There must be one character, who you love so much, that they become your 'child' character.
The one your favour the most out of all.
The one you built up with your bare hands (Metaphorically) to be the proud shining example they are today.
So share with me these characters please, can be more than one if you like.
Just curious to know what you're proud of most.
And if you haven't found that one yet? You'll get it in time, try developing characters until you get one you adore!
I know mine has quickly become Georgia 'Luxuria' Brown, originally intended as a temporary, humourous character, at most teasing Seth Karlo in public for my amusement (Sorry Seth), she rapidly evolved into my best developed character yet.
With the help of Zapp, she now has a home, and is my favourite roleplay concept ever!
She still had a ways to go, and some more development, and more adventures to come though...
I would have to say my current best is Lady Serena Cross.
Though she doesn't have a complete story yet. She
is all sorts of animated. Sometimes she's high on sunbucks
coffee other times she's the most generous freaking
Dreadnought commodore you can find. Than on the rare
occasion she's PMSing and wanting to blow your face off.
Example for blowing faces off being the squids.
Than there's when she's being all out Royal. She will
speak as such too. Seeing as her background story will
soon be noble she is or should act as such.
My fave is Arthur Dgahr , who more or less has been my first character on Disco. Never would have thought id be rolling around with jellies, back when I flew a navy IDed spatial a year or two ago.
I'd like to say I share the favortism feeling with my order and zoner characters. I still enjoy the rest of my characters, but I've put much more work into The Order and Zoners. Both of which I've been developing since about July. Well, my Zoner was in it's infancy in late January. I think I've found my niche' playing Gil and Frank. I've not posted Gil's story publically yet; I've yet to iron it out I suppose.
Also, I think I would say I am a child of the Omicrons. I practically live there. My favorite place to be.
Actually my baby of all babies now that I think of it was Tenabras and the 122nd Order Guard. 1.5 years almost of RP changes work and all sorts of stuff. She was mine for so long and I had to shoot her down.