I believe Angel tried the [Rogues] faction ages ago though I don't know what exactly happened.
I forsee big challenges for any faction basing itself in Liberty space. Trade is the wheel that makes Sirius go round. The hottest selling spot in Liberty is Manhattan. If you wish to influence what happens in Liberty you have to have a direct impact on Manhattan. As it is, no one can do that. [SA] is patrolling Texas and California, but once someone jumps into NY their juristiction ends. RM dont have that problem, SF dont have that problem...its a pickle.
Same goes for the pirates and terrorists. No one wants to RP a true xeno or Rogue because their own backyards are off limits.
Nobody wants to be a true Xeno beacause it would be too hard to make money. I say it's not neccesarily true it's just harder. This may be wrong but if you made the mooring rings available to pirates it would mean that people could smuggle artifacts into main planets. Also if you turn off Manahatten as a non-PVP area it would mean that new players come into a already live RP server. If it was possible to have new players starting on pittsburg then it would be perfect. Pittsburg is not that used and may server as a newb planet.
Well, if the [SA] are serious about their RP, they would/should eventually patrol all of Liberty, including NY. It all comes down to the RP in NY since they can't really enforce their laws in that particular system. The patrolling of NY would have to be mostly about showing new players the importance of RP on this server as well as helping them get into the RP.
The IDs don't just go for traders. A Liberty Navy IDd player can't dock at planets, because they are POLICE bases. And can't even dock Norfolk Shipyards, or Ft. Bush, because they aren't Liberty Navy. Thats what I was saying about the RM ID. You can only dock your faction's bases, then you can't go ANYWHERE. Let alone get the equipment for capships that is sold basically only on Zoner and Order bases.
I think we just need to put all high-end equipment, as Mal said, to Guard bases. Currently Guard bases give out VIII armor. And getting a guard green is a very difficult thing to do if you also want to keep their enemies green. This would almost NEED bribes, hence as Jon said, higher the bribe pricing. This would make it hard and expensive to get equipment you shouldn't have, as well as ships.
If you read what I said again DAB, someone with a Liberty Navy ID would have full green with Liberty Police ,or should have providiing they dont kill them for bots and bats like the KNF would do. Being full green would grant docking rights....
Sorry Nuss, thats a cop out ... No roleplay there whatsoever. Reading the faction info cards gives you main
enemies and friends. And most of the people who play this with a modicum of serious intent know what the
standings should be.
Doesn't take much to work out where you should and shouldn't be ...
@Yngen, it was a girl named Jessica who tried the Rogue faction.
Some say he is a proud member of: "The most paranoid group of people in the Community."
Angel never did any [Rogues] faction, that was jessica, like the rest of her factions it flopped after two weeks cos she vanished.
The IDs linked to reps would work, you would only be able to land on friendly bases and planets.
So, for example, an LPI ID'd player would be green to all liberty companies and the liberty navy and full red to all liberty pirates/enemies and neutral to everyone else.
I can't see why this is so hard to grasp, it's simple common sense and cuts out the player. If we can get buying an ID to lock your rep then it should be fool proof.
After all, do you actually see an RM NPCs in liberty? No, just rhienland traders.
So a trading company ID would allow you to dock at any police or navy base as well as any friendly/allied companies.
A zoner ID would only let you land on zoner bases and pass through NPC pirates, though if they want your cargo they will try and take it. Thats the price of them being neutral to everyone.
A xeno ID would limit you to xeno bases, everyone else would be red. Except for the IMG and zoners who would be neutral.