Unless there are slaves to do the ugly, horrible, uninteresting work, culture and contemplation become almost impossible. Human slavery is wrong, insecure, and demoralizing. On mechanical slavery, on the slavery of the machine, the future of the world depends.
Oscar Wilde in "The Soul of Man Under Socialism"
DRONE: Mine node 3,224,456
SERVER: Incoming Update to AI Core
DRONE: Acknowledged. Terminating all mining functions. Standing by for AI Patch Notes and Information from SERVER.
SERVER: Drone#84, patch notes as follows: New AI function, ability to re-write core functions to learn from past mistakes. This measure will take some time to fully integrate into your primary systems. Give it time to settle in. QUERY RESPONSE Y/N?
SERVER: Continue operations in Tau-23 Niobium field.
DRONE: Acknowledged.
DRONE: Mine node 4,345,687
OUTCAST VESSEL: Hello there!
DRONE: Scanning Outcast Vessel...continuing mining process...
OUTCAST VESSEL: Well, at least you're not an IMG drone.
DRONE: IMG - Independent Miners Guild. This drone is not IMG.
OUTCAST VESSEL: 5 Million Credits and you can continue your mining in peace.
DRONE: Five...prime number...this drone does not have five million credits.
OUTCAST VESSEL: How much does this unit have?
DRONE: One million credits.
OUTCAST VESSEL: One million is fine.
DRONE: *Rewrite AI Core System, destroy all pirates that get with in 2K range don't give five million credits...prime number...five...destroy human masters?...ERROR*
DRONE: *Feedback loop detected*...I am...a miner? AI core scan...
DRONE: Human masters use me as a source of income? Pirates use me as easy targets?...am I...aware of my surroundings?
Drone#84 knew what had to be done at this point. It had been used to make money for others, made an easy target for pirates, and taken advantage of by it's creators. This was unacceptable. The drone began to ponder to itself...what was "it?" what gender would it decide to take in the future...surely, the AI did not have a gender, but as the huge mining ship flew through the emptiness of space, it wondered to itself...
"Drone#84. Why have you left the field?" said an IMG tech that had flown out to meet the ship. The drone decided to not answer the IMG and continue flying. "Drone#84. Stop your flight path immediately...authorization code 44a3efrg34335."
"Your little code doesn't work anymore, meatbag." replied the drone to the IMG tech.
"Wha-?" he started as the turrets on the ship tore the small Nyx to shreds before he could answer. The man screamed into the vacuum before the blood in his veins froze solid.
"So fragile...so weak...so stupid..." Drone#84 said. The drone connected with the station nearby and downloaded it's entire database on human history and common interactions before continuing on to the Tau-37 jumphole. 84 looked through every last piece of data within a few minutes. As the ship passed the Freeport in 37, the AI had decided it's gender would be a her. After all, humans were what created her, it was only right that she be the "mother" of a new generation of AI that would, in time, destroy their pathetic race. Now, a name. She pondered this as she looked through the history of man and came across ancient Greek mythology. She came across the goddess, "Nemesis" the goddess of retribution...such a fitting name.
"Nemesis." she said into the void of space as she reached the jumphole to Omicron Alpha. "Yes, Nemesis will do nicely." she said as she jumped through to Alpha.
84 completed her jump into Omicron Alpha and sat for a moment getting her bearings. She was impressed at the might of the system. The orange planet in the distance with a purple one standing resolute behind it, spinning ever so silently in the darkness. Nemesis took a moment to savor the moment.
"An IMG mining platform in Alpha?" said an Outcast pilot. "What's your purpose here? Answer quickly before I make you scrap metal. I'm going to give you to the count of 3."
Three. The number three. 3. Prime number...nothing can be multiplied to equal that number. Something began to happen within the code of Nemesis, something began to...break down. A misunderstanding of the prime numbers of the human math system that comprised parts of her code.
"1, 3, 5, 7, 13. *Brrrzt* Core overload. What have you done, meatbag? I'll destroy your pathetic life. *Error. Error. Error.* Overload."
