Missions that give you an Inrp trading mission to base X from Base Y Eg. Mollys> Take this gold over to our allies in rhienland at vogtland base. Maybe have some NPC's attack you on your way there.
It would just give a good reason to trade rather than just for Credits or base building.
Upon completion you gain a bit of rep.. again I dont know if missions can be created like that by devs or if its too hard coded to mess with but its a thought.
' Wrote:It's all theoretically possible, it just hasn't been achieved yet.
Sort of like Faster-than-light travel.
Erm... no. There is no generally accepted theory that allows of FTL travel of humans or cargo (definition of travel). Particles have been observed to travel at a velocity greater than that of the speed of light in a vacuum, but have not had a sufficiently detailed unrefuted hypothesis - a theory.
Perhaps interplanetary travel would be more accurate.