Competitive salary
Up to 300 days holiday per annum
Free insurance
Performance-related bonuses
Access to the company fleet
And more!
We don't have time to interview every applicant, so instead, fill out this form and submit it to our human resources department. If you do not hear back within 2 weeks, assume that you were unsuccessful in your application at this particular time.
Qualifications (Educational):
Qualifications (Vocational):
Relevant Experience:
Employment History:
Additional Information (continue on additional sheets as necessary):
Do you have a criminal record? If yes, provide details below:
Have you ever been accused of sexual harassment? If yes, provide details below:
I have a special fondness of poetry, please express your creative skills and linguistic abilities by writing one which extols both my (John Steeds) and the company's greatness. This is not required however it may find you with increased favour.
OOC: Don't worry too much, this is basically just a moron filter. Please please please do not tell me that your parents were killed by pirates and this is why you want to move pharmaceuticals around the galaxy. I massively don't care.
If accepted, we'll check you out and if you're deemed fit right away, you will get access to our shared ships (Advanced Train, Eagle, Roc and more. Basically everything you need except a personal yacht). Otherwise you'll be pushed in to something with more manageable, risk-assessment wise, and we'll make you strut your stuff a while and build up some corporate renown. Smuggling contraband will also possibly be off limits when you are new too, until we're sure you've learned all the ropes and got Cryer vibes.
On the whole though we're pretty laid back. I don't care if you want to play 2 hours a month or 20 hours a day, and I don't care if you want to shoot bad guys in a fighter or make billions trading or just mess around in a yacht either. I also don't even care if you are really terrible. And you don't have to pay me money every week or any of that nonsense.
*Qualifications (Educational):
I am studying for a GED in the prison library.
*Qualifications (Vocational):
Computer repair, engine mechanic, expert on security overrides, all around useful skills for keeping a ship running.
*Relevant Experience:
I was tech support for the crew of a luxury liner, successfully took it over singlehandedly, and flew it through halfway through the edge nebula without losing hull integrity.
*Employment History:
Employed by various groups of varying legalities for my skills in ship maintenance (and the related skills in hard to detect sabotage)
*Additional Information (continue on additional sheets as necessary):
I'm sick of being in prison, and would really like to get back in a ship. I don't have the money to buy my own, and have lost all contact with my living relatives, so they won't let me out until I have means of transport. I've caused some problems before, but now I'm quite content to put my skills up for hire, I won't do anything against whoever pays my bills. I can handle a big ship pretty well if I do say so myself, but I've never piloted a fighter.
*Do you have a criminal record? If yes, provide details below:
As you may have noticed from the previous answers, yes I have a bit of a record. I'm serving this current term for Grand Theft Spaceship of that liner, they didn't believe that I was going to give it back. All I wanted to do was see if it could do the obstacle course, and I was only halfway through when they broke through the blast doors on the bridge. Various little charges before that, mostly transporting illegal goods. That's what bankrupted me in the first place and I had to take that job on the liner.
*Have you ever been accused of sexual harassment? If yes, provide details below:
Well, the accusation of 'inappropriate touching' of the liner's captain's daughter didn't really help my case for this current prison term. She was all over me, made it dang hard to keep my mind on the obstacles in that joyride, but as soon as the blast door broke she was running away, picking up her clothes, and pretending I'd forced her. Nobody believed me.
Basically sir, I'm free to leave the prison if I'm provided a ship and a legit employer to sign off on it. I'll promise to keep whatever you give me flying, and won't work for anyone else against you, those days are behind me. Prison's not fun, and I don't really want to go back.
Some say that he's a CIA experiment that went wrong, and that he only eats cheese. All we know is that he's not The Stig - he's The Stig's American cousin. Wiki sysop (admin-ish) | I do custom ship renders (and bases)
Jerald Warren. As you may know, Cryer played a significant role in the gentrification of planet Denver, and continues to do so to this day. A key part of this involves the rehabilitation of criminals in to our workforce, rather than letting them re-offend or become space pirates.
In light of our approach as civic benefactors, we are willing to take you on as a pro-bono cause and install you in initially a fairly menial position, with the following stipulations:
You continue to attend your GED classes whilst working for us until you have gained the qualification.
You attend bi-monthly meetings with your parole officer.
You attend a 2-week rehabilitation course on Denver.
You attend a nineteen-minute refresher course on sexual harassment.
All your expenses for the above will be paid for by Cryer Pharmaceuticals as long as you follow the agreement.
Please find enclosed your white blazer with red trim and pair of one-size-fits-all red trousers.
Address: 7193 jefferson road. washington continent. planet denver.
Nationality: mostly libertonian.
Qualifications (Educational): i spent three years at a university on los angles, new harverd university. and two years with the cambridge research foundations advanced educational program.
Qualifications (Vocational):<strike> i like blowing things up</strike> i am good at... applied chemistry. and math and physices to an extent
Relevant Experience: i spent 3 years working on cambridge research station as a prepulsion systems designer, and i helped design the engines on the B-3000 challanger bomber. not to mention i'm pretty good with electronics.
