My character Daniel Moss (Cryer Pharmaceuticals) is doing some research. Can anyone help him?
1. Is there a list of planets currently being terraformed?
2. Are alien organisms used in the terraforming process on ALL of these planets, or just some of them?
3. Have alien organisms been used on any planets on which terraforming is now complete?
I go by abbamouse, but my characters are the Cryer researcher Daniel Moss, the very boring and ordinary trader John Smith, the borderline-insane civilian Mr Joker, and a Bundschuh activist who goes by the alias Rosa Luxemburg. I am not them and they are not me.
1. Well, Atka and Harris are the only ones that come to mind. There are probably others.
2. I believe that Alien Organisms are used to speed up the terraforming process, so they're probably used on all of the planets.
3. Don't know. Probably.
Planet Gaia would be a terraforming project. Also Sprauge? Pygar perhaps? I know Pygar will deffinatly have alien organisims and you must be able to have landed there at some point or another because the artifact was found there- plus, mircrosoft made an actual planetscape for Pygar, but decided not to use, its in your FL folder somewhere.
Gaia is already a lush paradise. The Gaians problems aren't with terraforming Gaia, but with pollution and exploitation of its amazing natural resources. This goes hand-in-hand with their belief that all planets should be left in their natural states, hence the opposition to Planetform (and terraforming in general).
' Wrote:Gaia is already a lush paradise. The Gaians problems aren't with terraforming Gaia, but with pollution and exploitation of its amazing natural resources. This goes hand-in-hand with their belief that all planets should be left in their natural states, hence the opposition to Planetform (and terraforming in general).
gee wiz i wonder where they think the minerals to make their startraka came from:cool:
Theres a small terraforming process going on; not the big deal since the main potential is the minerals found but there is still about 60 million people living there I think, and they are working on terraforming it to maek it more habitable and maybe the corp's main base (that last piece of info is based on rumors at the bar)