Says the pirate who was holding two Zoners hostage when I finally caught up to him? Not to mention the other acts of hostilities towards Zoners, especially after we allowed you the use of our weaponry? Unlike you, I've got an entire video log of the event, which I can send to anyone who wishes to see it. I don't hide these things.
Addendum; It seems there was an error with the video, however, photos of the encounter are available, as is a full comm log. My staff is currently trying to fix the problems and have the video available, I will send a message if and when we get it up.
[font=Trebuchet Ms]Those 2 Zoners were no hostages, I picked them up from a certain death. They were drifting in space. I'm curious though... Will we ever get that video log from you, if it actually exists that is? I wonder what would you prove with it if you ever provide it? That you lied and tried to provoke a fight?
And why didn't you mention that I handed over those Zonies to you? You deceitful lil'... That's why I like playing with you. You really make me laugh, [color=#9999FF]showing us your true face by denying or avoiding the truth, just like you did before even I came to the Sirius scene. Here's the proof that I offered (twice) and handed over those Zoner "hostages" as you call 'em. You're trying to present the Jokey as someone who he really isn't. Shame on you!
This is the Sete-Kar Bomb Disposal group, always searching the channels for those pesky little explosives that always seem to go missing!
For a once off fixed fee of 1 million credits, we'll scan your station/ship/piece of rock/cat and find the location of said explosive, before removing it with our guarantee:
"We don't find it before it explodes, you don't pay us a credit!"
We like to shorten it to "It go boom, no fee".
With 40 years of experience under our belts, we have disarmed everything from an ancient mine to a large portable toilet bomb! (don't ask). Feel free to hire our lovely (but somewhat mad. What do you expect from people who disarm bombs for a living?) people today!
**Incoming transmission**
Comm ID: (]c[)
*Message opens*
Mr. Lightwing please do not offer your life as a sacrifice to this madman. It is clear that his intention is to show that some Zoners are power-hungry people, ready to risk lives of innocents in order to hold to their positions. I was certain that miss Silvan would prove him and a rest of the Sirius otherwise, until he presented us with evidence showing Miss Silvan bringing her flagship into open war. Now, Zoner or not I must say that I'm appalled by a such move! What has so-called Zoner Council come down to?! Did we ever deal with sick people in such manner? Until now, Joker's gang has treated common Zoners with nothing but respect, like most of the other groups in Sirius. I presume that he liked our loose ties to the Houses and our somewhat free way of life. But, this is not the first move made by the so-called Council led by Miss Silvan, that has brought more enemies on our peaceful community.
Now, since all major Zoner groups abandoned Council and formed different alliances of their own, I want to make sure that this Joker person and others know that so-called Zoner Council and Miss Silvan do not represent many of our folks any more. I hope you will find a way of dealing with them (if you hold grudge against them) without harming those who have not wronged against you.
While it's futile to ask for a reason when demented mind such as Jokers is in question, I hope it's not too late to ask for some reason on Miss Silvan's side. War path is not the path of Zoners. Do the right thing, in the name of the lives of those who are not responsible nor have influence on your actions!
Mr. Noori, if claiming he placed a bomb on a Zoner station and will blow it up is treating the Zoners with respect, then yes, he has.. If he were treating Zoners with respect, and this was truly just an attack against myself, he wouldn't have involved others in his scheme, but he has. Not only that, but this is after he was granted the use of several pieces of our weaponry.
I would like to quote you, and the Joker;
The Joker; "Now you gotta committee for this, committee for that. Its all so so damn confusing! Hell, most of you arent even sure if the Zoners are bein ran/controlled/navigated by the Council of Zoners, The Zoner Council or Alliance of Zoner Council Security Committee or... whatever. See where your passiveness has led you?"
Yourself; "Now, since all major Zoner groups abandoned Council and formed different alliances of their own."
So tell me, am I the one who is truly to at fault for what he has blamed me for? I stepped in and tried to keep the same organization we held for years while other Zoners went off to make their own splinter groups.
If anyone here thinks I have taken the position of chairman for the inherent power of that title, than they have blinded themselves to reality. I passed on all the previous votes for the chairman position until this latest one, which I only went for because I did not see a viable alternative choice, and because I wanted to ensure that the anger and ambitions of others, who I will not name here, would not destroy what I and former-chairman Malaclypse spent so much time keeping together.
