If it adds hull and drains cash at a steady rate while offline for Terrorist ID's (Not Faction ID's. As a faction ID shows you are part of thier faction and are therefore welcome to dock there) Then ok, fine.
While Online, no.
Also it shouldent be Bots/Bats as well. If you want to replenish them then you can salvage them off the NPC's or unlucky players. Thats just one of those things that comes with being a terrorist.
' Wrote:0-499 posts: Your posts will be completely and utterly ignored. 500-999 posts: People will read your posts, but will never care for the content. 1000-2000 posts: Your posts will be read, your points may be considered, if you're lucky. 2001+ posts and custom title:Your opinion matters.
the more i think about this the more i dislike it. it will limit the playability of the characters governed by this. after one fight (if you win) you'll be totally depleted and be forced to either wait a day to play again or go find NPC's the farm. when the NPC's drop maybe 10 b/b's max with each kill then it would take hours to be back up to par, all while trying to avoid those pesky good guys looking for bragging rights. that's only on a low server load too, if the server is full then the NPC's will all but disappear, leaving you crippled.
having terrorist bases/faction might be nice...sure would fix the issue Mon'Star has with his TAG.
if you can make it work without it becoming a nerf, i'll be happy, but i'm a wee bit doubtful right now
To be honest I have yet to see Mon'Star or any Terrorist ID other than Xeno.
So your lack of playtime make no difference to me:P
' Wrote:0-499 posts: Your posts will be completely and utterly ignored. 500-999 posts: People will read your posts, but will never care for the content. 1000-2000 posts: Your posts will be read, your points may be considered, if you're lucky. 2001+ posts and custom title:Your opinion matters.
' Wrote:Why not just place some wrecked Neutral-rep bases all over Sirius which in-RP are unpopulated, but occasionally used by various outlaws and other fugitives to moor their ship to conduct repairs? People could dock there without it being ooRP, they could respawn there, and they could also resupply there. And it would open up quite a few RP opportunities as well.
Personally, I think this is a swell idea. It would help others too, not just the terrorists. If we could scatter things like Bedford Station around Sirius, it'd be very helpful for the terrorists without having to resort to FLHook for a rather strange fix.