Since a week im wondering about Dabadoru... this is an really small Base, but it is the most used Base of the Hunters ! They start with their Battleships, Battlecruisers and all from there, but this base is really small... so how could this base hold Battleships and all ? And also it looks more like mining station and not like an Battlestation ! They fight from there against Order and Keepers in the North, Corsairs and Outcasts in the South/east... looks a bit oorp with that size! according to the size of the station i think it could hold max Resources/Crews for an Destroyer but not for an Battleship or something
Agreed, that base is just utterly small, considering that BHG is basing most big ships from there, also most of the collected material from Nomads, etc. is stored there until someone goes sell it on some research station.
But the base was built recently, which speaks against the bigger size. (but then I would have to point out some huge bases that suddenly popped out from nowhere. *coughs* Aland *coughs*)
Anyway, I hope someone could make it a tad larger in another version, or some update perhaps.
I personally dont think it should be there at all - that system is heavily patrolled by not one but three staunch enemies of the Bounty Hunters and its highly doubtful they would have ever got the materials there to build it.
That being said, if it IS going to be there, it should be small and hidden, that way its at least somehow plausible that it possibly could have been made on the sly....
and that is the biggest problem.
dabadoru was maked as small hidden station. not to dock all the battleships there. or you think is possible to buy bigger station in system, where are corsairs, hunters and order? the strongest enemies of hunters?....
but at Dabadoru stay much Battleships, it's a big Warstation and it's to small.
Hey there
I know that a lot of battleships dock there - thats fine, i just disagree with the station being there at all - but thats just my opinion:)
That being said - station physics in terms of size doesnt really matter in terms of what happens in game... i mean... yeah i know it looks silly having this big big ship docking with something half its size... even sillier when there are 20 of them! Try docking a Corsair Legate with the Fes...... Its a hoot.
okay... but what about maybe about an new base for the hunters ? A Big battlesation more outside and dabadoru as small front outpost for scouts and fighters