Due to circumstances in different plains of existence SA is not at full force, however, our mettle has not faded nor ended in regards to our friendship. Orders have been written and filed to all SA to help in any capacity. My word is good and will not be broken. We maintain hostile intent towards AW and their lap-dogs. Call on us when in need. We have not started this vendetta, but our blade shall finish what they have created.
My compliments
Admiral RedBear"
To: SA
From: Admiral RedBear of Texas Sqdn.
Re:AW and their dogs
As of this moment all veneer of civility towards our enemies is removed. They have hounded us since our very inceptions. It is time now to return the favor. All members are free to join with CCE in actions against AW and their puppets. Time to bring the fight to them, Fortune favors the bold and prepared. Make ready all vessels and kill the enemy, where ever they may hide.
Imagine when I commission LNS-WolfBear. This is what I can do in a Frigate versus your flagship. No bots or bats. True, I took damage but it was very close. You have a choice.
To: SA
From: Admiral RedBear of Texas Sqdn.
Re: Our "enemy"
Take heart I have faced one of their, supposed, best in my nerfd Frigate and he was not much to fear. once civil authority returns what is rightfully mine the outcome shall be different. In addition, the LNS-WolfBear will be commissioned soon. Take heart for our enemy has none.
1st I have not left SA in my heart of hearts, however, there are tatics I must use not favorable for an Admiral of the Navy. I shall continue to post my exploits, however, my advice will be suggestions and not orders. As of this moment I am taking the battle to a different level. My advice to all is to maintain your present level of actions and honor. I, however, must sacrifice mine to remove the stink from Theta. Call on me at anytime, however, I am still SA and will aid regardless of call.
My heart felt regards, my brothers
Cpt. OsoRojo, Red Hessian
We stand at a crossroads. It seems that everywhere we turn the enemy is there taunting us and showing no respect for us or the rule of law that we stand for. With our list of friends sharply declining and the list enemys mounting it's hard to stand and hold the line. I know that it is difficult. But we must remember that they are on the wrong side of that line for a reason. They are there because they lack the courage, the conviction, the pride, and the heart to do the right thing. We can see this in everything they do from the lack of respect to the way they fight. I see all the hard work that this unit has put in and I can't help but feel a swell of pride. We must also remember that as a unit we are very young. We will find our tactics. We will find our groove. We just need to work at it and I know that we will be victorious. Now is the time that we dig deep and find that core within each of us. That being said we need to step it up gentlemen. I know we can do it. Admiral Osorojo has requested a leave of absense and it has been granted. May the stars watch over you Admiral. Good hunting. As of this moment I take command of the fleet under Adm Nussebull. Lets carry this fight gentlemen. That is all.
Admiral Adamson
LNS Valhalla, California/Texas BG, Commanding
South Alliance
P.S. If any of you would like one of the new sigs please let me know and I will quickly whip it up for you.
<span style="color:#CCCCCC">"BOLT FROM THE HEAVENS"
"Nobody ever won a war by dying for his country, you win wars by making the sorry SOB's die for theirs!"
I'm ordering all ships to Virginia, talk to Captain Ancel at Richmond,
he needs people for patrol duty in the system,
there we will camp, do not pursue the enemy if they run.
Do some patrols in CA and TX, if you find any hostiles, lure them
to Virginia.
You will only engage if the enemy are outnumbered,
don't engage the Rheinland bombers, they're too dangerous,
I recommend flying fighters to counter any small ships.
FROM: Cpt. Tannik Seldon (Callsign: Sushi)
First of all, I apologize for my lack of regular reports recently. I'm not used to commanding a fighter squadron, and the 383rd needs a lot of attention. I just got back from my first experience presiding at a funeral: one of my hotshot young pilots tried to join the recent battle at the Magellan jump gate without any backup, and got killed for his brave effort.
The 383rd is about to begin a series of training exercises, open to all SA pilots. Allies of the SA will also be invited to participate.
I would like a clarification of orders: are we to remain holed up in Virginia, or are we to patrol more widely and pursue & engage the enemy at a greater distance from our bases?
Admiral RedBear, you will be missed. The 383rd will be ready to help in any fight against our enemies, and the Aedos will be ready to help in places the Navy cannot go.
---Incoming Transmission---
To: Tannik Seldon
From: DoD
Regular patrols are to proceed. In the case of a full-scale invasion, you have orders to retreat directly to Virginia, and wait for support unless you are already with a large battlegroup.
Do not succumb to their taunts.
---Transmission End---
Quote:[7:42:05 PM][6:51:36 PM] Igor (Smokey): btw terry
[6:51:48 PM] Terrance Cooper: Ye?
[6:52:00 PM] Igor (Smokey): nothin
[6:52:03 PM] Igor (Smokey): just sayin btw
[6:52:05 PM] Terrance Cooper: <_<
Quote:Johnny_Haas: you shot anti criuse speed rockets!!!
Johnny_Haas: but why????
Johnny_Haas: ??
Johnny_Haas: why you shoot criuse speed rockets?
Fly heavy capital ship class with heavy anti fighter weapons,
the enemy relies on fighters and RH bombers
to win battles. Use the patrols in Virginia as cover.
Give them something to chew on.
Training programs:
The California battlegroup will lead the trainings
in Virginia, ships from the Texas squadron can join them.
I can give tips in battleship combat and duels.
Wanted list updated: [Liberty]Raider put on wanted list for giving away our
positions to the enemy, if you find him, arrest him. (Got proof)
(Such a low blow to swap to the Liberty ship and ask where I were,
then switch to HF ship.) Soooo low.