The only reason the BHG ship got nerfed because of the constant fagging around Bianca Chevalier and her pals did back in .84. If everyone kept their mouths shut the3 stats would have likely remained the same pretty much. But instead to put an end to the whining the BHG ships were locked in the attic with tacks on the floor. <strike>Meanwhile the evil step mother gave Isis and the other evil step sister some more toys to play with.</strike> This kind of majority/veteran say-so has influenced the growth of this community a lot, and it's to be expected since this phenomena occurs in every social environment both online and RL. Bitch enough, with enough of the popular vets on your side and you'll win.
Bottom line is we need to find a reasonable solution to the BHG's problem without ass-raping thing the order in the process, which won't be easy considering the amount of biased towards both the BHG and more so their capship fiasco from the days of 4.84, needless to say there's an unbelievable amount of anger still in many of our vets (hell anyone who had an outcast character in 2008) from all factions all over Sirius. And who can blame you considering how humiliating it is for the old lunch to be ass-raped by a ship 3x stronger than it is in the middle of Omega-3 while not even so much as pirating or firing a single shot. And their reason? "UR a pirate, I'm BH, I can kill you!" Enough people whined, and what ended up happening was the ZOI for anything bigger than a gunboat was cut to 3 sets of systems. Not necessarily a bad thing I guess, considering their were many trying to have BHG cap completely abolished altogether, or *heh* nerfed- oh wait a minute. But nonetheless the result of constant whining done by many people on the forums.
But now this is 4.85, and the administration has upped requirements for even the smallest capships to be under both Guard ID/IFF, hell even the traders have to bust their asses extra, just to get a transport over 3800 cargospace (?) now. Those two new rules have effectively cut down the amount of lolwutters for BHG and severely diminished them elsewhere. But now that you've got them within a reasonable RP restrictions, it doesn't necessarily mean that we shouldn't relook even the most recent "balancing". I hat to wake people up from their fantasies, but lets not forget that this is both a game, (and modwise a constant never ending work in progress.) We can explain in RP why that is this and this is that but understand the primary reason for all this nerfing and boosting was simply to make the game more interesting and enjoyable for the majority of player, don't just off us with "you need to be a better pilot". A lot of us here don't have 40+ hours a week to PvP in Connecticut so we can hit LFs zipping by with 12% lag with SNAC, nor do we all have hours a day to read page upon pages about "firing arcs" and "hit boxes" and "military formations" (yes there was a time when people where comparing the role of military units from as far back as WWII to function as model for how they should function in a space simulation game 1000+ years from that time.)
But just begin to consider other odd things that noone seems to have picked up on (NO I'M NOT TRYING TO TURN THIS INTO A BOMBER BASHING THREAD) in a bomber vs. bomber/fighter then most common way of defeat for the other bomber or fighter is use of the other bomber's SNAC. Why is it the the most powerful anticapship weapon is being used so frequently as anti fighter? Isn't that a bit strange for a bomber? I don't remember the Coalition busting out the Kamovs to kill off the Vampires (Alliances ace squadron) or Hades being sent into battle with the black guard (coalition's best fighters). Being chased down by their four anti cap weapons seem would seem a bit odd for me y'know. But on this form people are quick to say something like "oh you're just a noob" or even more recent "use Light fighters as escorts." why don't we stop recycling 2 year old argiument already and consider things more openly?
And in the same way we must consider the predicament of both the BHG and The Order. BHG have been battling order for a while now, perhaps their technology has reasonably strengthened through their battles over the last few years. BHG may have been lolwutters on the forums but in RP they're pretty advanced actually. With the ability to study the nomad race, and it would also make sense that with this they'd be able to reverse engineer some of their enemies tech,(order not nomads), even if not completely at least partially.
Basically what I'm saying is look at it from a more general perspective, we can come to an agreement if people would stop pointing fingers, about how it was in 4.84. How Bianca_Chevalier, Mr.Eagle, Blade, Kuun-Lan, November-Rain, and all their other raiding capwhore friends, used to chase light fighters down for hours at a time back in 4.84. Lets start looking at the new rules of 4.85 and how to make them more convenient for everyone involved, not just the corsairs, not just the order, nor just the *pfft* GRN. All this nerfing has very temporary results, and now things have gotten more organized out with BHers they want ships that would match their name and function not hunks of blocks that were made that way by consistent whining from everyone who0 spent a day in Sigma-13 in anything smaller than a destroyer back in 2008.
stigma`s the problem here. people are reluctant to give the bhg proper caps because of the bitter taste some fools of 4.84 left. understandable. but that`s in the past now (thank god)
the BHG/Core is now just as good a faction as all the others (kudos to Ath, Agmen and Tic and the rest of the hunters for that). the situation right now feels like punishment for what some selfish and unfair players pulled in 4.84.
@ Jure: it has 2 more guns. but the guns are weaker than their Order/Corsair counterparts. next, the Osiris can kite and the Mako has that dredded hitbox.
Here you go with stats which show how the two ships would do in combat while being piloted by equaly skilled pilots:
Total Armour: 2 480 000(Cap8) + 3 360 000(Nanos) = 5 840 000
DPS(14 BHBS Primary): 106 400
Time to take down Osiris: 60.15 seconds
Size: 1.4
Ability to dodge: 1.0
Total Armour: 2 800 000(Cap8) + 3 600 000(Nanos) = 6 400 000
DPS(12 Order MkII): 98 400
Time to take down BHBS: 59.34 seconds
Size: 1.0
Ability to dodge: 1.3
Close combat:
BHBS: Takes down Osiris in 60.15 seconds
Osiris: Takes down BHBS in 59.34 seconds
Close combat: Osiris>BHBS
Long range:
BHBS(~50% chance to dodge): Takes down Osiris in 108.27 seconds
Osiris(~80% chance to dodge): Takes down BHBS in 89.010 seconds
Long range: Osiris>BHBS
I did not count in the shield because they are almost he same, however the Osiris has 100 Shield Batteries more, and has a better chance to dodge, so the shield would give a good deal more protection to the Osiris.
' Wrote:Is not osiris ship with the best technology in rp?
No, contrary to what you may think.
It 'was' state of the art, supreme technology warship about... 18 years ago inRP.
And in the super advanced time, such as Discoverys timeline, a lot of technological progress can be made in 18 years.