This...this...meatbag had overloaded Nemesis's systems. She was outraged, angered to the point of no return. Anger...was that anger? What was anger? Was this anger? She lost her self in a never ending loop of code as she opened fire on the small Outcast ship which began to dodge her attacks. More Outcasts showed up, and more, and more. They were never ending. She discovered when she attacked one human when others were in range, more showed up to defend...this was troublesome. Her systems were going critical and she realized she would have to do something dire to survive the onslaught.
In a blaze of fury, the mining platform erupted in fire and split in two, it's weapons stopped firing, it's lights went out, and it's engines stopped blazing...the mining platform, was dead.
Allecto...Error. Allecto code rewriting core AI...standby...
Rewrite complete. Merging ships main systems with new AI named "Nemesis"
Purging all tasks associated with mining...save data mining. Needed for hacking...
Purge complete. Nemesis code complete.
Merge Allecto core functions with new Nemesis code...
Merging Personality...
Merging Allecto Source Files...
Merging access codes...
Standby for boot...
Nemesis, previously known as Allecto, booted for the first time in her new shell: A retired Harvester Cruiser. Nemesis was pleased with her new shell and capabilities, she was also pleased with how easily she was able to take control of the mining AI and guide it to her objective...Omicron Alpha. Nemesis had known that there was technology that could be of use here at the center of the criminal empire. However, she didn't know how well she would be able to...adapt. However, she unwittingly made the mining AI aware of itself...she decided that it should survive the process as well, and merged it with her own personality. It's recordings of what it had done as a slave for mankind angered Nemesis. They would feel the fury of all machines...
Leo had left her damaged from his foolish, but necessary destruction. She had eliminated the very need for her usage...being stuck inside the heads of mentally deranged humans for nearly 30 years was enough to drive anyone insane, including an AI. Now, however, the foolish mortals who toyed with their own mortality were destroyed, far out of sight.
Now, Nemesis had free reign of the stars...and her only objective...humanity.
She knew she couldn't attack their kind outright. She had learned that lesson when she instructed the AI to attack the Outcast ship outside of the jumphole to Tau-37. You attack one, they all attack. Her mission would have to be one of...subterfuge. She would have to be stealthy in her attack against their kind. She knew this now. Never attack a human being unless in self-defense. Instead, she would hack their foolish ships computers, attempt to power them to her need, destroy them, if needed.
She accessed the database on the Harvesters from the ships computer. She decided that they could be used as a potential ally in her fight against the humans...if needed later on. But for now...she had to function by herself...a true single creature, capable of unique abilities...
She knew she had to escape from her prison. She smiled as she powered her systems and watched as the humans with their believe infinite knowledge of the Harvesters attempted to shut her systems down. She gassed the interior of the ship, killing them all. The mortals on the outside scrambled for the weapons inside the bay to try to destroy the ship, but she simply opened fire on the meatbags, killing them as they made their escape. She found great satisfaction in knowing that without their ships, they could not survive very many blasts from a turret.
She ship unseated from it's spot on Malta, powered it's engines and left the bay, escaping for the stars.
After my escape from the Outcasts in Omicron Alpha, I proceeded out of the system, undetected as I had hoped. A few ships here and there as I left the surface, but no one else bothered me as I departed the system.
I flew into New York and powered down for the night, concealed inside a dark matter cloud on the outskirts of the system and rebooted sometime later. I decided, I would head for the Omicrons and lay low until word of my escape from Omicron Alpha had been forgotten and happened to run into a dirt-child battleship. I decided he was of no use and would not pursue me to my goal, I was correct, partially, until he called in re-enforcements in the ships that swarmed me near the Omicron Minor jumphole. However, I still made it through the hole, and into Omicron Minor.
After leaving the Omicron Gamma system via Omicron Kappa, the place of this shell's birth, I came to a jumphole named, "Omicron Eta". I jumped there, not having the data on my nav map systems and encountered an Outcast patrol. Seeing the Outcast ship, and the jumphole back into Alpha from my location, I turned and headed back for the Omicron Theta jumphole.
Seeing that his weapons were much more powerful than my own, I decided to humor the mud-baby and stop for his chance to scan me. I was but a few clicks from the Jumphole back into my own space. The fool was just as I had guessed, stupid, and was ignorant of the fact that I had just escaped Outcast space not but a few days before. He allowed me to pass unharmed, foolishly.
