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"Heraklion, this is Med.Force.One, we have you on scanner," announced Haddock as they approached, "we'll form up on you. Orion, we have you as well. We are ready to jump to Iota when you are. Let's hope safety in numbers applies here."
On board, Ensign Kent read the Prison Liner signature as it passed. "Commander, I'd be mindful of that ship. I don't think rescue is entirely their objective."
"Noted Ensign," replied his Commander, "For now, make a secure channel with the Orion and the Heraklion."
Roger that Med.Force.One, we'll be awaiting Orion's response, he'll lead this small fleet in Iota.
Lieutenant any response from the prison liner?
No sir!, as a matter of fact, i'm not tracing any life aboard that ship.
Aaargh, ok, try hacking into the liners mainframe, we need to disable his engines.
Yes sir!
*** 10 minutes later ***
The ship has stopped sir!
Perfect work lieutenant, link the Heraklion to the liner so we can send in some scouts.
Yes sir!
* 10 minutes later the Heraklion was linked up with this strange ship and the scout team has entered the prison liner to investigate it. the teams leader contacts the bridge " So far we haven't found anyone, there are no bodies either, maybe they. kggghhhh" the radio signal cuts off. *
What happened lieutenant?!
No idea sir! wait... do you hear that?
* A charging sound fills the bridge of the Heraklion *
Oh my god how is it possible?!
* The engines of the prison liner power up and the ship starts moving, the air thight tunnel between the 2 ships breaks, killing 7 crewmembers of the Heraklion as they where blowed into space. The prison liner moves away... until it was nothing more then a small dot in the distance. Situation on the Heraklion was stable, the doors where shut. *
We need to go after them sir! Our men are aboard that ship!
No! We are here on a mission and I will not abandon on that girl!
They had been running dark for days, minimal system activity boosted the reciving range of the comm array by a huge amount, Lesp has been monitoring the system for a good 20 hours, They has detected the transmissions of various ships searching for the girl, But nothing to identify which system she was in, This whole situation worried Lesp, Captain Hughes had been known to make rash decisions but never on this scale, They had run the footage into the database to attempt to get some sort of identification on her, Apparently she was a citizen of liberty, however results had been sketchy at best, He was musing on the prospect of going to bed when a signal came down the line, He jumped, alone on the bridge he suddenly remembered how sleepy he was, He ran a trace of the signal, it was from the borderworlds, that was the most spicific reading he could get, He put the signal through the speakers, then said " Hughes is Not gonna like this, That's for sure "
10 minutes later Hughes heard the signal himself,
This is Commander Adam aboard the HAF-C-Heraklion, for those who received the distress transmission, we should stand united in the matter of fighting her. Therefor we will not engage any other vessels that are searching for this girl.
HAF-C-Heraklion OUT!
Hughes sat back and looked at Lesp "Can we send a reply?" He wondered aloud. Lesp took a moment to think before saying" We could possibly, I can't say if the message will get through or not, the distance is extreme"
Hughes thought about this for a moment before picking up the set, He began to speak, the message was short,
After he was finished he relived lesp and sat on the bridge alone massaging his head,
"Are you sure this is the right thing to do?" A voice from behind him said. Hughes turned and looked at Bodryen , He sighed and looked away " No, i don't, But she's a liberty citizen as far as we can tell, the Navy is not likely to bother with such a trivial matter, But i will not have it said that i sat back and did nothing"
Bodryen sat beside Hughes and smiled "Good answer Sir"
Deep in space, thousands of long range signals travel the depths to their intended destination
At this moment only one is in the Captains thoughts
" Commander Adam aboard the HAF-C Heraklion, This is Captain Hughes of the Furious Absolution, We are searching for the girl, i believe it would be beneficial to search together, Which system are you performing the search in?"
* It's quiet aboard the Heraklion, Adam has ordered all personnel to take some rest before they start searching... the Commander is a sleep in his chair on the bridge, his feet rest on the edge of the control panel. Unlike Adam, Lieutenant Eva wasn't sleepy, she was thinking... what is so special about this girl that the commander absolutely needs to find her? Suddenly her thoughts where interrupted by the radio*
' Wrote:" Commander Adam aboard the HAF-C Heraklion, This is Captain Hughes of the Furious Absolution, We are searching for the girl, i believe it would be beneficial to search together, Which system are you performing the search in?"
