legate and liberty dread comparable to mako? hmm dreadnought and light battleship?? hmmmmm
and sorry that i destroy your illusions, but single mako can defeat single legate without bigger problem with proper loadout and pilot
(or the same, osiris can beat corsair dread without loosing single nanobot...)
and you know. bh cap ships need in first thing stricter control. then maybe they can be buffed... or do you have any other cap ship that can fly almost everywhere and hunt unlawfulls there?...
because when you buff them again without better control, then you have back what wasi n alt mod: corsair bomber practice against 5-7 bh cap ships in gamma everyday...
For some comparison turning, the Orca Gunboat does .625 rad/sec, Titan does 1.122 rad/sec, the Eagle turns at 1.50
So yeah, you know the BHG caps are in trouble when the Corsairs know it...
The legate turns faster than the bullhead BC?
Erm, WTF?!
Edit: @Globalo: i have never had my legate beaten 1on1 by a BHG BS or osiris (on second thought, i might have once, against an osiris, when i just got it), in fact the only one who has come close is Apocolypse_Now (damn good BS pilot btw), it has only ever been killed by fleets of enemy caps or caught out by bombers.
The only way an osiris or mako will ever beat a legate is if they stay at more than 2k, which with the most common heavy BS tactic (cruise up to 300m and blow the crap out of them) doesnt work very well.
' Wrote:The legate turns faster than the bullhead BC?
Erm, WTF?!
You need to take size into consideration. Legate is a HUGE brick. It may have better turning on the paper, but the size "reduces" it. Dont forget the BH BC is a lot smaller.
What is more interesting is Thresher vs Resheph. I suppose its because of size or something else though. Some comparsion pics might be in order.
' Wrote:The legate turns faster than the bullhead BC?
Erm, WTF?!
Straight off of FLStat....
.1002 angular distance 0 to .5 sec, .0829 time to 90% max angular speed versus .0764 and .2763
Does that indicate that the Legate is messed up?
And Tena, the reason I included the ships I did is because in our little cap battle today - 3 Makos, 3 Bullheads, 1 Orca against 2 Osiris, 4 Geb, and 1 Resheph - the BHG| was outnumbered and outgunned before the event ever started - because the Order Light Carrier is balanced to go up against Battleships - NOT battlecruisers.
Heck, here's the Marduk - Nomad Battleship - for comparison as well:
15 turrets; 1,340,000 armor; 9,000,000 power; 1700 bots/bats; .180 max angular speed; .0828 and .0921
Now - I'm NOT saying that ANY human battleship should be one on one with a Marduk. (Although a Juggernaut is right there.) I am saying that there were reasons why in the past that our ships were nerfed. I agree that they were done for a reason. Those reasons don't really exist now. Can we please have then fixed a bit?
(11-21-2013, 12:53 PM)Jihadjoe Wrote: Oh god... The end of days... Agmen agreed with me.
most BHG warships are thin lines ( thin in terms of a comparison of their width and their hight, - doesn t mean thin as in stickthin ) - they turn slightly faster sideways than vertically. ( slightly, mind - that is you need like 20 seconds for a full 360 degrees turn when you turn vertically, and you ll need like 18 seconds when you turn horizontally )
that is made so to force them to show their "bigger side" to the enemy when they want to turn faster.
i "might" make it possible to unlock 5 instead of 4 turrets for the gunship. ( depending on the opinions on the dev board )... the other capital ships ... not sure if armour or a slight turning boast does the job or ruins the balance.
Ok,everyone's talking about skills.And I'm sorry If I'm too lame and I don't have the skills to beat a ship that has more guns and armor And on top of that,it turns only a bit slower than mine.
No hard feelings,but I thought this thread was about balance,not "Lol,u are nub,u can't fly ur ship"
Now that I've "defected" to the Order from the BH, I can offer some more insight. I think.
BH BS: This ship has the potential to be a nightmare. However, it swims inside a generous hitbox, reducing its threat factor from "hunter-killer" to "roadkill". If the hit box issue cannot be resolved, I would humbly request the dev team to give the BH a modified Liberty dreadnought - a version with the same stats as the current BH BS, sans the poopy hitbox. A non-imaginative solution, but hey, it would work.
Reseph recon cruiser vs. BH dessie: In a one-on-one pvp, the BH dessie wins. The Reseph has a bit more armor and a slightly better power plant and turns a tad tighter, but it's considerably larger and its firing arcs are noticeably more limited than those of the BH dessie. The BH destroyer is a good vessel - albeit it's more of a support vessel. As a testament to its particular strengths, I've managed to destroy one Corsair cruiser as well as reduce another to 2 microns of hull with little damaged incurred on my own ship. That sucker is real hard to hit at a distance.
BH gunship: It needs 6 turrets with full firing arcs. Nuff said.
Geb (light) cruiser: Tenacity's gonna shoot mah face, but I think it should lose the BS shield. As it is now, a Geb eats BH BCs for breakfast, lunch and dinner. If it loses the BS shield, it will be at a distinct disadvantage, but in rp, it's a support ship not intended to spearhead assaults. Maybe as an "equalizer" it can get a massive hull increase. Don't kill me, Tenny.
Corsair dreadnought: One word - overpowered. Sure it's the size of a small moon, but its armor rating, hard point number and power plant kinda make up for it. If 2 or 3 of the hard points had their firing arcs reduced it would be demonstration of good will. Miracles might just happen, you never know.
BH BC: The firing arcs are just... poopy. Otherwise, a nasty, nasty opponent. Two will either drive off or destroy an Osiris. Thrusters are handy.
However, it's good to keep this in mind on the BH side - BH ship design favors compactness, maneuverability and head-on assault tactics - basically the mirror opposite of the Order's war doctrine.
Anyone thinks about nerfing the legate, i will eat you.
I agree with megiddo, the geb should loose its BS sheild, and perhaps have a hull buff, as with the powerplant, a cruiser can barely lower its sheild before being leveled by tripple mortars. Imo, not how it should be, the 18 guns are enough, thats 6 more than the nearest cruiser, or BHG BC.