here it is - i do hope its now bretonian enough . - i attached an image of the ship without its cargopods to show that its not as hopelessly fat as it might appear... .but actually quite skinny.
the cheesy coloured bretonian insignia are "glow in the dark" ones ( faintly ) - they d look different ingame.
*thats a new thread cause i couldn t find the old one in a hurry.
afraid not - they ll be mounted fixed and they ll also extend the hitbox. - may sound unfair, but since cargopods are not added as your cargo increases and your cargo is not lost when you loose a cargopod .... they are rather useless in a whole.
the pods will be part of the ship.
besides - without the pods - its just a fat head with a slight spine.
I like the current Shire and I dont understand why it needs replace but this looks nice. Its a shame that the cargo pods cant be made changeable, but its for a good reason. Without them it would be tiny.
That's great, but can you remake the Mammoth, or model a new 3000 Liberty transport too? The current one looks like it's unfinished, it's pretty awful..
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Basically, it's pretty similar to the current Shire model, except for the pincer tail, and cranes above, which is a detail I particularily like. Personally, I liked the one before (the silver one, I have a picture saved on my hard drive) better. But that's just me.
Even though most people love the current shire, I really don't think it looks too much like a container transport... I've always imagined that they all look somewhat like the Kusari one... lots of cargo pods sticking outside...
However, thats just me. I prefer this new one, probably better if the cargo pods could get a different texture.