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The day began as any other on Gran Canaria. Dr. John Holliday sat on his deck overlooking the mountains that bordered his ranch going over some reports and forms while enjoying his morning coffee. When he was home, it was how he always started his day. Many of the forms he was going through were related to some of the many research products he had going on, projects that he often collaborated on with some medical staff and researches of the Cambridge Medical Institute. One particular project was one of personal interest, the study of the addiction of cardamine using laboratory animals. Little did he know what kind of implications it would later have.
Other projects included tests using human organs. While many houses frowned upon such research, his logic was simple, "If we don't know what causes a problem, how in hell do we fix it?" As he sat sipping his coffee, the sliding door opened on his deck. It was his wife, Midori, who came out with some urgency.
"John, you have a transmission from a Jake Ryder," she explained, "I put him on hold. It sound urgent."
"Thank you, Dahlin'," he said as he took his cup and headed to answer the call. He sat at his com while Midori headed off to do work of her own. He re-opened the com to find a pirate type dressed man in his screen. Confused, he answered, "Greetings, Captain, how may I be of help?"
"Thank you for answering, um.....what should I call you, doctor or ambassador," he asked.
"For now, call me Doc," he answered.
"Very well then, Doc. My name is Captain Jake Ryder and I am captain of an Outcast battleship that is hidden for safety," began the captain, "A few days ago, I spoke to Mrs. Holliday after meeting and chatting with her in the Tau system and I found her to be a very good listener. You married well, Doctor."
Doc nodded his thanks, "That I did and I thank you for the praise. But, continue, I can tell you aren't making a social call."
"No, Doctor, I am not," Jake replied, "I am appealing for some help."
Confused even more, Doc sat back in his chair with a very curious look. "Why me?" he was thinking. "Am I that good already?" he asked of himself as he took another sip of his coffee.
He then sat back up, put down his coffee and continued with his chat. "What kind of help do you want from me, Captain?"
Jake then continued explaining, "Well, Doctor, your generosity is well known and that you care for people regardless of who they are. In telling my story to Mrs. Holliday, she told me of some research you were doing. Most recently, I was exiled from the Outcast as was my crew and now...." He hung his head as he tried to compose himself, ".....we are living a death sentence. No one wants us around, no one will help us and my crew, which is completely sterile because of cardamine addiction, will die over time. I can't allow that to happen yet I'm powerless to do anything about it."
Doc sat back again. This time he heard concern and genuine sorrow from a man that was obviously sorry for his past crimes and as it sounded, wanted to make things right...or as right as he could. Still, he had his reservations.
Again, he sat back up. "I can help you but it will be on my terms."
Captain Ryder sighed his relief.
"Mind you, Captain, this is research I have been working on," Doc began to explain, "research that has had some success on laboratory animals so while I am confident I can help, there are still no guarantees. Also, before I try this on a whole crew, we will start small. I want you to select two crew members, preferably a man and woman of child bearing age that are romantically involved if possible. I will send a ship for them and they will be brought to a secure location to begin treatment for cardamine addiction and hopefully, sterility as well."
Relieved and somewhat emotional, Captain Ryder responded, "Doctor, thank you so much. You have no idea what this means. I have worked with so many and as many have failed. I will do whatever it takes and compensate you however you wish."
Doc immediately replied, "No compensation necessary. I have never charged for my services and I don't intend to start. Captain, you have work to do. Pick your two people wisely, send me everything you have on them and tell them this will most likely be a long process, possibly several months so have them pack wisely......and no weapons or drugs of any kind. I have what they will need here."
"Consider it done, Doctor," replied a greatful Captain Ryder, "when will you send the ship and who will it be?"
"You will find out in due time, Captain," answered Doc, "The crew will call you when they are near so have the two people ready."
"Yes, Doctor and again, Thank you. I am in your debt," replied the Captain. With that, the transmission ended.
