From: Capt. Cross.Crass
Rank: Capt. 2nd. class
Status: Unknown
With 25years Mr. Crass became one of the youngest Captains in Liberty, because of his brilliant skills in every situtaion. He got his first Cruiser the "Balance of Justice". It was a hard time, because of the many enemys of Liberty, the Rogues, the Order, the Nomads and the Rheinland Military.
After the attack at the Rheinland Cruiser "Donau" he noticed that there was something shady about it. He research a lot and came to the result. The Nomads are infiltrating Liberty.
He became nervous and was extrem careful, he checked his crew everytime after a shore leave. After a few months be found the first nomad in his team and killed him at once. On the same date he decided to leave Liberty.... forever.
He cruised with his Crew through the space and found no place, were they could life.
Afterwards (they stopped counting the days) they arrived in Omikron Delta. There they got to know the Bounty Hunters, and came great together with them. He found some liberty ships too, and one battleship, the "Balance of Power". His ship was built in the same year as the Balance of Power, because of that they have bloody simliar names.
Cross tested the live as a Bounty Hunter for a few years and wanted to stay by the Bounty Hutners with his Cruiser, secondary he decided to join the little fleet of Balance.of.power.
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// i hope o can legitimaze my Crusier with this story, and im not the player of the balance of power. but we know us