So, as simple as that, what gunboat would better suit a Freelancer, IMG Gunboat ( Hydra ), or Kusari gunboat ( Not explorer, the other one ). I like kusari one more then Hydra, but would it be very OORP, or...
So, I need few advices!
Agmen of Eladesor Wrote:But you either follow our rules here and work with us - or STFU and GTFO.
Hm, Zoner one, Kusari Explorer, IMG one, Rogue one (as generic Pirate of sort), and the Bountyhunte rone, that one that says its outdated, not sure witch one it is.
' Wrote:Yes, of course you want a gunboat. Because they're the best ships in the game that pewpew everything else and don't cost nearly as much as a cruiser.
Oh ignore all those, go for a Zoner Gunboat and say "im zoner i r neutral" when you get pirated.
Back to seriousness: freelancers do not fly gunboats, end of story.
chart states that if its a civillian kusari gunboat (im dont know whether something like that exists, so dont laugh, please), you can go for it. if its a navy one, you will have to get your rp story/request done.
Zoner Gunboat. Not the best one, but it's bigger than a gunship and has six turrets with the 400k power plant. That's big enough to fire three Battle Razors simultaneously or two razors and two pulses. Win. Now, you'll need a guard rep with someone to get that kind of firepower, hehe.