Doc then got back up and returned to his porch chair with a fresh cup of coffee. He realized then that he had much work ahead of him. He was proud to have it but was also nervous and worried. He feared failure. He feared an Outcast response even though this was the first case he had heard of someone wanting to break the addiction. He knew it was a chance at a breakthrough, a chance he himself was willing to take. All these thoughts kept swirling through his mind. Finally, he stood up and smiled, "I've never backed off of a challenge before. Why start now."
Jake tapped a few keys on his console, terminating the transmission. He leaned back in his chair, looking up at the ceiling. The greenish-gray hue of the ceiling mesmerized him as he began contemplating the entirety of that he conversation. A broad grin spread across his face as numerous fantasies played out across his mind: Life without cardamine. It seemed too good to be true!
He snapped out of his daydream when a high-pitched tone filled his office. He looked to the door, pressing a button on his console to allow access to the person requesting to come in. The door opened with a smooth hum, revealing his First Mate Esmerelda Thalton. She stiffened her stance and placed her arms at her side, awaiting Jakes permission before entering.
He chuckled and said, No need for formalities, you may enter. I believe it will be a long time before we go back to military protocol. She found no amusement in that. She quickly walked forward and sat at one of the chairs in front of the desk. Jake continued, I believe this will be the dawn of a new life for us; something that will surely make the criminal sects jealous.
Esmerelda arched a brow, locking her ice blue eyes with his silver eyes. It could also make them more eager to destroy us, she said flatly, Not they dont have enough reason as it is. Jake narrowed his eyes, bidding the cynical First Mate to be silent. She broke eye contact and looked at the floor, realizing she had spoken out of turn.
Esme, this is a chance at a second life. We are already loathed as it is and I dont need to be reminded of it. And besides, I worry more for Doctor Hollidays health. He is not only doing this for us, but he is doing it without personal gain. Most others would have demanded a large amount of pay, He said in a chastising voice. He placed his hands to his temples, rubbing slightly. He continued softly, This feels like a damn dream. I keep thinking Ill wake up and find out Im still with the Maltese Navy and ready to assault Crete.
Esme looked up at him. Her thin lips formed a frown. Dont we all? She asked in a worried voice.
He waved his hand as if to shoo the words. Forgive me. I am rambling, He said quickly. He shook his head slightly and put his full attention on Esmerelda. Do you have the documents I requested? He asked in a serious tone.
She pulled a memory stick from her pocket, handing it to Jake. He took it, inserting it into the slot by his console. The holographic screen flashed to life as a series of images played across it. He looked them over for a few moments. He sighed, This is by far the hardest order Im ever going to give in my life: Condemning these two to a life of misery, experimentation, and possibly death in order to break this curse. He looked away from the screen, closing his eyes and breathing deeply.
Esmerelda leaned forward and placed her hand on his shoulder. Sir, they will follow you to Hell if you order it. This may be the hardest order youll give, but its not the worst, She said softly.
He nodded, bringing up his hand to pat hers. I know. Im thankful I have you here to remind me. He sat up straight, Esmerelda withdrawing her hand from his shoulder. In a serious, yet wavering, tone he said, Bring them in for briefing. I wish to tell them what theyll expectand that I apologize for what they will go through.
Jake truly wished he didnt have to tell these two that they were going to go through a possible living hell.
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For the remainder of his morning, Doc's mind was in full gear. Reality was setting in that he was finally going to get to try some of his research on humans. It was both something to be excited about and also very scared about. All possible outcomes went through his mind but he kept his thoughts positive. Some thoughts were very sobering though. He was about to spend potentially many months treating two people he had never met who were placing their complete faith in him as was their commander, two people that had done much bad in their lives but were wanting to change for the better. Plus he remembered the oath he took long ago to save lives no matter who they were and as with anything he did, he took his work very seriously.
After another quick comm conference with Captain Ryder, he set his plan in motion with a walk into the round garden in front of his Estate House where his wife was working.
"Busy as usual," he said to her as she was trimming up some flowers in the garden. Upon the sight of him, she walked up to him and hugged him. Accordingly, he returned it. After a few seconds, he held her back just enough to look inter eyes.
"Dahlin'," he began, "I need you to do something very important for me."
"What the matter, John?" she asked, "You look.....worried."
"I am, Dahlin'. I am," he answered.
She then perked up and smiled, "OK, what you need me to do?"
"I need you to go get something for me," he began to explain, "two somethings in fact and bring them back here quietly and a quick as possible."
"OK," she said, still listening.
"Two passengers from the ship you spoke with a couple of weeks ago," he continued, "I take it you remember Captain Jack Ryder?"
"Oh yes," she said with some enthusiasm, "he seem like nice man."
"Well, you made a great impression on him and as a result, I am going to help him and I need your help through the whole thing," Doc continued to explain. "He trusts you which is why I'm asking you to get his two crew members and all of their supporting documents and whatever equipment they may bring."
She saw the seriousness in his demeanor and knew he was serious.
"John, I help you in any way possible," she said with sincerity, "I get ready to go right now."
"Dahlin', before you go. Don't talk to anyone on your way out unless you have to and don't carry any cargo, you will be less attractive to pirates that way should you encounter any," he lectured, "You may contact Captain Ryder once you are in cruise via secure channel and he will tell you where to meet him. Have the passengers take these tablets when you get them as they should remain asleep throughout the trip."
"Hai," she answered in complete understanding.
"Remember, he trusts you which is why I am asking you to do this," he added in closing.
It was less than 30 minutes when she got to her ship and powered it up. Kissing her husband good bye, she lifted off. Once she was on her way, she locked in the frequency she knew about and began calling, still not sure where she was heading. During her passing through the Dublin system, contact was made.
"Attention Captain Jack Ryder, this is Mrs. Midori Holliday. Do you copy, over?" she kept asking, awaiting an answer.
"Oh thank God, a friendly voice," was the response. "This is Jack Ryder. It is nice to speak with you again, Mrs. Holliday."
"Where do I meet you to pick up your crew members?" she asked.
"Sending co-ordinates now," he answered, an encryped set of co-ordinates included.
"Received, Captain. I am en route," she replied.
"Very well," he answered, "I will see you when you arrive.
Her trip brought her into New York space without incident and no one spoke to her so she maintained her silence. She followed the co-ordinates to where the Outcast battleship was found. Coming out of a trade lane, she powered her cruise engine and headed for the ship eventually pulling up beside it.
"Konichiwa, Captain Ryder," she spoke over the secure link.
"Konichiwa, Mrs. Holliday. I need a few minutes to bid farewell to the two crew members so if you will excuse me," he explained.
"Very well then," she answered, "I stand by."
After a few minutes passed, the two crew members, their bags and all necessary files were sent to her ship.
Going back to meet them, she found herself face to face with a slightly above average height Outcast female and her companion of equal height. It was obvious that they were both very scared about the journey they were heading on, one that they did not know the outcome of. As with Captain Ryder, they only hoped for the best and had much faith.
Midori introduced herself to the nervous passengers.
"I am Michael Estoban and this is Mijana Riverra, my best friend," the man explained.
"Mrs. Midori Holliday," she replied with smiling and a handshake to both.
"Make yourselves comfortable," she explained, "we have a long trip before us. Doctor Holliday told me to give these to you so that you sleep through the trip."
"Will they react with cardamine?" asked Mijana.
"No," reassured Midori, "you will be fine."
Reluctantly, they took the tablets and within a few minutes were sound asleep.
With a brief fairwell, Midori hit her cruise engines, sped away from the battleship and headed for Gran Canaria. She would land several hours later with her cargo still asleep and her husband waiting.
Michael Estoban and Mijana Riverra would wake up in a bed of their own in a place they had never been. Sitting in a chair by the door was a young nurse who was watching over them. When they awoke, they saw her strange but friendly face keeping watch.