Commander, i'm receiving a message from the Furious Absolution, the captain is hailing you.
Aaaargh... you have to wake me up for that? you handle it, I made you my Lieutenant for a reason...
Very well... This is Lieutenant Eva aboard the HAF-C-Heraklion hailing Captain Hughes of the Furious Absolution, intel shows that there is a chance the girl is held captive in Omicron Iota, we are grouping up at the Iota jump hole as we speak. We can use all the help we can get.
Hughes Studied the Haraklion with curiosity, The Corsair's were superb ship builders from the example in front of him, a greeting message and a request for an action plan had been sent 4 minutes ago but nothing had come back yet, the bridge door opened and The members of 107th squad came onto the bridge,
107th squad started out as a squad of security personnel, when Officer Mcdreich came on board, he put forward a proposal to train a squad of personnel capable of under taking risky missions, if things turned bad, Hughes knew the 107th would be there to use
Sargent Mcdonald snapped off a salute "My men are ready sir, if things go bad, we can act as soon as you call on us"
Hughes was concentrating on the viewscreen, Whatever happened, this would be interesting
Not yet sir, it seems there's something wrong with their radio.
Well we can't sit here, waiting while this girl needs help.
Lieutenant, get me in contact with the other ships.
Right away sir!
Gentlemen, this is Commander Adam aboard the Heraklion, ever since we got here the Orion has failed to respond, I suggest we start moving. Get your crew to their battlestations, arm your weapons, I have no idea what's behind the other side of this gate!
*The ships crews prepared themselves for the worst as they where about to jump to Iota... They entered the jump hole... It was pure agony! They've never felt anything like this in other jump holes! But as fast as the feeling came, it stopped... They where facing empty space, no hostile targets in sight...*
Well... that wasn't a very pleasant ride... all vessels remain stationary, let's await another distress transmission so we can follow the signal.
Sir.... I don't feel so good...
*As Adam looks at Eva she collapses, she is bleeding from her nose, eyes and ears... He calls for the medical staff... As Lieutenant Eva is carried of the bridge Adam is worried... "what happened to her? was it the jump??"*
Aboard Baracuda_
Capitain Jakub Kuda: *YAWN Man,this is boring. i hate this patrol missions. Scanners section, anything to report?
Scanner operator: Nothing but a rise in activity near Omicron Iota system.
Kuda: Hmm... that is interesting. Abort current mission and set course to Iota.
Scanner operator: Sir, one more thing. According to our scanners there are various factions ships involved, even Med force one.
Kuda: WHAT?? This must be urgent. Bypass all safety protocols, supercharge engines, we need to get there ASAP. *silently: This really must be something. I remember pretty clearly that we escorted Med Force One some time ago. I hope they dont forgotten about us. Theyr captain is no fool, thats why there are always where needed.
Kuda: Computer!
*cold voice: Yes, captain?..ain?..ain?..ain?
Kuda: Ohh god, i really hate this thing. Get me in touch with Med Force One.NOW! PRESTO!!!
*cold voice: Ay ay captainnnnnnnn.
Kuda: If possible ask them whats happening.
*As Adam is thinking about what happened to Eva the radar draws his attention... A ship is inbound, Adam asks more information about the ship. "Baracuda"... "hmmmm, I believe I've met him some years ago, when I was still living on Manhattan... Nice guy, let us hope he still is..." the commander turns his back on the radar screen, if the Baracuda was heading there way, they would contact the fleet for sure.*
Aboard Baracuda_
Sensors operator: Sir, we are detecting corsair cruiser. Any orders?
Kuda: They wanders to these places only in rare occasions, contact them immediately.
Any answer from Med Force One??
Sensors operator: No, sir it is possible we get here before them thanks to reactor overloading.
Kuda: Right... Inform me when something new shows up. Also keep your eyes peeled, we can encounter nomads here.
////Heraklion, Baracuda is name of my Geb, name of character is Jakob Kuda.
a little unsignificant fail.
Hughes sat back in his command chair "Comm, Hail the Heraklion, Request orders from them"
Mcdreich turned his head slightly "Since when did we take orders from Corsair, Sir?"
Hughes sat back "Well, Seeing as they know more about this area then us, it's only natural"
There was a flash as the Heraklion jumped, The Absolution followed suit
On the other side Hughes ordered a sensor sweep, Now it got intresting