- take your time - have patience. - don t pvp like you did before. - you do not need to move at 350 and instantly open fire, - cause when you stop at a good distance - you will have energy to defend yourself.
- if you have vast space to cover and you re flying a battleship, you can usually E-kill halfway through your energy and still "drift" at 350. - battleships have such a great mass that they can practicly E-kill through newcastle without loosing any speed.
but the most important really is - take your time. when you do a NPC mission, simply STOP 3k away from the waypoint. - impulse into the spawn zone - play it slowly. - when you want to assist your friends, your friends must know that you will have to recharge your weapons, - they d be fools to expect you to simply charge in out of energy.
when you spot a pirate while you re cruising, - try to evade him. - if you cannot do that.... - impulse down - wait for HIM to come to you. - when he does.... you ll have energy.
really - most of it is common sense - don t rush.
one more - plan ahead of the situations. assess a situation so you can react to it appropriately. - when you re caught unaware ... its called being "ambushed" - in this case, the other side either planned better - or you were just afk getting a coffee.
scanner range is still 14k - when an enemy shows at this range. - even a battleship that slows instantly down - and lets the enemy come to itself will have the advantage of the defender. - if you do not want to be the defender, - even the heaviest battleship has time to turn around and speed away.
I find that it allows for more RP to occur before PvP starts. Dropping off at a few K before the enemy is the best idea.
However it does make missions a major pain in the arse, since you don't normally have enough time to get your entire powerplant back before the NPCs spawn. Wah.
And no, it doesn't put an end to crazy missileboats. How do I know this? I fly one.:lol: