At the door of the bar, a bulky man searches you ('You' implies the character(s) you control, obviously) for weapons and such. ''Sorry Mister/Ma'am, procedures, y'know. Don't want you to get violent after you enjoy a couple of our fine drinks!'' and only when you are rid of all your weapons (Read, ALL of them. No ''I hid a dagger in my coat'' thingy) you may enter. The first thing you notices is that there is a ton of armed bodyguards inside watching everyone's behaviour. See, the bar is also full of Outcasts, Corsairs, Hunters and Freelancers drinking next of each others. Although, the atmosphere seems quite enjoyable, and you could swear that you've just seen a Corsair bursting in laugh with a Hunter, talking about how awkward their fight was minutes ago outside.
You notice a menu: great, it's also a fancy restaurant in case you were hungry. From the windows, you can see the suns of Sigma-17 and the nearby gas cloud, which seem to greatly soothe your body and soul, while the relaxing music of the bar lets out all the bad thoughts. A barmaid approaches you and asks: ''Anything for you, Mister/Miss?''
During a trip from Omega 49 to her home world of Honshu via the Omegas, Omicrons and Sigmas, Midori Holliday decided to take a break at the new Freeport. Docking her gunboat, she changed into one of her Kimonos and boarded the Freeport.
Some knew her, some did not but to all, she always had a smile and a friendly greeting. Finding a table, she seated herself near a window overlooking the gas cloud. She had seen it a thousand times but she still found it intriguing.
She wasn't particularly hungry this day but found it best to at least have a light meal. Accordingly, she ordered a small plate of sushi and a glass of Gallic Wine. As she waited, she sat quietly, outstretching her left hand, admiring the rings given to her by her husband that reflected the light overhead. It was times alone that she felt so lucky. But, with him so busy in his medical research, she decided to give him a couple of days to himself. Of course, her trips home were never empty as she returned to Gran Canaria with freshly caught fish.
So she sat quietly, gently smiling out the window, nursing her glass of wine as her food was prepared.
Married to Ambassador John Henry "Doc" Holliday
After being searched for offensive weaponry Oliver Goodman, bounty hunter saw a hure variaty of people around the bar. Corsairs, outcasts, hunters all conversing together.
What the hells up with this place, corsairs, outcasts AND hunters talking to eachother.
Oliver took a seat at the bar next to a corsair who he turned his back to.
Would you like anything
Said a cute barmaid round the bar.
I'd like to take you out to dinner, he thought.
Sidewinder fang please
Ok, just a moment, that'll be 50 credits
He was drinking his drink when a corsair pushed his friend onto Oliver, spilling his drink on him and sent him tumbling to the floor.
Hehe, sorry amigo
The corsair said, with a grin on his face. Oliver's lip was bleeding. He clenched his fist, his face, red with anger. Oliver gritted his teeth and said.
Y-y-yeah i'm fine
He left the bar with a red face and his drink on his shirt.
Bloody corsair, you'll be bountied
As he said while taking off.
After being searched for offensive weaponry Oliver Goodman, bounty hunter saw a hure variaty of people around the bar. Corsairs, outcasts, hunters all conversing together.
What the hells up with this place, corsairs, outcasts AND hunters talking to eachother.
Oliver took a seat at the bar next to a corsair who he turned his back to.
Would you like anything
Said a cute barmaid round the bar.
I'd like to take you out to dinner, he thought.
Sidewinder fang please
Ok, just a moment, that'll be 50 credits
He was drinking his drink when a corsair pushed his friend onto Oliver, spilling his drink on him and sent him tumbling to the floor.
Hehe, sorry amigo
The corsair said, with a grin on his face. Oliver's lip was bleeding. He clenched his fist, his face, red with anger. Oliver gritted his teeth and said.
Y-y-yeah i'm fine
He left the bar with a red face and his drink on his shirt.
After being searched and having a few weapons removed the young man dressed in white T-shirt and blue jeans entered the bar with nothing indicating his affiliation. he glanced around the room spotting the heavily armored guards first then the bounty hunters, he sat down by one of the windows peering out across at the gas clouds.
He sat there for a few moments before he looked out across the bar once more. he waved to get the barmaids attention after ordering a meal he peered out across the window seats, he saw a woman holding a wine glass while smiling out the window *Must like the view*. he waited until her head moved in his direction, giving a little polite wave as she did.
She politely and shyly waved back to the young man with her left hand as her sushi was brought to her and her wine glass re-filled. She was a bit nervous as she normally made these trips to Honshu with no stops. She wasn't sure what to think. Was she hitting on her or was he just trying to be polite? If he didn't know that she was married, he would soon enough.
Married to Ambassador John Henry "Doc" Holliday
He smiled as she waved back, she looked a bit nervous but who wouldn't in front of a complete stranger, he stood up and made his way over to the table but not siting down, his left hand was now visible, he his self had his own ring. "May I sit with you?"He stood there patiently as he waited for her reply.
Seeing the young man politely waiting, she just gave a smile, motioned to the empty chair and said, "hai."
She was a bit nervous, having not been in the presence of strange men while alone since she was married. He didn't look threatening and did appear rather young.
As he sat, the waiter approached, "Put young man on my tab," she said. He could tell that English was very much a second language to her with her heavy Kusari accent even though she comprehended it perfectly.
After taking a bite of her sushi, she put her hands together on the table, "I am Midori Holliday, to whom do I have pleasure of meeting?" she asked, "and what bring such young man way out here?"
Married to Ambassador John Henry "Doc" Holliday
As she allowed him to sit he smiled polity taking a passive stance as he sat down."Hai.""Salutations ma'am"he said polity as the waiter approached."Put young man on my tab." He opened his mouth to object but then closed it not wanting to sound ungrateful nor offensive. he noticed her Kusari accent and didn't seem to mind it one bit. "I am Midori Holliday, to whom do I have pleasure of meeting?""Nice name Mrs Holliday. I am Christopher Dangen." he answered "and what bring such young man way out here?" he thought for a minute. "I've been thinking about just going around the Zoner bases seeing who's who and such, its always a pleasure to meet new people. as for your self?" he sat there politely waiting for his drink and for her reply.
She extended her hand to shake his, "Christopher Dangen, it is pleasure to meet you."
Then, she re-folded her hands on the table.
"I pass this way often," she explained, "on my trips home to Honshu. Between Honshu and Gran Canaria, their not much."
She then sighed. Turning towards the window, she looked out and then back at her guest, "view of clouds so nice here."
She sighed again only this time, she wore a straight face as an old memory passed.
"I remember when I was little girl, my brother, Kentaro, would fly me out to see these clouds, long before I could fly myself. I would beg him even when he was busy but he always found time to take me out. Clouds as beautiful now as they were back then."
She turned towards the window again, looking out, "I miss him," she said out the window before turning back to her guest, "I miss him deeply."
She then went silent as she took a drink of her wine.
Married to Ambassador John Henry "Doc" Holliday
He took his eyes off her as the Waiter placed a drink in front of him."Thanks."he turned his attention back to Midori "Christopher Dangen, it is pleasure to meet you.""Please the pleasure is mine ma'am."he toke a sip of his drink listening polity as she spoke. he saw her expression change as she spot about the field. "I miss him deeply." "We often miss those we care about that we can no longer be with."He turned away for a bit. "What happened to him may I ask." He looked polity back at her smiling. "Have you ever been to Hokkaido?" he patently waited for her reply's.