are trapped in that never ending nightmare, but you still have the will to fight it.
You hear me?! Fight that thing, your spirit is the only thing you got left. Help us now!
RBT-04: Mockery: Pathetic organic creature, you refer to hope ? That is why you will perish, it is inevitable, you will(static) erroroverwrite.(static) unknown protocol detected..(static)You wont keep me here forever clanker!......(static) Error.possible virus detectedoverwritover.overoverover....(static) Errorerror.I will not allow you to control me any longer!.........( static ) ..critical system failure..
The robot shuts down for a moment and quickly reactivates itself.
RBT-04: Herr Speer..I dont know how long I can keep it..I canI can upload of its data base. Youll find everything you need there.Cursed fryer.this head is too small of the both of us. Herr Speer, please safe our fatherland from this menace.and.(static )..errorerror..overwriteSupplication: Negativenegative.termination is not an option
Speer: Do we have the files?
Yes sir. We cracked the defense program.
Access granted: Upload in progress
Speer: I want that things memory wiped out!
RBT-04: Statement:.(static) will.all.die.
Speer: Burn you son of a...(draws out his blaster pistol and fires 5 shots at the robots head)
The data files were examined by the engineers, it took them more than 3 hours to cover so much information. 04 had everything they needed to finally put a decent plan in to action.
Herr Speer, we checked everything, this is truly remarkable. This droid was actually send here to spy on us. We have the many records of its mission, but thats the least of our problems now. What ever it learned or gained from is nothing compared to this. ( shows a hologram of the KyNyan )
Speer: Ill be damned..what the hell is this.
Its their mobile factory sir, their command ship and most likely the thing which destroyed our cruisers.
Speer: So how do we stop this monster?
Thats tricky part, this thing combines the technology of all 4 house militaries in the Sirius sector. Now it seems to be indestructible, the shields are unknown to me, their power signature is nothing I have seen before. What ever we throw at that ship, it wont even scratch it.
Speer: And we are suppose to just watch this thing rampage across Rheinland?!
Well there is one way.who ever build this thingam not sure who he is, the data base refers to him as Dr. Pod. Seems like the ship has minimum security on the inside. The doctor never planed to expect some one raiding it. So if we infiltrate the vessel and make through those inner docks here..yes right herewe can set the ships core to overload. When that happens it will most likely lose its shields.
Inner docks plan
Speer: This wont be a walk in the park mission, Do you think theyll let us in just like that?
No sir, not at all, the vessels weaponry is quite impressive, am not sure where they get all that power to the keep up such a ship operational, but it all leads to that core. Now about your ticket.we are very lucky, I just found out that incase of a quick get-away, 04 has a fighter hidden in the outskirts of the city. Its cargo hold is big enough for a team of 10 marines. We can use it to infiltrate that ship, I can also provide you with the access codes from 04. Use those codes and you wont have a problem getting in.
Speer: What about my chief officer? There is still a chance she could be alive.
Sir..yes there is but.there is no way to tell where they are keeping her.
Speer: Damn! There must be a way!
Am sorry sir..
Speer: Am not giving up on her how do we find that carrier?
There is no way to track it, but we can predict where will it appear. You remember that there was a strong space anomaly in Bremen..that ship can create such hyper wholes and jump from one system to another. It takes 30 minutes for the anomaly to phase, we will detect it..and after thatlets hope we are ready.
Speer: You know that plant of yoursam not sure it will work.
Yes sir..I even calculated our chances of success.less than 30%
Speer: But this is the only shot we got, alright lets do it.
Alert! Alert! Space singularity detected! Contact the fleet, secure sector 5 G.
Speer: So it beings, * speaks on the radio* this Vizeadmiral Speer to all military ships in New Berlin. Proceed to the coordinates. Operation Stealth blade is at go.
This was supposed to be another ordinary day for the New Berlin system...
......**STATIC**.......a blinding flash.....**PLASMA RADIATION**....a hyperspace anomaly appears approx. 30k away north-east above from planet New Berlin! As the core at the center of the anomaly grows rapidly, it disrupts most of the solar system's communication satellites for short amounts of time repeatedly. The circular motion of the matter around the core suggests that this is possibly a jumphole, however not a natural one. The New Berlin space radar planetside detects the anomaly shortly after its appearance and all of the scientists are alert about the dangerous radiation coming at the planet's atmosphere. All space stations, trader convoys and traveling ships across the system receive the distress call for an emergency situation about an unknown anomaly making its appearance near the capital planet of Rheinland.
.......**STATIC**............**ZAPP!!**....the center of the anomaly begins collapsing into a tunnel........large and medium-sized asteroids are coming out of the center of the hyper-jumphole, followed by large pieces of what appears to be scrap metal....a sight you don't see every day and one you cannot imagine even in your brightest the Rheinland Military arrives in planet New Berlin's orbit to prepare defenses against an unknown adversary, the jumphole's activity grows and it spills out even more asteroids........apparently, the other end of the jumphole is "sucking" matter from another system and this end is spilling it out with a great force.
....**CLASH**......**SPLAT**....a vast shockwave of space dust spreads out and something very large is making its way trough the tunnel.....just in a matter of milliseconds, the hyper-jumphole's core collapses and a blinding flash strikes out.....that causes another shockwave. Moments later.....among the scattered remains of a few asteroid chunks, a large spacecraft drifts slowly at a direction, set by the pulsating core of the jumphole. The craft looks damaged, there are dents in its hull, probably cause of the many asteroids ramming on it during shield failure....scrap panels are drifting among the asteroid chunks, probably torn apart by the gravity of the anomaly.
