Cromwell returned from the bathroom to discover a long line of queuing applicants that had materialised. After signing off Lord Tarrant's reinstatement in the Armed Forces, he turned to the remaining three applicants.
"Alright chaps, fill out these forms please."
Form Wrote:Name:
Date of birth:
Place of birth:
Family Background:
Previous occupation(s):
Combat experience:
Describe briefly why you wish to serve in the Armed Forces:
List 5 aspects of your character that you beleive make you suitable for this job:
Name: Buff Howards
Date of birth: 20.12. 773
Place of birth: Freeport 4
Nationality: Moved to New London in 778 and accepted Bretonian nationality
Family Background: Father worked for IMG until he disappeared in 790. His destiny is unknown. Mother unemployed, after father's disappear she started working in clothing industry. Now she is retired, living in Sheffield district.
Fitness: Withnout problems, smoker
Height: 6'2'
Vision: Withnout problems
Injuries/Illness: Right leg limping after injury by malfuctioning automatic doors
Previous occupation(s):
Weapons operating personnel on Trade vessel
Freelancing bounty hunter for different corporations
Worked for different paramilitary organisations
Combat experience:
Self defense fights against pirates
Hunting of criminals and people with bounty on
Describe briefly why you wish to serve in the Armed Forces:
I believe that my destiny is to be tool of war, but individual cant be effective withnout organisation. So I want to be part of most effective organisation I know.
List 5 aspects of your character that you believe make you suitable for this job:
Loayality to Crown
Some combat experience already
Steady under fire
Able to listen orders
In love with flying in space
Elnire grabs a sheet and runs over to a side desk, not wasting any time he fills it in and promtly marches back placing the sheet with a determined grin on the officers desk. It read as follows;
Name:Elnire BlueBlade
Date of birth: 26/06/790
Place of birth: New London, Kent
Nationality: Bretonian
Family Background: Father ran an indipendant trading company, containing three ships, mother died at birth.
Fitness: Lightweight and nimble, an avid fencer and duelist with close combat weapons.
Height: 5'11"
Vision: 20/20
Injuries/Illness: none
Previous occupation(s): Captain of a trade vessel, firefly class, then commander of 3 vessels in a trading organisation. Commanding crew and directing vessels.
Combat experience: Plenty of run-ins with corsairs and gaians, from simple pirating to staged assults on all three vessels. hand to hand combat with blades along with combat commanding from the bridge of long hauledge vessels.
Describe briefly why you wish to serve in the Armed Forces:For the queen, for London and to show that theres nothing more powerful than the bride of a bretonian with a cup of tea.
List 5 aspects of your character that you beleive make you suitable for this job:
1] Pride, honour and an extreme willingness to perform his duty for Bretonia.
2] Experiance in piloting and commanding large vessels and smaller fighter craft.
3] A wilingless to learn any new skills and obey orders without question.
4] A familiarity with the laws on shipping items and contraband in bretonia.|
5] Makes a Pukka cup of tea
A blond hair man walks into the recruiting station rushes up to the desk and gives the Form to the Admiral.
As he waits patiently standing at the position of attention waiting a reply from the Admiral..
Name: Aninyo Gage
Date of birth: 01.07.786
Place of birth: Houston
Family Background: Parents Died from Pirates Raid when i was 8. On my own ever since.
Previous occupation(s):
Prison Transport on Trade vessel
Combat experience:
Gun Battles with Pirates While Transporting Prisoners
Missions to Hunt Down Wanted Personnels with Bounty
Describe briefly why you wish to serve in the Armed Forces:
To Become a Professional and to serve in the Top Armed Forces!
List 5 aspects of your character that you beleive make you suitable for this job:
1. Dedication to the Armed Forces.
2. Wilingless to learn new skills.
3. Obey orders without question.
4. I have Intregrity
5. Never Backs down
It was cold outside - the rain this time of year had a habit of doing that. The young man, mid twenties, pulled the collar on his jacket tighter as he made his way down the street. It was wartime, all the newspapers made a point of letting you know it and the recruitment signs ha had deliberated over for the last 3 days weren't helping the situation any. Passing one of the offices, on a whim he headed inside, ignoring what was a presumably dirty look from the automated attendant when he turned in his dripping coat. The room was everything you'd expect from a military recruitment office - sparse, small and smelling of cigars. A small lineup had formed, so he went ahead and took a seat.
"Sir?" The recruitment officer woke him with a start. "This is a military office, sir. If you'd like, there's a shelter just down the street."
"Oh, i'm not homeless yet, my friend." The dark look on the officer's face gave away the fact that his rheinland accent was still thick. "Although many would see it that way. I'm here to enlist."
"Enlist? You? You sound like you're straight off New Berlin."
