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' Wrote:While I recognized that the Americans among our lines are running around in camouflage and using weapons... I decided to show you a typical German picture:
Me, drinking beer and hanging around with friends.
And yes, this is a Cisco Systems jacket.:)
Your beer is vastly superior. You know whats really great though? Hanging around with your friends drinking beer and shooting guns! Id have to say if it was german beer, and german guns, it would be fun. MG3s are the balls!
EDIT: Dont drink and type.
Hostile_Endeavor-Mercenary Trader, setting new guys on the right track, one starflier at a time. DeOppressoLiber-Mercenary Hunter/Killer. Behind your lines or in a pirate ridden system near you! <span style="color:#000066">M.I. Fight or Die! </span>
That's me sitting in Dead Sea couple of months ago.
Me and kids at the summer house where I'm actually sending these pictures from. There's a grasshopper in the box that we caught from a field. Just a had sauna and took a skindip in the lake. Ahhh. Brisk!