Location: Thoinville Docking bay, Lorraine System, Gallia Sector
Incoming Weak Transmission -- Signal Boost
Communications ID Fools Gold
Transmission distorted
This is static Anderson,
static fine. Stumbled upon a system known as static and another static as Gallia. Bloody people 'ere are static. Threatenin' t' kill me. Aside from static who was kind enough t' static on his peoples station, where I could static this transmission which, sounds like it has a lot of static in it. That's because I static my ship.
If any static receives this, uh..static managed to piss off the locals. static
Communications lost
Thomas sighed lightly and slammed his fist into the console. Getting up from the seat, he made his way to the cargo bay and opened it to a room filled with boxes full of Cardamine. "The bloody rogues better be happy when I get this t' 'em." He grumbled, taking a deep breath before shutting the cargo door and moving towards a compartment which hid his pistol. Pulling out his pistol he placed it in it's holster and proceeded to the airlock door, taking in another deep breath and pushing the door open.
Quickly stepping down he noticed a group of Guards walking over towards him. "Monsieur." One of them said, pointing his finger at Thomas. "Come with us. Quickly."