"Welcome to Gran Canaria," were the first words Michael and Mijana heard in their strange, new environment.
Sender: Jake Ryder
Receiver: John Holliday
Location: Withheld for security reasons
Doctor Holliday, I have some terrible news. As of now, we are an enemy of Liberty. They had lied to us about their answer and we retaliated. I don't know what my next move will be, but I doubt it will be a smart one. I appear to have made friends with the Phantoms. Already a bad move on my part. I fear it will just get worse.
I hope this will not hinder your research or your willingness to help us. If I were in your shoes, I'd probably drop it entirely and burn all data pertaining to it. But that's just me.
If at all possible, I will probably move the Cassus closer to Gran Canaria or some other Zoner Base. I need to get out and stay away from Liberty for a while. I believe that disappearing amongst the Zoners is the best way possible. I hope that you can help me with this if it all possible.
Please do not tell Mijana and Michael of what has happened. The last thing I need is for them to worry about more than just this procedure. I don't know what's happening at the moment with them, but I believe that the Liberty incident doesn't need to fester in their minds.
I'm sorry that this happened. I hope to maintain regular communications again after I gain control of the situation.
Until my next transmission,
Jake Ryder
*****End Transmission*****
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Having heard the latest transmission from Captain Ryder, the doctor sat back in his chair for a moment in thought. He was more concerned now than he was before but still determined.
"Phantoms" he thought out loud, "I know almost nothing about them."
But his word was his bond. He swore to help and he wasn't going to let this stop him. Knowing his patients would wake up at any time, he made a response.
Captain Ryder, I'm sorry about your current situation. You can rest assure that I will continue with my work. Michael and Mijana are here safely and they will not be told of your situation. I begin things with a formal interview of each, a physical exam and then I start my work with them. Let's keep one thing straight, my word is my bond. I promised to help you and I will honor my commitment no matter what may happen. I am sending you a few sets of co-ordinates. You may find some safe refuge in one of them.
With sigh, he rose and made his way onto his grounds where the guest house was that Michael and Mijana would be staying at for the next several months most likely. They had just woken up and were sitting in chairs talking to a young lady who was watching them. Doc saw the look of being nervous on both of them.
"Good morning, Everyone," said Doc as he arrived.
"Morning, Doctor," replied Kathy, the young nurse.
Michael and Mijana sofly muttered a "good morning" still groggy from their long trip and each wearing a provided robe. As treatment hadn't officially begun yet, they still wore their inhalers.
"It's good to meet you both," said Doc as he shook hands with each of them. "I see you have met Kathy. Get used to her as I have assigned her to work with you."
"I just want to thank you, Doctor, for your efforts in trying to help us," began Michael, "no one else would have even considered it."
Doc then sat down with the others and began what would be a story of why he was so adamant to help.
Leaning foward on his chair and facing them both, he asked a question that he knew how they would answer.
"Michael and Mijana, if given a second chance at life, would you do things over the right way?"
Both nodded that they would. Doc then began a speech that they soon wouldn't forget which made them understand why he was doing so much for so little.
"If you have studied my history, you will know that I was born on old Earth in 1851," he began, "I became a successful dentist until tuberculosis began to ravage me. I knew I was going to die but wanted to live as long as I could. I learned to kill...and I was good at it. I gambled and lived every day like it was my last and did many things I wasn't proud of. When I was somehow brought back, it wasn't until that day did I realize how precious life was. Yes, I still have my old southern temperment nor do I fear anyone but I decided to expand what I know and I became a medical doctor as well as a dentist."
He continued, "I believe you both have that similar situation. You will be in a sense reborn. It won't be easy but it will happen. Once we finish you will see life very differently in a positive light. You will want to make a difference for the better." Doc then paused for a moment. Then he asked, "Now, do you have any questions?"
Her voice filled with fear and nerves, Mijana asked, "Will we die?"
Doc then quickly answered as he looked at her with confidence, "Not under my care you won't."
