Well...i had an Idea (yes again it is me:P) to prevent from the Indiewaves.
Why don't make a central starting base,a spacestation or a planet or whatever. In the Bar of that starting base you could put NPC's,belonging to every faction which is here in the RP forum, such as LSF,LN,The Order etc. If he chooses one Fraction,the PLayer can buy ID of that Fraction with all advantiges/disadvatiges of that faction. in the Equipmentroom of the Base. After that he can undock and take the jumpgate/jumphole to the homesystem of the Faction (New York,Omicron Minor for the examples i mentioned above).In this case the Indie problem would be solved and the Roleplay would be more interesting in my eyes.
The problem with the starting Money,because not every fraction has the same "starting grounds",could be set by the admins,the only work would be,looking what a basically equiped Fighter of that Faction will cost.Perhapes it is also possibel to give the Player a ship with even this basic weaponary etc.
First, that would do nothing about any indie "problem". They'd all go to the same places they're already going - Liberty out of familiarity and the Outcasts and Corsairs because they're "cool".
(the only problem I see is that many of them don't know how to RP, I have no problem with the number of indies...)
Keep in mind for the following that I'm trying to be helpful:
Second, we're not talking about math, so it's faction, not fraction.
Thid, a space after punctuation is not optional, it's required. It makes things look better, too.
EDIT: Actually, lemme add something else. This was suggested for 4.85, but rejected in favor of the Pennsylvania system, so I doubt it'll get implimented for 4.86.
Interesting idea there...but that would make the game to easy to get the rep for a particular faction, and the act of Discovering would be pretty much taken away, and also trading would be very hard to do seeing as how the rep isn't custom built to the route that a player would want to take.
It is just another one of the scapegoats the members of this community have devised to off load their blame upon.
My thoughts exsacly.
There is no problem at all, Indies aren't really indies at all, they are really 'wings' of the NPC faction, just like all the people who have tags like '[LN]' and 'Order|'
So after taking a break for about a year I've decided to get back in to Disco. So yeah.
Quote:There is no problem at all, Indies aren't really indies at all, they are really 'wings' of the NPC faction, just like all the people who have tags like '[LN]' and 'Order|'
If that were true, id sue the ass Off the [LN], because of all the transports my corp lost to LNS indie caps