The title of chairman brings me no power, it only restricts me further. I had more power, more freedom, before I took this position. It's a position that comes with very few benefits, but rather makes you the focal point for all of the disgruntled thoughts of Zoners and non-Zoners angered with the Zoners. You need only see how I was treated before becoming chairperson, and how I've been treated since taking the position. Granted, I've made decisions that not everyone liked, and I am blamed for the decisions of others as well. But those decisions that I did make were ones that needed to be made to make sure the Council persevered, and indeed, the Council is still here.
I can not control the actions of those who would prefer to have the Council's authority in their own hands, but I can do whatever is required to make sure they don't destroy what I've devoted years to protecting.
Now I will provide some background on the events that happened last night. Izii Helfari was there to witness it all, as you can tell from the picked and chosen photos the Joker provided. During the time I was moving the Arromanches to Coronado, where I was to station it, as that was where the Joker is holed up, I had a long talk with the Joker. Again, I can provide an entire comm log of that conversation to anyone who asks for it. When arriving in Coronado, the Joker had went to Cortez instead. I, of course, followed. Once there I found him carrying two Zoner hostages in his hold, along with two Bounty Hunters. The Joker 'claims' he saved them from space.. But who would have attacked them? Coronado does not have any enemies to the Zoners, Baffin is Zoners only.. So the only person who would have attacked them is the Joker himself. He did not 'save' them, he captured them. The fact that he was unwilling to release the hunters he had captured as well is proof enough of that.
The first thing I did was require him to release those Zoners, and I also attempted to get him to give up the Bounty Hunters as well, which he refused. After that I gave him a choice. I did not start firing on him indiscriminately. He had the choice of surrendering himself or I could take him by force. This is not an 'act of war,' that is hyperbole. Planting a bomb and threatening to kill Zoners is an act of war. Capturing the person who threatens it is the surest way to prevent that. It seems some Zoners would rather I sit back and do nothing and allow a bomb to kill fellow Zoners. To those people, I ask where their loyalties truly lie, for it seems I am not the one who is concerned entirely about myself..
This is made all the more evident by the TAZ' refusal to allow me to station the Arromanches in Baffin, a Zoner system. Now, they don't technically have that right, any Zoner may be present in Baffin according to the A.D.M.I.N entities, and the TAZ have no authority to say otherwise. However, I did not argue. But it does seem odd to me that the TAZ would be against helping other Zoners against a person who has not threatened just me.. But all Zoners. A bomb on a station doesn't harm me.. I rarely ever leave my carrier. All it hurts are innocent Zoners, yet I see no steps by others to stop this from occurring, when they should be doing their utmost to help defuse this situation. However, all I've received from them is encouragement for me to accede to a terrorist's demands and step down as chairman. That strikes me as particularly odd, considering how much I've done to try and cooperate with the Zoner factions, despite the fact that they left the Council and started their own splinter group. Perhaps this warrants some further discussion.. I'd very much like to hear their reasons, beyond the TAZ's statement;
Just as the Joker put other innocent Zoners in the middle by threatening to attack them with a bomb? Is it that TAZ does not care what happens to the rest of us as long as they are left alone? If that is the extent of their diplomacy, or their care for the people they once befriended, than I question whether I should even want the assistance of such a group.
After the Joker refused to give himself up, yes, I fired on him. Should I instead allow someone who threatens to blow up our stations go away unharmed? The quickest way to defuse this situation is to get rid of, or capture, the person who started it. Some of you may say it's 'unZoner-like' to take such a hostile approach.. Would you also say it'd be unZoner-like to fire on a pirate attacking you? Or to shoot a Nomad trying to kill you? Those are the same kind of situation we are in now. He has attacked us, taken hostages, and threatened even more lives, and I won't sit back while that happens.
Furthermore, I won't head the 'advice' of the factions and abdicate my post. Does anyone here understand why the houses don't give into terrorist's demands? Because one demand accepted is followed by another. Even if I resigned this moment, the Joker, or another terrorist, or even a pirate who just wants money, will come to us with another threat and another demand, threatening to hurt us if we don't give in to them. It is the same situation as with the Bretonian Privateers. Give them what they want, and they'll just come back again because they know they can get what they want. I'm tired of hearing people suggest patchwork fixes that may get rid of the current situation only to cause the existence of a dozen more in the future.
