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"That's OK, Ensign, I'll take this call over here," stated Haddock as he went to another station.
"Miguel Romero this is Commander Haddock of Med.Force.One," he began, "yes it does sound as if we will compliment each other rather well. Stand bye."
Haddock then punched some buttons to create an encrypted link to Romero. Setting up the frequency and trajectory, he quickly went to his command chair.
"Mr. Romero, transmitting an encrypted link to your location....." he hit a switch on the arm of his chair, ""
The link was sent. As his own ship had little trouble with Outcasts in the area, he made no mention of them.
LaBrie was sitting at his console, when he sat bolt upright. He noticed that the signal broadcasted by Alexa had suddenly repeated itself, but amplified. As if someone was screaming it into the void.
Thinking quickly, LaBrie realized this would be tactically unsound. He did not want any of the Raiders to fall into the wrong hands, and he was sure Petrucci thought the same. He turned to his communications console, and ripped out a panel underneath the input device.
He started to hum a tune to himself.
LaBrie progammed the Spyglass' massive scanner array to send a feedback pulse through the signal. On a previous occasion, he used this method to incapacitate a Navy officer listening in on the Vagrant Raider's Communcation Network. He routed the trigger through a feedback loop in the signal itself. It was now invisible, and unstopable.
Whoever was re-broadcasting that signal would receive a nasty shock.
The Jinkusu was rather unaffected by the attempt at an attack, as it was neither listening in to any specific frequency, nor was the extra bit that was added broadcasted strongly enough to be intercepted. It was merely filtered out as background noise, as is the case with all transmissions that bounce off of planets and other large objects in space and are occasionally re-intercepted by the broadcasting party.
The Spyglass officer certainly would not broadcast that sort of attack loudly enough to be damaging to a ship, as if it even worked it would hit anyone and everyone listening in, indeed all of Sirius at this point, and furthermore even if it didn't it would certainly give away the ship's position to those same listeners. Rather tactically unwise.
At worst, the lights on the Captain's guardship dim subtly for a moment before returning to normal. The Captain glances to the other officers on deck, and they shrug to each other.
That loon in the mess kitchen trying to bake a cake again?
Couldn't be worse than the last one, which looked like he used a primary turret to bake it.
Heh, you're right. All the same I think I'll be eating on the restraunt deck this evening..
Doc Hoff was sitting in the Captain's chair on board the Metropolis, his feet up on the console ahead of him and reading the Sirius Times newspaper.
LaBrie scratched his head.
"Weird. I sent the feedback surge through the Metropolis' main scanner array when it was on the narrow band. Point to point. Have you ever seen something like that?"
Hoff continued to flip through the paper.
Oblivious, LaBrie ducked under the console and continued to work. For a moment, he was worried that whoever he sent the feedback signal to would have been able to tell where it came from, or what ship. He then realized that the only thing that could possibly give away which ship sent the feedback signal would have to had the most advanced scanner array in Sirius to amplify the signal to that magnitude.
"Boy, that was a close one Hoff! I think I'll try re-routing the signal through the mainframe, boost it using power from the main weapon's array and deflector dishes, then send it on a narrow beam vector directly at the sender.."
[Again the screen flickers to life. This time, it's much different. Instead of a grainy film, you can see all of the environment being taped.
A young man looking in his late teens stares blankly into the camera, taking no notice of the struggles of the girl behind him.
The young man's perfection strikes you first. His skin is opalescent, marked only by what looks like a tattoo that stretches down his neck in impossibly complex shapes, before disappearing beneath his clothing. His eyes stand in stark comparison to the light background behind him. They're a deep, vibrant purple that seems to attract you towards the screen. You're knocked out of your trance-like state of observation when he speaks. His voice sounds like bells. Beautiful, but terrifying.]
Dwight. You've evaded our destiny.. our purpose..
We.. the Trinity.. we can accomplish so much more. Yet, you two decide to stick to a mere band of insuperiors?
Well, no longer.
Join me, or the Trinity shall be broken - if at the cost of our very own sister. Accept who and what you are. Join me.
[The struggles behind seem to increase in protest, but the bonds that hold the girl won't give way.
