' Wrote:hi guys...ive already find some codename weapon....and now my problem
i find them in system ****** so i docked a small ship that i can collect them after restart......
after serverrestart they was empty....and it is not possible that one other was faster than me...i was there really direct after restart.....
so my question did they move? or what did i wrong?
Codies have indeed been moved, so camping the system won't really help you.
What I can't figure out is the spawn on the codies. Unlike Vanilla, they don't always appear after a server restart...
That said, I don't think anyone will actually give an answer to this question - it's basically a "spoiler" and it can be argued that camping known codie spawn sites is very much OORP!
While on this topic; I have non interest in farming Codies or selling them. However, I would like to know if there are Codename weapons with 6.33 fire rate?