Xavier Fierceshot awoke from his stasis hibernation. As he slowly opened his eyes, he noticed he was no longer inside Jordan Rudess's cargo hold. He was in a medical bay of some sort. Moving weakly, he slowly raised his right arm which carried his UPS device. He read the words silently:
Current Destination: Planet Toledo
Grid Location: 45,67
Facility: Unknown
Fierceshot read it over several times, not quite understanding what he was reading.
"Planet Toledo, the Order's home planet... why am I here? Last time I checked, I was aboard the Warlord's vessel... could he have been captured? An Unknown Facility, that doesn't smell right. I've got to get out of here... make contact with the Metropolis, this situation is getting out of hand. Alexa.. I swear I'll find you, I made a promise to Petrucci..."
The door to the medical bay suddenly opened, and a G4-x80 Medical unit rolled up to his stasis chamber. Fierceshot pushed against the glass to try and open the door, but the unit had already entered a command into the chamber's terminal to put him back to sleep.
"No..." he thought as his eyes began to close shut, "I can't..... stop... now..."
Hughes sat in his quarters aboard the Furious Absolution, Currently, the Absolution was stationed near Janeu Shipyard in Zone 21, He sat looking out of his window, Hughes reclined in his chair and began to fall asleep when his incoming comm channel let out a beep, grumbling he opened the message, it contained a video feed The signal must have been amplified by Janeu's transmitter's Hughes thought, He began to watch,
An hour later....
Acting Captain Lesp paced the deck "No, i don't CARE how urgent it is that he delivers that scrap metal to Pittsburgh, He Does Not Pass, " In all respects tonight's shift was highly irritating, People seemed to regard Zone 21 as some kind of, Highway, Where was the Captain anyway, he's an hour late....
Hughes strode onto the bridge and ignored Lesp's look
He simply said, "Senior Staff, My quarters, 10 minutes" and then walked out
Hughes waited in his quarters with First Officer Mcdreich and Science officer Bodryen, Lesp finally arrived, He turned to them and said " We have an interesting situation it seems" He began to play the recording,
3 hours later, the Absolution was lost with all hands while on routine patrol
4 hours after that Hughes smiled to himself, the faked transmission had done the trick anyway, Now, about that other matter....
Jeremy was tense. SUddenly, a bright spark erupted from the holocrystals, followed by a tall teen in battle armor and carrrying a huge awseome looking bow on her back.
The Spark spoke with a formal British voice.
"AI Contrsuct Jerrod reporting. Rika, Gwyn, and Audrey are attempting to help Izzy, Ellie, and Hope here."
Hope: "Izzy says that she needs more time."
Jeremy: "Hurry. We dont know HOW much time is needed..."
Floating above Manhattan, Jeremy fought the loneliness that engulfed the cockpit. Jerrod and Hope stayed to keep him company while the others where away. Jeremy was worried.
Xavier Fierceshot awoke once again to find multiple G4-x80 units working at a console to his stasis chamber. This time he wasted no time firmly slamming against the glass. The glass shattered to the ground in millions of crystal shards as Fierceshot stretched out his arm to grip the frame of the chamber. The G4-x80 units reeled back in alarm. Xavier grinned smugly, as he removed his breathing mask. He began to climb out of the chamber. In unison, the G4-x80 units shifted into security mode, guns protruding outwards at Xavier. Xavier's grin turned to a cold stare and he stopped halfway out of the chamber.
"Stupid robots... You really don't want to do that..." whispered Xavier entering a combat stance.
Fierceshot's eyes danced between the units. There were four of them armed with advanced laser cannons. He was stark naked with nothing but skin and bone. Easy.
Xavier wasted no time making the first move. He lashed out with a calloused foot, knocking one of the robots into another. He turned his movement into a spin, from which he rolled across the floor behind a stasis chamber console. Fierceshot braced himself as a strong blast shook the console, exposing some wire. Xavier frantically looked around for something to cut the wire with, and was content to find a bit of the glass nearby. Gripping one of the shards, he brought it down through the wire. He then took the glass shard and threw it as hard as he could at one of the robots. He was delighted to see it cut through one of the vital wires connecting the robot's head to the power supply. It limped over lifeless. Xavier wasted no time taking the wire he had cut from the console and turning it into a weapon. He aggressively lashed out at a robot tangling its arms to its body. With all of his might, Xavier flung it into the glass of a nearby stasis chamber. The frame collapsed, bringing the structure of the chamber down upon the robot. It was crushed. Xavier didn't stop to admire his work as the remaining two robots never slowed their advance. Gun shots blazing past him, Xavier found himself out in the open with little cover. It hardly slowed him down. With a roar, Xavier lunged at the closest robot, jumping over laser fire. He brutally grappled it and wrestled it to the floor. Clinging to the robot, Xavier bashed open the head with an iron fist. He grabbed the exposed wire and tore it to shreds with his hands. The robot instantly became lifeless, and Xavier quickly rose its body to deflect a shot from the last robot. With a monstrous kick, Xavier tumbled into the last robot sending it through the infirmary door. The robot was dented terribly from the last crash, and was quickly found to be nonoperational. Just as he was collecting himself, an Order agent walked by the door. Before he could raise his com device to sound the alarm, Xavier was on top of him. He jumped at him feet first and latched on to his body. As Fierceshot twisted the Order agent towards the ground with his thighs, he couldn't help but wonder what Jada Zachary, his lover, would think of him if she saw him move like this...
