LNS Columbia and Interceptor was on patrol in Liberty space when we detected Helghast GB Ferdimond in Texas. We immediately set course for intercept. Interceptor caught up with Ferdimond but he docked while awaiting reinforcements. His reinforcement came in the form of Helghast Conrado. An engagement ensued and Ferdimond was easily damaged by the superior weapons of the Interceptor. They then retreated and managed to evade our sensors. A system wide search was made and both were detected near the New York Jump Gate killing innocent civilians. LNS Columbia retaliated and was soon backed up by Interceptor who in turn further damaged the Helghast Gunboat. They quickly retreated and was soon able to evade our sensors.
Soon after, Xenos GB Prospector arrives and declared war on all Junkers. He then proceeded to engage the Helghast GB Ferdimond while LNS Columbia, Interceptor and Redbear stood by in readiness. Under stress by his already damaged Gunboat, Helghast Ferdimond was forced to retreat with heavy casualties. And as mysteriously as he came, the Prospector disappeared into the void.
(ooc: if I have forgotten anyone please PM ASAP)
(ooc: P.S. from now on I shall be listing us in this fashion for our numbers in ships are huge. So, as a Player gains rank just consider you ship pilots have same rank for I cannot keep up with all the bloody ships:crazy:)
(ooc: consider if each member just has 2 ships, ya right, thats almost 30 ships at this moment, wow)
Bid has been proposed and accepted by General Contractor. Upgrades and improvements to present military installations and patrol craft is underway, gentlemen. As the project comes close to completion more updates shall follow. Thank the VOID, Virginia will be up and running soon.
Message to: Admiral OsoRojo
Message from: Lt. Paul Hill
- Aboard Liberty Gunboat, callsign Revolver
Many thanks for the promotion to Lt. I will continue to make the SA the most respected Navy in all Sirius. You have my word on that!
Lt. P.Hill
End Message
Message to: All SA Personnel
Message from: Lt. Paul Hill
- Aboard Liberty Gunboat, callsign Revolver
Patrols were fairly quiet today. The only 'action' I got was picking up a Helghast ship on the long range scanners aboard LNS Mississippi. Comms were established with the Helghast vessel, firmly warning that unless said ship was removed from Liberty space, it would become space instead. Threats were received in return, so Mississippi comenced alert code red and I scrambled into space in Revolver.
Soon after, Mississippi lost contact with the Helghast. It seems the ship had entered the jumpgate to the Hudson system. I proceeded to the jumpgate to guard the Liberty border.
When my shift on duty was over, the Helghast still hadn't shown itself. It seems Helghast's don't have the nerve to follow up their threats against the SA. Smart move in my opinion.
End Message
Message to: SA High Ranking Officers
Message from: Lt. Paul Hill
- Aboard Liberty Gunboat, callsign Revolver
An AW ship was spotted in Texas during my patrols today. Below is a camera still from the blackbox aboard my ship:
I was unsure about whether the 'Only Gunboats and smaller AW ships within Liberty space' clause was still in affect, so comms were not openned, and the ship was allowed to pass. (Not that my gunboat could stop it anyway). Another curious thing about this is that the ship in question was headed away from NY, and I would then assume it was headed away from Theta. No cargo was being carried, so trading was not underway. AW ship movements sure are interesting...
Lt. P.Hill
P.S This message was not included in the universal SA message to avoid panic among the lower ranking pilots. This includes myself. I have definately felt more tense out there since this sighting.
End Message
ooc: Any more info on the LEF that Revolver has been assigned to? I'm looking forward to the RP with that division of SA, and would like to start expeditions ASAP. Posting here or PMing me is fine either way.
Your report was forwarded to me by Admiral OsoRojo, and, it seems, our confidence in your abilities have not been misplaced. Excellent forebearence on your handling of the AW fly-by. We shall chalk it up to the AW's desire to pass through Liberty space, which was requested awhile back, but entailed a totally smaller vessel than you have shown. However, technically a breach of our accord, we, and you, are protectors of the peace, so good call.
On your desire for details on the LEF this creation falls within Mr. Epps' sphere of influence. If your desire more information please refer to him for I believe he is looking for volunteers. In addition, you have permission to place an application for temporary assignment, but remember your of Texas Squadron and your assignment is considered temporary, and you are subject to recall at anytime.
' Wrote:Memo to: Admiral OsoRojo
From: Henry Epps, Functioning Commander
Re: Fleet structure
Admiral, I was just examining your fleet structure...and I am absolutely appalled!
Why do we have THREE fleets? One is enough!
And also, Arlington is for heros, not foolish knuckleheads like Harrison Gurney. By placing him there in full honors, you are tainting the cemetery.
I will not allow him to lie there.
To: Mr. Epps
Comm ID: Richmond HQ
Your position is noted, sir. However, I wish to point out we have only one fleet, which is broken down into three squadrons. I realize your strengths lie within the civil arena, and your political and diplomatic endeavors are sound. Sadly, on the question of Captain Gurney it lies beyond your preview. He shall rest with his fellows, for he is Navy.
Admiral, I request a meeting to discuss a matter of importance. Thank you for your time Admiral. Adamson out.
-Incoming Transmission-
Comm ID: 226th ADF-CA Headquarters, Planet Los Angeles
There has been an all points alert issued for Captain Tannik Seldon, Callsign: Sushi. Cpt. Seldon was admitted to the medical facility on Planet Denver two days ago. Reports from the facility indicate that Cpt. Seldon's mental health was deteriorating and they transfered him to psych for evaluation. However Cpt. Seldon escaped hospital custody and has seemingly disappeared. A top priority search is now called for Cpt. Seldon. Consider him armed and extremely dangerous. Use caution when confronting him. He is to be taken alive at all costs. Message ends.
<span style="color:#CCCCCC">"BOLT FROM THE HEAVENS"
"Nobody ever won a war by dying for his country, you win wars by making the sorry SOB's die for theirs!"