Seriously now, I log on my Keeper barely once a week, and when I do I get this.
I was only trying to get to Delta, from Omega-55. That obviously means I have to go through Gamma. I wasn't looking for a fight, I was trying to attend to another Order-Keeper encounter. However, as I jumped into the hellhole, I guess I triggered the ENGAGE alarm. I tried to go above the plane and avoid them. Yet, a bunch of bombers and fighters, and the classic 'Guerdia-live decided to go medieval on me, throwing whatever they had at me. And yes, I am giving names because this is not the first time, and I'm largely sick of it.
Jesus Christ people, seriously. I expected more from those official faction members at least.
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' Wrote:boo hoo, im playing you a sad song on the world's smallest violin.
They are pirates, pirates have no honor.
I hate when people justifies bad behavior with Role-Play arguments such as that: "Pirates have no honor".
Yeah, so? There are many things in Role-Play that can be conducted but are still brutally lame, its called decency and common sense, which is more up to a person rather than the Role-Play he/she tries to present.
you are a nomad. no one likes you. quit your whining. i have a Xeno and i get shot at all the time by everyone most the time with little or no RP reason. Why? cause no one likes me either. so suck it up, you chose keeper so your along for the ride. if you don't like it then don't fly your keeper.
' Wrote:I hate when people justifies bad behavior with Role-Play arguments such as that: "Pirates have no honor".
Yeah, so? There are many things in Role-Play that can be conducted but are still brutally lame, its called decency and common sense, which is more up to a person rather than the Role-Play he/she tries to present.
alrighty, which situation is more plausable for a pirate?
gee wiz, 15 other guys are in system and this nomad is giving me a real hard time. too bad I cant call for help.
Ahh! I can't take him! Someone! We got a live one here!
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