"<i>Da</i>" he replied, "And damn lucky to be here, too. Local police tried to impound my freighter, but I move faster than the warrant office." A small hint of a smile began to creep onto the officers face, but it didn't last long. He was well trained, thought the man.
"So why the BAF? Why not Liberty?"
"I've no love for the libertonians, but neither do I hate them. It's the organized crime sector that gets me, the ones that killed my family, and the BAF seems to be the only organization with the balls to do anything about them. Now, if you're done stalling, where's the damn paper? My ship needs repairs." The officer handed him a clipboard. Several minutes of red tape later, and the man collected his coat and left. Curious, the officer checked the sheet. Scrawled at the bottom was the name "Schmidt, C. E."
About 25-30 is his age if i would guess says the recruit officer to the other. That tall skinny man had been browsing around in the recruit office for about 45 min now.
-Can i help you? the officer said.
The stranger whispered. -well what questions will you ask if i would sign up?
-Well depends. The officer said firmly!
They both stare at each other for a few seconds. Finally the officer broke the silence.
-If you write down what you can i will let you know what more i need! Ok?
-Sounds fare! I am Chris
-Chris.... the officer replayed.
-Chris Roots!
-Gday Chris Roots. Heres the paper, you will do fine i reckon! the officer said and smiled!
Name: Chris Roots
Date of birth: 28 years
Place of birth: New London
Nationality:Bretonian/ Old Scandinavian
Family Background: Was brought up in a middle class suburb out New London. My father came from a farmer home. But he been working himself up to pay for my education but it been years since we spoked. My mother went mad after she lost her brother 2 years ago and to emotional to reach through.
Fitness: Viscous/skinny
Height: 195 cm
Vision: Good vision
Injuries/Illness: None what I know of!
Previous occupation(s): Been in college for a few years studying to be a Art teacher.
Worked on a few trade ships. and have 20 missions with combat experience. (low level missions needs to be said)
Combat experience: Have 20 missions with combat experience. (low level missions needs to be said)
Describe briefly why you wish to serve in the Armed Forces:Want to do something that matter and protect this lovely culture that i had the honor to grow up to!
List 5 aspects of your character that you beleive make you suitable for this job:
1. Loyal
2. Do what I been told
3. Really persistent when it comes to getting it right
4. Like to work in teams!
5. Reserved
"Alright. what do we have here?" ramey asks as he walks past the line of recruits, and sits down at the desk.
"gimme a minute to look through whatever paper work you've filled out. the last recruitment officer has been transfered to the cambridge research institutes new research program on war related insanity."
Ramey spends a minute looking at the papers on his desk. he goes to put them in one of the drawers, and frowns. he removes something from the drawer, then puts his papers in. he places a bottle of something strong looking onto the desk.
"now... buff howards, it says here that you've got a leg injury? mind telling me how exactly that.. uhh... got stuck in a door?"
Ramey looks at the growing discontent among the rest of the line.
"and the rest of you can go get a cup of tea or coffee from the table down the hall. but i expect you to be back when i'm done asking about howards here, or i'll move ya to the back of the line."
' Wrote:<span style="font-family:Century Gothic">Violence is Golden</span>
Elnires eyes light up and he practicaly flies out of the door at the mention of a cup of tea. Running to the kettle he puts it on, dumping a tea bag into a cup he filles it with three sugars, waits for the kettle to finish and pours in the water, using the teaspoon he stirs briskly like a whirlwind in a cup and takes the bag out, squeezing it against the spoon cursing slightly as the boiling water drips over his fingers, he finishes his perfect cup with a quick dash of milk. Completing his own holy ritual he slowly heads back to the office and pokes his head in looking at Ramey with a
quizzical face. He waits for the invite to enter the room again but in the mean time midly sips his perfect cuppa.
Elnire stares at Rammey for no less than two seconds, slowly and eliberatly he takes a fine sip of his tea and very cerimoniously places the cup onto worktop next to him. With one last longing look he dissapeares in an Elnire shaped dust cloud and he sprints back to teh tea room. With the kettle still warm from his last cuppa he quickly repeats the process. Just as he puts the spoon in the sugar pot he realises his error. What a junior ensign mistake! How could he, a true bretonian forget to ask how many sugars! With panic on his face as clear as day he sprints back to the office pushing past the other applicants he barges through the doors again and stands to as-good-as attention as he can muster.
"Sir how many sugars!" He stands as crock steady still as possible, then his eye catches his own cup of tea.. The temptation is there but he is ready to prove his determination to the BAF, even if it means...going without instant cup of tea.
((OOC// I know this may seem very silly to some but in all honesty im very close to this a sa person, you may find me running around for a cup of tea. Anyway if this seemns a bit too silly for everyone and youd prefer a lot more stern post then thats fine. But I just wanted to chow i have a comical side..along with a passion for tea.))