Michael, who was equally scared, asked with a hint of embarrassment, "Doctor, if you cure us, will we be able to have, you know, kids? I mean, it's no secret. Captain Ryder picked us because we love each other and want a family but........" Michael lost his composure and began sobbing, "this addiction. It"
Doc sat quietly as Mijana consoled him. He saw in this their desire for freedom, freedom from being held hostage by cardamine. He then leaned forward, "Michael, on that I can only promise to try but I'm confident we will succeed."
With that, he stood up, "Kathy, let's give them some time to freshen up and pull themselves together."
For the first day, Doc took his new patients around the estate to give them a chance to take in their new environment. Meals were spent in casual conversation and Michael and Mijana found a good many opportunities to laugh as they were comfortable in their new homes. As they would wake up the next day, they would find themselves without their inhalers but feeling.....not to bad.
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Two weeks had passed since Doc had begun the treatment with Mijana and Michael. Only a few days earlier, he had begun phase two of the treatment. The anti-drug used to break addiction was reduced and they would meet daily, often more than once. They also spent much time outdoors keeping busy. There minds were being conditioned to focus on other things. Besides feeling a bit weak and some days a little bit nauseous, Michael had the worse set back with a major headache which the staff treated.
For Mijana, her strengthening friendship with Mrs. Holliday made her recovery much easier. They did "girl stuff" together, a first for Mijana who had spent much of her life as a criminal on a ship....until now. Mijana learned of Kusari before the war years and found Midori's stance on not hating anyone very intriguing.
"How can you be that way?" Mijana asked her, "when so may of your people have been killed by Corsairs, Outcasts and others who didn't care if you lived or died? How do you stay that way when the Bretonians killed your own brother?"
Midori just smiled and took her hands in her own. "My father say life too short too hate. People do wrong to each other every day, often not knowing they did. Some people cannot be helped being who or what they are and innocent people get caught in middle quite often."
Mijana asked again, "but your brother."
Midori clutched her hands tighter, "Kentaro died for his house. He chose his fate and he died with honor. Yes it was painful but it was his choice. His picture and spirit now guard garden statue outside. Come, I show you."
The two woman went outside to the Estate garden where the ancient statue stood, a tribute to an ancient yet still practiced religion. At it's base was her brother's picture. Mijana stood in awe as she looked. Then, she began sniffing flowers which smelled very good to her.
"This place," she said, "it is beautiful."
"Domo arigato," Midori replied with a smile, "I do all the work myself."
Mijana then knelt beside the picture and looked at the smiling young officer on it.
"He looked so proud," she said of the picture as she studied it. Then, she turned her attention to the statue.
"Who is this?" she asked of Midori.
"It is a Buddha," she answered, "it is who I pray to as do many of my kind."
"Does this help?," Mijana asked, "prayer? What is this religion?"
"Buddhism is a religion of philosophy and nature," Midori explained, "it very ancient but still heavily practiced."
Together, the two women sat cross legged before the statue and with Midori's guidance, Mijana tried this religious prayer for the first time. Upon finishing, she felt a sense of peace.
Meanwhile, Michael spent time in nature in a different way. The Doctor had introduced him to his lakeside cabin where they would fish and just enjoy the outdoors.
"I take it this is your getaway, Doctor?" asked Michael.
"Oh yes," the doc answered, "and I don't get out here enough."
"On quiet nights," Doc began, "you can here the critters scurry about the grass and brush, birds can be heard in the mountains and the stream that feeds the lake can be heard trickling. It's rather surreal."
Michael sat quietly for a moment, nice and still with his eyes closed.
"The breeze," he said, "you can hear it as it flows past you."
Doc just nodded.
"I could stay here," Michael said, "forever, with Mijana."
"That, Son, isn't up to me," Doc quickly answered, "you still have a Commander who will need your help, help which you are going to be instrumental with in the near future."
The next two weeks would be pivotal as it was the final stage of curing the body's addiction.