The tape ends as the young man gets out of his seat. The last thing seen is a dagger, hanging loosely from his hand.]
In a remote part of New York, an achivment, Order Recon Pilot Jeremy Hunter sat drinking soda, listening to toons, and watching the system when his AI, Izzy, patched in the transmission. He watched them all and said
"Patch me through to Zack, Kei, and Tobias; Have em use every trick they have. Triangulate."
Aboard Missouri, Zack Archer Launches his Upholder and heads to California.
On Manhattan, kei launches her LSF Avenger and heads to Texas.
On Rio Grande, Tobias launches and heads to Gallia, catching a ride with the Cruiser Pitard on hyperspace.
Zack finally ends up in Magellan, where the Freeport agrees to help.
Kei ends up in Bering, where the Freeport also agrees to help.
In Gallia, near Reunion, the four freinds begin to do what they can to find the girl.
On Toledo, RIka Hunter, Gwyn Archer, and Audrey Hudson begin using Order tech to help.
It does take a village sometimes
Jeremy: her...and us to find her.
//Jeremy, Zack, Kei, and Tobias are my characters//
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Commander Haddock jumped from his chair and stood over the back of Ensign Kent to watch the latest transmission. Both men watched, eyes wide open, realizing that they needed to do something...but what to do?
"Did you get a fix on it?" asked Haddock.
"Only a general direction, Sir, but nothing concrete," replied Kent.
"Replay the message," ordered Haddock, which Kent did immediately.
We.. the Trinity.. we can accomplish so much more. Yet, you two decide to stick to a mere band of insuperiors?
Well, no longer.
Join me, or the Trinity shall be broken - if at the cost of our very own sister. Accept who and what you are. Join me.
After several minutes of analyzing the message, Haddock returned to his chair, confused. He then sent an encrypted message to Miguel Romero, hoping that between the two crews that they could come up with something. After, he sat, very disturbed by the young man brandishing a knife and threatening the girl.
It was at this point that Ensign Kent turned around and made a suggestion, "Sir, I have little experience with the Wilde or even the Nomads but, um, he kind of looks something like them?"
Haddock just looked over at him straight faced and nodded his acknowledgement after which the crew continued it's monitoring and transmitting.
Only seconds after getting off the comms with Med Force One, another transmission found its way to the Collector.
"Retriever Miguel, this is the Man in White. Report your status."
"More transmissions have been picked up, no doubt relayed to you by the Zoner Juggernaut."
"Indeed they were. Any luck contacting the good doctor?"
"I've made contact with his ship, but it appears to be flying under Commander Haddock. We're working on triangulating the signal now, but some interfacing issues are slowing down our work. However, I ran into a Bounty Hunter guildswoman earlier today who was quite skilled in this area and offered to help out. I directed her to the Seat of Providence. She's had a hard life, and should not be difficult to bring into the fold."
"Good work, Miguel. Have you any further news to report?"
"Only that some of the vessels searching for the girl could make our life very difficult. What appears to be a Spyglass sent a feedback wave along the forwarding frequency the Jinkusu was using; a ship that large was capable of withstanding the attack, but without further modification any use of our cross-ship triangulation program would leave both my ship and the TAZ vessel open to similar attack. We can't have a Spyglass poking around in our comm trails, so it may be some time before we can begin narrowing down our search patterns."
"Mm. We'll see if we can do anything to help you. Until then, keep up the good work. Providence is proud of you."
"I am proud to serve."
Providence takes those who have fallen into despair and gives them hope.
Providence guides those who have lost their way to a new purpose.
Providence shall take you into the fold, and shall keep you safe.
Providence gives all to those who have nothing.
Providence has healed you of your wounds, and nursed you back to health.
Jeremy watched the dagger. He had some contact with Nomads, and had heard of Zack talking with one. But never have they threatened one with a dagger. Never Jeremy and his "team" doubled thier efforts. SUddenly, Zack Went silent
"This is a call to any ship that has picked up the weak transmission, this is Order Deep Recon Unit Omega 1-17. To any Allied ships, or at least friendly, I have a Navy bomber go MIA near the Freeport in Nagellan. Please investigate. Hunter Out."