This is Mercenary Captain Relden,
to All Mercenary Forces.
We have now payed the South Allience. Also, the SA and HF are competing for our services! Repeat, we may be getting a job from either the SA or HF. This will result in a high payout, and our funds will skyrocket.
This is Mercenary Captain Relden,
to All Mercenary Forces.
I believe we need a central place for all of our overall funds. The Mercenary's official funds are currently scattered and disorginized. Thus, I propose that we create a central Mercenary bank. Please transmit your opinions over this channel. Thank you.
This is Mercenary Captain Relden,
to All Mercenary Forces.
We are now planning to purchase a Prison Liner to act as a central funding storage area, or Bank. A Prison Liner so we can imprison Bounty Hunter Pilots before taking the to Gran Canaria to be... dealt with. The Corsairs will pay us quite a little bit of cash for those pilots, and they also have remarkable ways of creating a painful sensation throughout the body... I certainly don't envy any bounty hunters we capture.
In other news, the South Allience has won the bid for our services. I am preparing to discuss the details right now. The payment will be: 45 million for 2 fighter, a cruiser, and a Battleship for one hour.
Thank you.
Relden out.
OOC: Demo, if you have any objections to the liner bank, please let me know.
This is Captain Relden,
to All Mercenary Forces.
Here are the current possible names for our Bank:
MFS San Quentin
MFS Sing Sing
MFS Leavenworth
MFS Attica
MFS Bucket
Please tell me what you think.
OOC: all of those are famous prisons, besides Bucket... after all, it'll be a PRISON Liner, and a PRISON for captured Bounty Hunters... I personally like the San Quentin best, with the Attica in close second. I would have added Alcatraz, but it's already a station in FL.
Demo here
San Quentin
sounds good make it so
and the idea of an prison
liner makes me feel comfort
and i like the idea of BH's
being tortured by the coirsairs
i did hear about one manner
in wich they put toxic waste
into the blood
Like the swiftness of the fire death will overcome you
This is Captain Relden,
to Commander Demo.
Understood. Beginning negotiations with LPI managers to purchase the MFS San Quentin.
This should be easy. LPI is privatly owned, and even more "convincable" than most military and police... just one well placed bribe untill we own that liner...
This is Captain Relden,
to all Mercenary Forces.
Following negotiations with an unnamed LPI Manager, Blue Member Hybrid took the... convincement... to the Manager. We now own a rather large Prison Liner named the MFS San Quentin.
Captain Relden out.
OOC: Hybrid, thanks for all that help and patience with that long transfer... To everyone else, the reason why it was long was because first I gave him/her the purchase cash from my trader, then I switched to my crusier and gave him/her the bounty hunter pilots from there (forgot to transfer the upfront payment from the SA), then I switched to my fighter and gave him/her the bounty hunter pilots from that, then remembered the SA payment and switched back to my cruiser and gave that cash to him/her... after that I created the [TM]MFS-San_Quentin character, got the cash from him/her, then s/he followed me to Norfolk Shipyard, and after I'd bought the liner s/he gave me the 55 bounty hunters... s/he was a huge help.
Demo here
okay so we have our faction banking ship now
very good and San Quentin sounds like an
good name for her it reminds me of an old
prison on earth i wished i could see it once
and use some old fassion torture ways on BH
pilots ah well i dont think that will ever happen
im looking forward to transport those BH's
to an coirsair planet in it
ooc. make it an she because the name sounds
more female than male =P
Like the swiftness of the fire death will overcome you