Alright as most of you that know me, know. I used to run the 122nd Order Guard.
Currently the 122nd is on hold while I work out some credit issues.
Until than I'm creating the 27th Liberty Navy Support Division(LNSD)
This group will work with the [1st]LCAS ship run by Jimmy Patterson
(Given I haven't ran that by him yet)
Now I understand the "oh noes another Liberty cap ship" bit is still going on.
But as some of you know I RP with capital ships more than I fight in them.
That is the exact same for this ship.
Below is a general bio/stats on the setup I'm looking to do.
Name of Ship
Ship Type
Valkyrie Class Liberty Dreadnought
((Just a normal Liberty but for RP purposes it has it's own class
and uses Cap armor 1 (dont ask why 1 ))
Partial Story Notes
This is all in bullets so you dont know the actual story just whats in it
-1 Month after Maiden Voyage crew declares mutiny on psychotic captain
-Riots onboard ship by crew members
-[1st]LSCA-Ft.Louisbourg sent to disperse riots and put new commander in control ( Need to check on that )
-Orbital Drop Strike/Support Teams(ODST) deployed onto ship to bring peace.
-Commodore Serena Masterson takes command of ship.
-All new crew submitted to ship.
that is just a rough bit of the ship.
after that part the ship will be an all out support ship working either along side
[1st]LSCA-Ft.Louisbourg or working as a support warship when called upon.
On idle time (This part will be special charactered I think) the ship will
sit in NY or California watching jump gates to lower the smuggling that goes
on around the two systems
Also no one will be allowed to join this group it will be ran only by me and
each ship that I choose to put with it(If any, more than likely not) those
ships would only be in my control
//Currently I'm 400 mil short on the Wenatchee to get this ship.
I just want to know if the community likes the information that I provided currently
All donations welcomed by the way.
Also for those of you who are curious
Wenatchee is the name of a town in washington (of which my friend was raised in)
Hence why it will be in california a good percent of time since it's closest to washington.
It's all fine. Not really a minimum requirement to be registered anyway. Only problem I can see is it being used to lower smuggling. Firstly, capital ships can't do anything about smugglers these days. Secondly, it'd make far more sense in a time of war for you to be doing something directed towards Rheinland. Perhaps you could be ensuring no sneaky Rheinlanders attempt to flank Liberty through the Bretonian front?
Apart from that, glad to have another competent Captain. We're going through another bad streak.
I know it cant do anything to's more of an RP scare really (AKA it's not going to do a thing just make the smugglers day a bit longer.)
On a side note about Rhienland, yes the ship will on random occasions do shorties that involves interacting or destroying rhienland ships however for the sake of it being mostly RP it wont be doing that as often as some would hope
the way i see it the 27th isn one of the [1sts] support units there genrally public not directly attached to us (ie if its classified they know only if needed ) id speak to natherial first tho
If randomers can get away with setting up a liberty cap out of the blue then i don't see why you need approval for this. Although it is nice your taking this seriously unlike most liberty cap owners.