Employment History: a few years with the cambridge reserach institute. and a few years with another group in bretonia that i cant tell you about. and about 14 months with an electronics firm that designed ECM devices for the liberty navy.
Additional Information (continue on additional sheets as necessary): i'm cool, and i build miniturized fusion reactors as a hobby.
Do you have a criminal record? If yes, provide details below:
i spent a day in jail on planet los angles when i was sixteen for hot-wireing a hover car.
and i have gotten fined a total of 67.500 credits for reckless flying. but it wasent all that reckless...
Have you ever been accused of sexual harassment? If yes, provide details below:
the charge was dropped as soon as they took her blood's alcohol level. fairly unimportent anyways.
Note: can i really get 300 days of vacation? that sounds pretty cool... also, is it paid? cause that would be pretty kick... uhh.. yeah. pretty awsome. also, what insurance provider do you use, and what does the plan cover?
and just exactly how competitive does your salary get?
' Wrote:<span style="font-family:Century Gothic">Violence is Golden</span>
Ms Matterson, you seem extremely well qualified. Your time with the CRI is especially useful.
The vacation time increases with promotions and years of service, and it is fully paid.
All our insurance comes through Interspace, you may look through the plan at your leisure.
Salaries are competitive across all levels of the company, increasing in-line with promotion as one would expect.
Well, I am making you a job offer. Please find enclosed your white jacket and red trousers.
Masters Degrees;
Master of Forensic Sciences
Master of Health Science
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences
Advanced Healthcare and Medical Research
Qualifications (Vocational):
Vocational Courses;
Archaeological and Historical Research of Ancient Civilisations
Relevant Experience: 7 Months on Cambridge Research Institute in the department of Biotechnological and Nano technological Research.
Employment History: See above.
Additional Information (continue on additional sheets as necessary): Interested in Medical and Biological Research, and do professional level Archaeological work on the side.
Do you have a criminal record? If yes, provide details below: N/A
Have you ever been accused of sexual harassment? If yes, provide details below: On one occasion, however the other person involved disliked me and tried to get me cut out of my job by a fake accusation of sexual harassment.
Qualifications (Educational): PhD in Exobiology, University of Manhattan
Relevant Experience: Intensive research on xeno-anthropic pathologies, including infection by alien organisms and Nomad infestation.
Peer-Reviewed Publications:
"The course of xeno-pathology in a six-year-old female: A case study." JOURNAL OF EXOBIOLOGY 13,3: 387-406.
"Alien micro-organisms: A typology of pathologies." XENOPATHIC QUARTERLY 28, 1: 27-50.
"Nomad cellular structures: A barrier to cross-species fertility?" PROCEEDINGS OF THE BRETONIAN EXOBIOLOGY SOCIETY 64, 9: 1490-1505.
Employment History:
Scholar in Residence, Department of Astrobiology, University of Cambridge
Additional Information (continue on additional sheets as necessary): Tragically, Daniel's daughter is also one of his research subjects, clearly suffering from AADS (alien-associated degenerative syndrome). He is highly motivated to cure her.
Do you have a criminal record? If yes, provide details below: Yes. Arrested twice last year for disorderly conduct and trespassing during demonstrations against Bretonia's failure of leadership on the AADS epidemic. Pled guilty to trespass and received a fine.
Kaylee Devlin and Daniel Moss, I see you are both extremely well educated alumni of the Cambridge Research Institute. Ms Devlin, your archaeological work may prove of very high importance for us in our ever-expanding research plans. Mr Moss, your authorship of several articles in respected quarterlies has not gone unnoticed either.
Job offers are being made to both of you, please find enclosed your red trousers and white blazers. Mr Moss, you may wish to start as a researcher in our AADS project.
3413 South-Avenue, Smoky Ridge, Pittsburgh, Liberty
Qualifications (Educational):
Basic libertorian High School graduation
Qualifications (Vocational):
Pilots License class B
Relevant Experience:
I have met all kind of people during my ten years of work, i am really good with people really!
Employment History:
Until now i was employed by Liberty-Space Taxi INC. I was piloting a CTE L-337-K Civilian Shuttle and sometimes even a EL-HiL27 "Rhino" Liberty Freighter, modified to function as a space-bus. I was responsible for the well being of my passengers and to get them to their destination safe and fast.
Doing that, i had to evade, outrund and on one occasion even fight pirates and terrorist who are swarming Liberty's trade lanes these days.
Do you have a criminal record? If yes, provide details below:
I have once threatened a big fat and ugly dignitary to airlock him and watch his head explode if he doesn't pay his transportation bill, i have been warned for that.
Have you ever been accused of sexual harassment? If yes, provide details below:
There was this girl once on the backseat of my Taxi, and i said and did some things that really made her upset, i still don't know why....
Mr Carter, the CTE L-337-K Civilian Shuttle and Rhino are important backbones in our spacefleet. Your experience in them and confidence in dealing with criminals will make you a valuable addition to our commercial fleet. Please find enclosed your red trousers and white spacejacket