He didn't waste time knocking out the agent with a brutal punch.
Breathing heavily, Xavier strode to a storage cabinet he noticed in the room. He opened it and wasn't surprised to find his clothes and weapons located inside. He quickly dressed himself and activated his communications device. He was going to contact Jordan Rudess.
"Jordan? Are you there? Are you alright?" Xavier asked.
"Ah.. Mr. Fierceshot, I see you have recovered, I'll be there shortly to pick you up. Do not worry, your presence is welcomed. I have a Sabre built from the scrap metal of your ship waiting at the Freeport. Some of our Outcast friends have brought additional parts, and helped construct it. Be ready, and stay out of trouble. It's mysterious enough that the Order would even help a stranger like you," Rudess replied.
Xavier looked behind him towards the broken robots and the smashed infirmary. "Errr... yeah, I'm welcomed alright..."
"What was that tone? Did you do anything?..." Rudess inquired slowly raising his palm to cover his face.
"Of course not Warlord, I'm a professional. See you soon."
Xavier shut his communications device, and, with a last glimpse at the room he had demolished, fled the facility before anyone could see the damage he had caused.
Jeremy flew right into Magellan, the location of a Spyglass capital. He grinned. He loved his sister for her intel.
He waited.
He watched.
He got himself caught by a frickin fleet.
He thought "They must know im crazy"
His last thought before he was knocked out by a huge Raider?
"Your in for a rude awakening guys."
The trap is set, and it will be sprung...by AIs suckers.
Jeremy blacked out.
Onboard his ship,. aplply nicknamed the Trojan Horse for this operation, Izzy, Valentine, Max, Blaze, Jerrrod, and Hope split up to thier seperate jobs that would save thier friends. Jerrod 'looked' around. Upholder, Avenger, Percheron. He sighed. Time to spring the trap.
After many, many days of searching, something finally broke through to Petrucci's mind. He didn't want to admit it, but he knew it was the logical, reasonable thing to do.
"We have other priorities than one missing Raider".
After assisting the 101st in dealing with some Hispanic Armed Forces that breached the security of Omicron-85, Petrucci ordered the Raiders in the Omicrons to return home to the Metropolis. They would continue the search in a different place. Petrucci could not help but feel that he was leaving something behind in the Omicrons, as his encounter in Omicron Iota chilled him...
[The screen flickers to life. All that is seen in the girl, floating inside a stasis chamber filled with a silver liquid. Her eyes are shut. She floats there for a minute, before something in her temple twitches. Her hands twist into fists, and her eyes flicker open.
She reached out towards the glass, running her hand along the smooth surface. Her face twisted into agony, almost rage.
She seemed to scream.]
[Her hand presses against the glass, and her face becomes blank. A moment later, the glass shatters. She and the liquid become splayed across the floor, so that she is only laying an inch from the camera.]
"I.. Iota.. bright.. heat.. alone.. please.."
[She collapses in exhaustion, and the camera cuts.]
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"Got it, Sir!" declared Ensign Kent, locking in a co-ordinate of the transmission, "Omicron Iota."
"Nice work, Ensign," nodded Commander Haddock.
He then turned to his helmsman, "let's get this thing to Iota and save her. Kent, you keep a good fix on that mark."
He then got on the intercom, "All medical crews, prepare and stand bye."
With that, Med.Force.One headed for the Iota JH in the Omicron Delta sector.
LaBrie, again, was completely unconscious on the bridge of the Metropolis. Again, chair at a 70 degree angle, drool on the side of the mouth. All of a sudden, he was thrown heels-over-head onto the floor behind him, when the Metropolis was rocked with a massive creaking and groaning sound, followed by a small explosion.
"WHAAAAT IS GOING ON?!" LaBrie screamed at the console.
LaBrie looked at his console to see the prison liner VCS-Eternity shaking back and forth in its docking position. The massive torsion forces were tearing the docking bays to pieces.
"Ohhh its waking up! ITS WAKING UP!"
LaBrie released the docking clamps. The Eternity flew out of the docking bays at an incredible speed. It was moving twice as fast as its experimental flux drives were supposed to move.
LaBrie then looked down at his console. The surface was a glass-like substance, which was sometimes quite reflective. For a split second, he saw Alexa's face in the glass of the console. He stumbled back and flipped over the console behind him, again onto the floor. He then clearly heard three words whispered in his head in Alexa's voice:
LaBrie let out a strange yelp and hauled himself to his feet. He scanned the rapidly-disappearing prison liner. There were no life signs.