We are detecting a large Rheinland fleet blocking our path to New Berlin.
Pod: Good! An audience, this will be interesting. Engines at maximum speed, we will break their battle formation.
With the ongoing battle Herr Speer uses the stolen RBT vessel and infiltrates the KyNyan. He approaches the outer docks, the massive port was heavily defended by laser and missile turrets. The access codes provide a clear path and the fighter enters the ship. Herr Speer was amazed by the size of the inner docking system. Hundreds of fighters were standing by, transport vessels were making their short runs from one platform to another and missile turrets were placed at the top of the towers. The only thing Speer could do is just fly normal and follow the power signature coming from the KyNyans core.
After 10 minutes of flying in the steel corridors, the area suddenly expanded and the large power core generator appeared. There were many platforms where Speer could land. The massive structure was not guarded by any ships. Finally Speer found a suitable lone platform, he landed the vessel and as soon as he got out of it he took cover behind it.
It was quiet, dark and cold, Speer could hear the creaking sound of metal all over the place. Infiltrating the ship was the easy part. Now he had to sneak in very slow if he wanted the plan to succeed. Corridor after corridor and the signal got stronger. Speer saw jut 4 patrols of RBT infrantry units in that sector.
The droids were just doing the usual routine patrol, it was no problem for Speer, after 20 minutes of walking he saw a bright light at the end of the dark corridor. Finally he reached the nomad cell room. The entire place was glowing with intensive blue light. There were numerous conduits attached to the cell, draining power for the ship. The only problem for Speer was How do I shut this thing down?! . He carried several thermal detonators. Should be enough to destroy this installation and cripple the entire ship.
Suddenly something grabbed Speer threw him away from the cell. He flew about 10 meters. It was 66.
66: Hello you really think we would leave the cell unprotected?
Speer didnt waste any time, he got up and aimed his rifle at 66. The droid was very fast and agile, 66 began dogging all of the laser shots and for Speer surprise 66 easily climbed walls. There was nothing else to do, he just kept firing on her. 66 jumped in a ventilation shaft and disappeared.
Speer: What the heck is this! Robo-spider-super-woman!?!?! ( talks to himself)
66 was not gone, she was still there waiting in ambush. When the time was right 66 jumped from the sealing and kicked Speer. He blocked the kick with his rifle and as a result the weapon got crushed to pieces.
66: more big guns boy? ( she grabs at the throat and lifts him above the ground )
You are possibly the weakest and most pathetic organic I met so far.
Speer couldnt breathe and time running short.
66: Having air problems?( she tightens her grab )
Speer: ( caughs )
66: what? ( whispers )
Speer: Igot a grenade!
He activates a magnetic grenade which sticks to 66s back. As she tries to get it off Speer kicks her and takes cover. The large explosion shreds the droid. He made it, the path was clear. Speer set the charges and headed for the RBT vessel. He hoped that it wasnt too late, there was no time to sneak by the patrols, he had to run for his life and escape the RBT carrier. The other RBT units saw him and activated the alarm. Speer ran down the long bridge and entered the fighter. He engaged the auto-pilot and the vessel took off for the exit.
Speer: Finally.Ill demand more credits for this job.
51: You will not need them when am finished with you!
Speer looks back and sees 51 in the cargo by aiming with a sniper rifle at his head.
Speer: RobotsI hate robots.why does it always have to be killer robots!
KyNyan command bridge
Sir, there is an intruder onboard. He is piloting one of our ships. Confirmed, 66 has been destroyed.
Pod: WHAT!!! Where is that scum! FIND HIM!!!
51 reports he has captured the intruder. They are currently passing the inner docking rings.
Pod: That ship! Target it! Take it out!!!!!
But sir, 51 is still on board.
All of the docked fighters take off and target the fleeing vessel.
Speer: You know, I remember you. You were the one who kidnapped my first officer.
51: Correct, now surrender and peacefully and I will give you a quick death.
Speer: Of just wondering..seeing back therewhat might happen if do this. ( opens the cargo bay doors )
51 gets jettisoned out of the cargo bay and falls down.
Speer: Stupid toaster
KyNyan command bridge
We are in range, ready to fire the probes.
**all of the systems shut down **
Pod: What is going on here!
There seems to be a problem with the nomad cell.
We can not everything is shutting down. The nomad cell is overloading.
Pod: Quickly! Deactivate it!
It does not respond to any of our commands.
Herr Speer reaches the exit and manages to escape alive, military wraiths cover him and destroy the pursuing vessels.
The Ky'Nian is slowly losing its power along with its chances to survive the fight with the growing reinforcements of the Military. The ultimate target - planet New Berlin, is getting harder to keep a lock on, cause of the bombardments coming from everywhere......Doctor Pod gives his last commands to his droid servants, prior to the bio-missile launch on the planet's surface.....And there it is - the moment for action....the desired range has to the surface targets planetside has been reached! The Doctor gives out the command to fire all missile silos....
.....A fail. The system's power has been drained....the missiles could not be launched.....this is the moment where the Doctor really grasps that his work and his ultimate goal have been lost at the very second the ship's power core had failed....there is nothing a mad scientist can do when his equipment fails him. But when the dreams are destroyed, the mad doctor makes sure there is NOTHING left from his work for others to capture and exploit.
Just moments later, a great clash of energy and dark matter sucks into the pulsating core of the hyper-jumphole......its gravity is pulling everything in its path towards the core, which once again forms onto a tunnel increasing speed.....the Ky'Nian starts to disintegrate as it is being pulled to the center of the jumphole....the front part of it is solid enough to be seen in "one piece" as it finally disappears into the jumphole........