' Wrote:Slave liner.
I see yoru mebbes and I raise you a "How?"...Which was my original question, again.
Do we really need to rehash you you profited from a few bytes of botched code, Unselie?
You knew it was a game error, yet you chose to take advantage of it. To my knowledge, the "error" didn't become widely known until just before the price was corrected.
How many "slave liners" did you own again?
I find it troubling that you don't see this as an unfair practice. There's your "mebbe".
Your own sanction would be best discussed in the sanction thread with the Admins involved so you can make your case there. Putting your case on appeal here before the comunity will serve no constructive purpose other than raise the ire of all and sundry and create an inflammatory thread.
I see a lot of things as unfair practices. For example, Piracy is by its nature an unfair practice. I currently own 2 slave liners, I bought 8 slave liners, had intentions to buy more, and lost all but one (the one I got to keep, I think, because I actually did report the glitch.(and I'm not sure how much fairness sense -that- makes)
And there was no sanction, I'm not trying to appeal it, etc. I want to know how I harmed server gameplay.
I'm not contesting that it may not be fair, but since when does everything have to be fair?
My question is how does it harm Server Gameplay?
Unselie, you're mixing up what is unfair in-RP and what is unfair OORP. Piracy may be unfair to trader in-RP, but within rules and gameplay, what they are doing is perfectly legitimate, available to everyone to do, and quite fair, considering traders still make a lot more than the pirates do.
Buying 8 slave liners at ~2-3 million credits so you can sell them after the prices get changed because you reported the glitch is unfair OORP. It's not legitimate, it's taking advantage of a bug for your own benefit, and has nothing to do with RP. It wasn't a fair way to make money, it was abusing game mechanics, and that is covered by rule 1.2. Do you remember that little rule about ramming capships in fighters before the caps got spin-balanced? Because it made it impossible to do anything in a BS when getting rammed to hell? Yeah, that's abuse of game mechanics too, and that is sanctionable. Why should your actions be any different when they were just as abusive?
Quick, bug-related ways to get cash can have serious repercussions.
Say for example, Player A posts a bounty on Player B and all his friends/colleagues. A bounty can seriously affect someone - Player B and his buddies find themselves running or having to log off frequently if enough people are after them (usually because there is a large reward).
Player A needs to spend a lot of time trading simply to pay for the bounties. However if Player A can access a lot of money very quickly (I'm talking in the tens or even hundred of millions here) then A could effectively drive a complete faction into a state of perpetual victimhood without lifting a finger.
I think this aspect of the game shouldn't be under-estimated. A few of us have a lot of responsibilities outside this hobby, so every moment in game can be precious. I loathe trading, but who doesn't.
As to the Slave Liner thing, there also seems to be a difference between people who bought one cheap for legit usage and those who bought a lot to sell later. The former kept them without an issue, to my knowledge, while the latter did not get to.
' Wrote:What about everyone who was present on the 4.85 development team that traded their way to riches before the new economy took effect?
The entire community new that the trading system was going to get a massive overhaul and that the new version would not be as profitable as the old. This was discussed to great lengths on these forums for everyone to see, long before the new version came out. So people had ample time to trade away before the new version. Even so, I'd suggest you don't use the word 'everyone' when speaking about the development team. I didn't do an ounce of trading during the entire development of .85. That's not an exaggeration. And I know a lot of others who traded only as much as necessary to upkeep the ships they already had or their factions.
When it came to the trading system changes, everyone here knew just as well as the devs that it was being changed and downgraded.. No one had an unfair advantage.