Run Messaging Program
Run Command "To"
Send to "Jay"
CommID: Derek Mandel
10%..... 10%! I'm not giving you 10% of my funds that I have worked for. How about you get fat lazy butt out of the Honshu bar and get to work yourself!
I know you have a Train, how about flying it some time!
End Message
Run Command "Send"
Message Sent
Terminate Program
Keep your knickers on old girl, and put all those toys back in your pram. It was just a suggestion, not written
in stone yet, but anymore outbursts like that may result in removal of some of your expense account details.
LIKE, shoes and handbags to start with ... And the odd BLONDE wig you seem to pop on just before you park
the train usually, talking of dents and scratches ...
The insurance broker is still not talking to me with a civil tongue in his head.
So girly, if you got a problem ... I'll see you at the Ship later ...
Some say he is a proud member of: "The most paranoid group of people in the Community."
Seems to be a lot of pirate activity going down in Kusari these days, I'm actively looking now for alternative
routes in the other major houses, with possible shifting of base operations to Bonn or Waterloo stations.
KNF interdiction of these scum has been execeptionally good, with aid from all areas of the surrounding military
and mercenary groups, but our presence there is a big drain on their resources currently.
I'm a little worried the insurance and commerce arm of our company will taking a profit hit. This is unnaceptable
in this time of high insurance claims.
Be on the lookout for anything you feel deserves our attention, unless of course, any major call for highly
needed supplies comes to us.
As always, profit is God round these parts, good faith don't pay the bills.
That is all.
Some say he is a proud member of: "The most paranoid group of people in the Community."
(Begin encrypted message.... what, forgot your key AND password? Oh sh** never mind)
~The prickly ice asteroids of Omicron Delta are drifting by Pete's ship~
"Gentlemen, and lady if Cay had not done her block completely.... just setting off from FP11, waaaaaaaaaay out here in the weeds. Got a load of cobalt in the back and bound for Honshu, or Colorado if things are too hot. What brought me to this backwater you ask? A load of.... can't say.... from Atka, nice little earner it was too. Even managed to find the back way after that mental BS| lot locked off their systems. Copped a hellava pounding from a bunch of frigging Nomads at one point.
Anyhow caught up with an old mate on FP11, fancies himself a sort of Nomad hunter. And he *let me have* (I kid you not) a bunch of Nomad cannons he'd scored. 15 of the buggers. Got 'em stashed nicely amongst the cobalt bricks, where hopefully the cops won't sniff 'em out.
So I'm gonna be swinging by NY sometime soon.... if we have a bank in the vicinity, wouldn't mind dropping them off for safe keeping.
With the increase in pirate activity, and uncertainties creeping into some diplomatic stances round the place ...
I have been on the lookout for a pilot or two, to compliment the Epsilons.
Nice to have your back covered in a sticky situation ...
Welcome to Izaak Kirkalman, latest fighter jockey to join us. I was going to make a stereotypical remark about
paying him in diamonds, but thought better of it.
I'm sure you'll be seeing him in The Ship very soon, give him the usual large [IND] hangover ...
That is all.
Nice one mate, good to see our original roots have been unearthed again. Bit of smuggling never hurt anyone.
Unless of course you get caught ... You know the rules on that one.
Try not to piss the |Bs off though, bit protective of their bit of Sirius . Use the back routes if you can.
FP 11, how are those mental Zoners ? Shipped enough of the 'you know what' down there to sink a battleship,
Lord knows where it all goes ... But hey, if they can't get it any otherway, who are we to argue.
Cannons, coming out of ears mate ... Blasters, now your talking, fetch a better price with a gent I know.
See what you can come up with.
And be careful out there.
Some say he is a proud member of: "The most paranoid group of people in the Community."
As usual, I've been looking around for ways to increase our profits in all sectors of Sirius. An opportunity
has arisen to do a little deal with the independant Gateway Shipping Company, a good Bretonan concern.
Our offices in New London have always mainly dealt with the insurance cover side of the business, and not
our transport section.
This deal will be bringing [IND]Lexxian into the fold as a Gateway operative, to increase traffic in the whole
of Bretonia. Expect to see him around squawking these colours. Give him the company polite welcome, and
all Epsilons, look after him if he gives you a call.
Profits are paramount as always. Asses in gear ...
Some say he is a proud member of: "The most paranoid group of people in the Community."
Message Sender: Michael Gideon, Colonial Credit Union.
To: Fellow_Hoodlum, IND board members
Growth in our consumer lending business has created a logistical and operational deficiency that our current staffing and equipment levels cannot accomodate.
Our needs are two fold:
1)Payment recieving for CCU customers. Any IND member deemed trustworthy by Fellow_Hoodlum is authorised to accept payment from CCU customers for their loans or other financial transactions. These IND payment officers would be entitled to a servicing fee not to exceed 10% of the payment amount (anything less is your discretion and subject to your entreprenurial senses.) If an IND member accepts a payment from a CCU customer it is the responsibility of IND to forward payment back to the bank within 7 days. This service is only for CCU customers in good standing.
Mr. Hoodlum, if you could compile a list of your officers you feel are capable and responsible enough for this duty I will add that list to a payment option notice on all of CCU's loan statements.
2)Force debt collection. Epsilon wing pilots are hereby contracted to seek out and collect past due or delinquent debts. Any of these duties are voluntary. Successful collection of bad debt will be compensated with commission at least 3% of the collected amount, perhaps more at the discretion of CCU management.
I hope operational team work increases profits for everyone.
My small Newark office is open to anyone with questions.
Thanks for the memo there bud, saved me the work ... All members of IND of are a trustworthy bunch on the
whole. So when they actually get round to reading this, I'm sure sure the smell of money will bring the best out
in them ...
The Epsilons as baliffs is a scary thought to anyone, and I'm sure they will take on the responsibilty with gusto.
They love their jobs just a little too much sometimes.
Please feel free to pop into my office or the Ship Inn at anytime, for business or pleasure.
Looking forwards to a long and profitable relationship.
Some say he is a proud member of: "The most paranoid group of people in the Community."
Gateway has had a long history of helping the little guy get by until now, but for the first time we feel we are ready to expand into large scale commerce in all areas of Sirius. While we will still uphold our contracts with IMG and Planetform, we hope to gain new more profitable contacts in a close partnership with IND.
To help adapt the partnership I will transfer into IND and run operations for both interests, acting as a go between, if this first step is successfully more gateway traders will be free to help IND operations.
Your probably asking "so what does gateway do for us?", Gateway has many links in Bertonian space, and even though BMM and other corps have tried to limit our operations, we have always survived, we have done his by finding the most profitable routes and a level of excellence that has won us many loyal customers and allys. What Gateway means to IND is access to these assets.
We hope this venture will be profitable for all parties.