we say "Let's gather uberpwning force and kiel all keepers, it's our main goal, overganked them all"
Come on man, I can't believe you folks think this way about Order|
No Tommy dont think wrongly about me. Im just trying to say, that when you see started fight with indies (lolpvpvgankbang) you cant mark it as one started by us Keepers.
However many times happened, that Order| instead of calling back some forces joined battle.
Carnage itself flying within void... Proud cardihead ever since 2008...
You all gonna eat cardi!
' Wrote:No Tommy dont think wrongly about me. Im just trying to say, that when you see started fight with indies (lolpvpvgankbang) you cant mark it as one started by us Keepers.
However many times happened, that Order| instead of calling back some forces joined battle.
Well, I understand how is to deal with Order indies when being a Keeper, but you gotta understand also that I myself witnessed few times when Keepers starting fight, and when I get in fight which is already started and I see indies getting killed like flies, I am not sure what exactly to do, I do try to call of caps, I did it many times, and I will keep trying, but with fighters it's much more difficult then it seems.
I am not sure all this is about fighting at all, sure bring 2:1 if its gonna help you. Nomad LF must be best ship i even flown but i had more fun on my Order ships just because i didn't have to dodge all the time and try not to get shot down by 10 other ships around.
I think original problem and main problem is your "RP". Not willing to RP that is, not knowing? We can solve this, i hope we will soon. Short RP line before engaging and ganking. Can we get at least our part of fun , RP... then you can gank us and we are both happy?
Edit: I am out of this, i like Order| i like Keepers.. Members are good, friends, good friends. But sometimes i wish i don't know them. This is problem we cant solve without spamming forum. Flame is over, rest is stupid fight. I don't know why are some so anti-keeper orientated, we are all players, we are all here for some fun.
Ok, time for me to throw in my opinion, jesus christ you guys spammed this thread -_-
Back before I joined the keepers, when all I really played was my order character, I was quite often guilty of the gankfest being explained. I would rally any order characters I could find against one or two keepers, and never thought it was unfair. After all, they're the big bad aliens, they deserve to be obliterated, right? Wrong.
Having been in the keepers for a while now, I can say with absolute certainty that there is NOTHING more frustrating than roaming around sirius with a pair of nomad fighters, and suddenly being overwhelmed by a lolcap fleet or zerg swarm composed of nearly every faction you can think of, going "loldai nomadz!"
Now, I fully understand the threat that nomads pose, in-RP. I also understand that nobody likes losing a fight, and will use that fact to do whatever they can to destroy the opponent - even going so far as to outnumber the enemy a dozen to one. It happens nearly every time I get on my keeper characters.
However, that does not make the game fun for our side, and despite the chances of losing a battle - I find it more fun to have a challenging fight and test your skill, rather than to just overwhelm the opponent. Of course, that's just me, and I've changed my ways on my order characters now that I know how the other side feels.
What annoys me most about this is that the guilty party here is using the chat list to find us when they should not be able to. I'm sure the order has it's agents and spies all over sirius, but how exactly is a lone agent on manhattan going to know about a pair of nomads in the badlands, and then how is he going to insantaneously alert the entirety of the order in omicron minor to their presence? That is metagaming/powergaming/whatever you want to call it, and it needs to stop.
Sometimes I wish the chatlist wouldnt show the system the enemy is in, it would prevent a lot of these problems and gankfests from occuring.
' Wrote:Ok, time for me to throw in my opinion, jesus christ you guys spammed this thread -_-
Back before I joined the keepers, when all I really played was my order character, I was quite often guilty of the gankfest being explained. I would rally any order characters I could find against one or two keepers, and never thought it was unfair. After all, they're the big bad aliens, they deserve to be obliterated, right? Wrong.
Having been in the keepers for a while now, I can say with absolute certainty that there is NOTHING more frustrating than roaming around sirius with a pair of nomad fighters, and suddenly being overwhelmed by a lolcap fleet or zerg swarm composed of nearly every faction you can think of, going "loldai nomadz!"
Now, I fully understand the threat that nomads pose, in-RP. I also understand that nobody likes losing a fight, and will use that fact to do whatever they can to destroy the opponent - even going so far as to outnumber the enemy a dozen to one. It happens nearly every time I get on my keeper characters.
However, that does not make the game fun for our side, and despite the chances of losing a battle - I find it more fun to have a challenging fight and test your skill, rather than to just overwhelm the opponent. Of course, that's just me, and I've changed my ways on my order characters now that I know how the other side feels.
What annoys me most about this is that the guilty party here is using the chat list to find us when they should not be able to. I'm sure the order has it's agents and spies all over sirius, but how exactly is a lone agent on manhattan going to know about a pair of nomads in the badlands, and then how is he going to insantaneously alert the entirety of the order in omicron minor to their presence? That is metagaming/powergaming/whatever you want to call it, and it needs to stop.
Sometimes I wish the chatlist wouldnt show the system the enemy is in, it would prevent a lot of these problems and gankfests from occuring.
maybe if you roamed somewhere besides new york, say into kusari or bretonia, this wouldnt happen so often?
What your doing now is like putting a flaming bag of **** on someone's front door, how do uyou think they will respond
' Wrote:Back before I joined the keepers, when all I really played was my order character, I was quite often guilty of the gankfest being explained. I would rally any order characters I could find against one or two keepers, and never thought it was unfair. After all, they're the big bad aliens, they deserve to be obliterated, right? Wrong.
Having been in the keepers for a while now, I can say with absolute certainty that there is NOTHING more frustrating than roaming around sirius with a pair of nomad fighters, and suddenly being overwhelmed by a lolcap fleet or zerg swarm composed of nearly every faction you can think of, going "loldai nomadz!"
I can say same thing, i was very bad person to fight with. I mean i said "Enagaguin" ... thats bad. Each time i got ganked i started doing it less, but it was enough to pass Minor with Morph to change my mind completely, i mean fail to pass Minor.
Little suggestion for all Order members, create Morphs. Don't tell us names ofc. And try playing it for a week, where ever you want, Omicrons would be worst choice but i suggest you fly there to experience full gankage and failed RP. Just to let you know what most of us get each time we log on and leave Iota.
' Wrote:No. That would look very weird.
But... well, I personally wouldnt shoot at any of you Order people when not provoked, by yours carrying Nomad weaponry or brains.
So that would give the opportunity to talk. About whatever you wish. Got questions, ask.
Asking doesnt cost you anything.
I dont know.
Havent an Order character anymore for a long time now.
But seen as you cant really defeat your enemy, you should look for other solutions.
With the actual way, nothing is gained. And mankind isnt saved.
Of course.
I also try not to shoot Nomads I come across.
I mean... you all need to show up more, and I'm not going to try to shoot you, because that would limit your time in the game.
It's just rather tricky talking to a Nomad if you're roleplaying someone in the Order.
And my character, the Doctor, is always looking into other solutions.
' Wrote:There you have it. It's not just us not liking it, there's more out there.
Hell, as I told Qashqai, I'm an Order indie and I hide my face with the Order| show up because their actions embarrass the hell out of me. When they're around I throw up my hands and give up trying to RP. No point when they show up.
Regarding the Order situation, we talked it out over skype and a somewhat drastic but volunteered call was made. I hope things will improve after this, one way or the other.
@Sprolf : Got my Skype? If not, check my profile. If you want, we could work out some reasons as to why your guy would want to find and question or research the Nomads.