Problem 1: Day to day I hear about Zoners claiming they should be able to travel Gallia without threat from Gallic Royals. Answer: You're Sirian, Regardless of what type of Sirian, thats the bottom line and end of discussion. Deal with it, Expect any and all kinds of hostilities from Gallic Royals.
Problem 2: "You're Police! You can't do that!!!!111one" Answer: Gallic Police aren't your everyday house police. They CAN Pirate you if we choose to do so. Personal RP: The only GRP I have, is Marcel Touvier, whos RP is more of a GRP Licensed Bounty Hunter whos a fortune seeker in whatever shape or form it may come.
Problem 3: So your a Junker, you've run into Marcel Touvier, your shocked you might be pirated by this Gallic Royal, someone who you believe should be your ally Personal RP: See Problem 2. Likely, you were suspected of being a Sirian Junker. Sure, your a Junker, but your also Sirian. Think of Marcel as a Purist.
Problem 4: Sirian? This isn't Sirius little one. Answer: THIS IS GALLIA!
These are just a few that I've commonly seen.... If your one of the people who RP in Gallia and know of other problems that shouldn't be, speak em out....
Educate those who otherwise avoid Gallia, or only use Gallia because of its highly profitable trade route.
so is galia part of sirus(the system0or is it an ajoining system or what? i dont understand the rp nor really care for it (uber powerful race that can wtfpwn us all and really sounds like the nomads minus infestation as they wil lkill who they cant control anyway) or did i miss the point im just woundering what to do if i see the friggin GALIC NAVAL BATTLESHIPS in liberty and fighters preaching about the conucil and such you have to stay in galia anyway it seems like a waste in my personal opnin
if im overly harsh i applogize as i said im probly blowing galia out of proportion as i say again dont understand ANYTHING about them
I personally think that Gallia's Xenophobia kindaof makes it a redundant house in Sirius. No one really wants to go there. It would be nice if it werent so hell bent on making sure everything without a french accent doesnt enter their space. Its like the Nomad systems, why would anyone really go there except to hunt nomads or playing as a keeper or wild char.
' Wrote:so is galia part of sirus(the system0or is it an ajoining system or what? i dont understand the rp nor really care for it (uber powerful race that can wtfpwn us all and really sounds like the nomads minus infestation as they wil lkill who they cant control anyway) or did i miss the point im just woundering what to do if i see the friggin GALIC NAVAL BATTLESHIPS in liberty and fighters preaching about the conucil and such you have to stay in galia anyway it seems like a waste in my personal opnin
if im overly harsh i applogize as i said im probly blowing galia out of proportion as i say again dont understand ANYTHING about them
Thats kind of why the restriction that all gallic ships and equipment must stay in Gallia is there to begin with. To prevent people from waltzing about thinking they're in RP (by invading Sirius) bringing a GRN Battleship into Sirian Houses lolwutting everyone they see. In addition that until 4.86, no one knows where the Council RP will be led in its involvement with Sirius.
' Wrote:I personally think that Gallia's Xenophobia kindaof makes it a redundant house in Sirius. No one really wants to go there. It would be nice if it werent so hell bent on making sure everything without a french accent doesnt enter their space. Its like the Nomad systems, why would anyone really go there except to hunt nomads or playing as a keeper or wild char.
Xenophobia - Fear of aliens.....
I'm not so inclined to believe that term applies. As Gallia has a hatred of Sirians, not a fear of Sirians.