Thanks for your contributions folks. And sorry for the lateness (i may extend the submission date) i couldn't really have forsseen the connection problems as of recently. Thanks bird for your interest in particular but for now revan's is taking my fancy. Nothing's set in stone yet as i'm looking forward to what Yue and Seth have lined yup before we make a decision.
Thank you very much doom for your work towards the animated banner. I'l be happy to buy that for a price we can negotiate in PM or skype. HOWEVER this topic stays open for the price initially indicated.
I'm gonna call this one in two days time folks. Let's saaaay... Mid day-ish on the 24th GMT. I may not necessarily be there to close it at that time, but that's when i'm planning on making it in to make the decision. Revan still shows the most promising result so far and thanks to everyone else who's had a hack.
I'll work on a logo and it should be done by then but I doubt I'll be able to make a banner too... Maybe Revan can use my logo in his banner...
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Were also looking for a logo in addition to our banner. Side deals are open for discussion, however if we don't settle a planetform logo here then it's highly likely we'l be starting a thread request/reward for one in the future.