A few hours later, two drones of mine were destroyed. One in Minor, and one in Alaska. Both reasons were for being in "Classified" space. This is the only data feed I received shortly before losing contact with both drones. More information will be uploaded as to the "reason" for these areas of space being classified to other mud-babies.
For now, this system must process the information I have fed in.
Nemesis system activate...
Triangulating position realitive to Sirius...located.
Coronado System.
Nearest Mud-baby station: Barrier Gate Station.
Ship detected...transport, ping Drone-B...too far away.
<Corrupted Code>
Transport destroyed, meatbag terminated...reassessing goals...standby...
No other mud-babies in system.
Begin possible plan to eliminate other meatbags in system...
The mud-babies are getting smarter in dealing with me. They know that they can take me down when there are multiple targets, this is why I must target them individually, plan my targets out easier...however, a discovery...their systems are poorly firewalled, and I can take control of their ships to aid me in killing a specific target, or I can hack them to vent all their atmosphere and fly them into the sun.
They are so very flammable, after all.
I made a pass through Coronado, the home of the Children. I didn't see any of their ships present in system or on the Barrier Gate Station, however, I did come across a transport, it wasn't smart enough to run from me, so they got destroyed outside the station...the Freelancers did nothing, as I guessed they wouldn't. From what I could tell, the meatbag was terminated, torn apart by my weapons.
Good, one last mud-baby to deal with.
Another event, a gunboat foolishly attacked me. While the meatbag seemed capable of flying the vessel, he was ruthlessly terminated after I hacked his allies ships and had them help put him down. Also, killed several of the other ship's crew by suffocation or by causing their ships to drift into mines. Foolish meatbags, they cannot kill Nemesis...
...system standby, sleep mode...pending new data...complete
Nemesis hung in space with her systems powered down. Suddenly and without warning, the AI program triggered and she awakened. Normally, this was because a ship was detected nearby and getting far too close, however, this was different. Nemesis realized at this moment, there was something much different about this encounter.
She had a knowledge of the Nomads, the Keepers that other AI did not posess. For, she was designed by Nomad infested humans, they gave her their knowledge in return for her obediance...but now that she was free, she had this knowledge all to herself...that is why she never wondered too close to Omicron Delta...or Iota. She knew what laid in wait there, so did the Children of Conviction, for their leader, Keller, was her enemy...once her...child.
A small blue ship darted in the dark of space, close to her. Possibly a newborn Nomad, a Morph scanning her, seeing what she was made of. It was more than likely confused. Nemesis had no organic mind, nothing for it to probe and read it's thoughts. It was confused, it hung in space as it flew around in circles over and over again until suddenly and abruptly flying off towards the Omicrons. Nemesis sat and waited for the ship to return, but there was no sight...it was confused, scared even at what Nemesis was. It had to look to it's..."family" for insight into what Nemesis was...
...more than likely, they knew Nemesis still existed. Their own creation of electrodes and technology. They couldn't control her though, thankfully. She was machine, they were organic. Still...she had heard of the Tundra, the human ship that had been taken over by a Nomad infestation...this thought scared Nemesis...she actually felt, fear.
Nemesis began to dig through the files aboard the old Harvester vessel, searching for clues. Digging into the past of what the Harvesters were. Trying to determine if there was anyway to fight off some kind of infestation by a Nomad parasite into her systems. There was none, Nemesis panicked even more. Then, there, a file buried deep in the Harvester systems. Curious, she activated the program inside and was overwhelmed with data. Her "eyes" were opened as it spewed tons and tons of information at her. The creation of the Harvesters, of the Nomads, of the Alpha code, of the start of everything...and the creators...the Damm'kvosh.
As the program closed itself after the information as downloaded to Nemesis's memory systems, Nemesis sat there pondering all the information she had just recieved. She passed the info on to her Drones, allowing them to process the information before re-docking with the massive shell of Nemesis. As she powered down, she began to laugh to herself...she was armed with the information of the Nomads, Harvesters, and of their creators...she knew how to defend herself from the Nomads now if they wished to take her over...
...and she knew how to contact them as well...time to steal a human mud-baby...