Magellan is an Independat system owmed by the people of the Freeport 4. I do not think they would take it kindly to you coming along with your big liberty ship and saying This is mine. Im sure they would allow the AW to bring a fleet in, as logn as it did not harm their own assets. Now, I would suggest you start preparing for a conflict instead of making false statments about your territory, because it looks like things are pretty much going south from here. However, I will let the Emissary from the AW fleet decide your fate, Liberty fool.
I don't want a war but I will give anyone who threatens Liberty all I have. Every attrocity commited by the HF/AW alliance of the last conflict was launched from Magellan. Liberty claims no rights to Magellan nor do I. However I will not sit idle while my enemies gather at my door. And we've already been through this. As I said before I don't want war. And my patrol orders stand. If any questionable fleet is detected amassing in neighboring systems I will be left with no options. I hope that the Zoners will forgive my impatience. I do not claim to own Magellan but I will defend my beloved California. Adamson out.
Adm. Adamson / LNS Valhalla
226th ADF-CA, HQ - Planet Los Angeles
<span style="color:#CCCCCC">"BOLT FROM THE HEAVENS"
"Nobody ever won a war by dying for his country, you win wars by making the sorry SOB's die for theirs!"
Comm ID: Admiral Firebird
Recipients: Admiral Luciaden
1) Our policies are not to be linked with SA, the SF represents a separate house and although we have heritage ties to Liberty, we do make our own separate policies. Do NOT encourage your ships to attack SF in response to SA actions, Admiral.
2) AW ships are still not encouraged to travel through Bretonia and although they will NOT be fired upon unless provoked, if found in Bretonia they will be escorted to a known destination. AW ships with no particular destination will be told to leave Bretonian space immediately. And as should be expected, AW vessels are to obey instructions given by SF personnel at all times while in Bretonia.
Gentlemen, standing orders for CA are as follows:
-Do not fire on any HF or AW ships until fired apon.
-Continue patrols as normal.
-Interceed when needed.
-All AW ships are to be afforded a wide berth in Liberty but do not encourage then to linger in the systems under our jurisdiction. If in doubt, do not engage. Let the policy makes sort this out.
-Protect yourselves and Liberty citizens.
All ships set DEFCON: 2
That is all.
Adm. Adamson / LNS Valhalla
226th ADF-CA, HQ - Planet Los Angeles
<span style="color:#CCCCCC">"BOLT FROM THE HEAVENS"
"Nobody ever won a war by dying for his country, you win wars by making the sorry SOB's die for theirs!"
' Wrote:I hope that the Zoners will forgive my impatience. I do not claim to own Magellan but I will defend my beloved California. Adamson out.
Adm. Adamson / LNS Valhalla
226th ADF-CA, HQ - Planet Los Angeles
Malaclypse, TAZ, to Adamson, SA:
Forgive? Admiral, you may wish to consult IMG-affiliated Factions regarding the situation. They have more sway and say over Freeport 4 than the Zoners do. Not all Freeport bases are under Zoner control or protection, Freeport 4 being the most obvious example.
To quote Saint ne "President" Nicholson of Terra when faced with the Martian threat:
"Can't we all just... get along?"
Please Fnordle "Ontological Anarchy" if any further Illumination is required.
Comm ID: =BSG= Ambasador Vladimir Abelard
From: Tau 44, on board Battlestar 62 - "PEGASUS"
To: SA Adm.Adamson.
Dear sir,
by limiting fleet size in Magellan you are in direct conflict of interests with IMG and BSG. Freeport 4 is our base and surrounding space is protected by our vessels. Our fleet is bigger then gunboats and we wont tolerate any limiting of ship size in system that basically is under our protection. Since we are mostly neutral faction and not in war, all neutral, friendly and allied vessels can pass through Magellan freely. We understand that you want to protect your citizens, but you wont do it by limiting ours. I advise that next time if you want to put limits of any kind on surrounding systems you do it in cooperation with your neighbors. Despite our alignment, this time you went out of your jurisdiction and i expect formal apology to IMG and BSG. Also i declare Magellan system open for all factions neutral or friendly to IMG and BSG. However all criminals, terrorists or hostile individuals or fleets are not welcome in Magellan. Any of them found there, will be dealt with extreme force.
Honored Amabssador, first I apologize if my statements caused you grief. I did not intend to limit the size of your fleet or any fleet that has legitimate purpose in the system. I only intended to warn those whose motivations are suspect. The AW has recently become hostile to us in Liberty again and as such have become a distinct threat. I see no reason why they should have a fleet so far from their bases in Theta and can only assume they intend to attack. I hold the BSG in high honor and I have fought along side you many times. I formally apologize to both the BSG and the IMG. I would like to open a dialouge if possible to discuss the matter further. Again I am sorry, I didn't mean to offend, just protect my home.
Adamiral Adamson/ LNS Valhalla
<span style="color:#CCCCCC">"BOLT FROM THE HEAVENS"
"Nobody ever won a war by dying for his country, you win wars by making the sorry SOB's die for theirs!"
Comm ID: Adm. Adamson / LNS Valhalla
226th ADF-CA, HQ - Planet Los Angeles
To: Supreme Admiral Luciaden and the Asgard Warrior High Command
First and foremost I assure you all that I and the SA do not desire a war with the AW or the HF. But I must say that you and your reteric will soon put us back into one. We gave you free passage in the core systems as an honor to worthy foes. But now I'm not sure. I don't know what ship was chased and almost destroyed. Could you please transmit an account for review.
I feel that I must point out however that you are a long way from home son. Any AW fleet in Magellan will be seen as a military buildup and treated as such. I don't care what reason you give as to why. Magellan is too close to MY SYSTEM and I will not be bullied, threatened, or coersed by the likes of you. And do not threaten the people of Liberty with another unjustified war for the sake of your "allies" the HF. We have already struck an accord with them and it is of no concern to you. What would be your response to placing a large SA fleet in Gamma or Omega 41? What would you think? No fleet larger then 2 ships and no ship larger then a gunboat will be tolerated in Magellan. You have stated before that you do not desire war. Your actions betray you sir. I am open to discussing this further so as to avoid another conflict. If you desire peace then I look forward to hearing from you. Adamson out.
Adm. Adamson
-Transmission Ends
Comm ID: Luciaden
Recipients: SA and SF command
Once again you attempt to blaim hostilities on AW? You, the ones who, along with the SF, attacked and chased an AW destroyer of Lt. General Koss' fleet in Megellan. A system neither the SA or SF have any control of whatsoever. The SA have made it very clear where they stand in their 'accord' with the HF. First an attack by two Liberty capital ships against an HF battleship protecting a system it DOES control, then attacks by both the SA and SF together against a neutral and lone AW destroyer in a system you have absolutely no control of.
The AW may threaten the SA with war, but it is already the SA who have done so against us, already with action against our ships. Sounds like someone wanting to shoot the other without the consequences.
The only way for this to be resolved is the immediate cease fire against any HF and AW ships, anywhere, that are not breaking laws in Liberty Space, along with reparations for the destruction of one HF ship. And then CONTINUED neutrality, for if we are attacked again, there will be war.