This threat was never directed at me. If it were, it'd be my own life threatened, not those of others. The Joker is after the rest of you. He wants you to see things his way. He wants you to act on your feelings rather than what your brain tells you. Right now you're playing right into his hands, giving him what he wants, along with the publicity he is looking for.
Think with your brain, not with your feelings or ambition.
Incoming Transmission:
Federation Juggernaut Pendulum
Speaker: Grand Admiral Marvin J. Orphelia
It is quite funny, Ms. Silvan, Now that I think about it. How quick you were to shoot. Dont you SEE? He is ransoming a freeport to get you to step down as chairwoman.
[color=#33CC00]Wanna know how I got these scars? I had a wife,[color=#33CC00] beautiful like you. Who tells me I worry too much. Who says I need to smile more. Who gambles. And gets in deep with the sharks.
One day they carve her face, and we've got no money for surgeries. She can't take it.
I just want to see her smile again. I just want her to know I don't care about the scars! So I put a razor in my mouth and do this to myself... And you know what? She can't stand the sight of me!!! She leaves!
See, now I see the funny side. Now I'm always smiling.
....Silvan. Please, check yourself into a hospital, you are clearly losing your mind.
Quote:That strikes me as particularly odd, considering how much I've done to try and cooperate with the Zoner factions, despite the fact that they left the Council and started their own splinter group.
Quote:So tell me, am I the one who is truly to at fault for what he has blamed me for? I stepped in and tried to keep the same organization we held for years while other Zoners went off to make their own splinter groups.
No, but I do blame you for not taking the advise and requests of Council members and work with the Alliance. William Ironfoot & Captain Izii pressed you to work with the Alliance sooner, yet you never did.
Quote:The title of chairman brings me no power, it only restricts me further.
Restricted you when you dissolved the SHIZL? Restricted you when you tried to force a restructure on the Council? Restricted you as you openly attack a man because he refused to give you a Bounty Hunter pilot? That is pretty restrictive if you ask me.......
Quote:This threat was never directed at me. If it were, it'd be my own life threatened, not those of others.
I guess you didn't pass reading in school did you? It is directed at you, with the leverage of innocent lives being lost.
Quote:Think with your brain, not with your feelings or ambition.
I do believe you should heed your own words here. The fact you went into this guns blazing shows you are acting on your feelings and with ambition, not with your brain.
However, I do understand the reasons the House governments don't give into terrorist and I agree with them somewhat. Their method doesn't usually end with the salvation of innocent lives though; usually the corrupt keep their place, the innocent die, and your average people avenge the dead in one way or another.
I have converted both of my transports to act as mobile hospitals until this crisis is over and my Roc, aswell as Victor's Eagle, are prepped and ready to hunt this man if he does detonate a bomb aboard any of our stations or on Gran Canaria. Contrary to what you think, capturing him won't prevent his plans from proceeding, unless you can catch all of his thugs too. Which is doubtful. With that I am done with this, there is nothing I can personally do to prevent this from happening, as there is nothing any Zoner can personally do other than you, Silvan, to prevent this. That doesn't mean we aren't ready to act if the time comes.
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*incoming transmission*
Comm ID: [TAZ]Doc Holliday
To: Aurelia Silvan
So, you want some justification to my actions, so be it in response to this allegation:
Quote:However, all I've received from them is encouragement for me to accede to a terrorist's demands and step down as chairman. That strikes me as particularly odd, considering how much I've done to try and cooperate with the Zoner factions, despite the fact that they left the Council and started their own splinter group. Perhaps this warrants some further discussion.. I'd very much like to hear their reasons, beyond the TAZ's statement
I would say that to anyone. Damned near everyone who goes into or through Baffin has respected the no fire laws there to include the Joker and his men. So, as I said, you want to fight someone, take it outside of our system. We like our peace as it is often the only place we get it!
Don't go thinking that we wouldn't assist in aiding fellow Zoners. We would. It's a little tough to assist when Med.Force in in Omicron 74 and I was in my trade ship in Honshu at the time and the only other TAZ ship at the time was in Pennsylvania. You assume to much. I suppose I could recall a couple of patrols that are out on missions elsewhere if it pleases you as I don't fly combat ships myself.....or have you forgotten that fact?
Quote:This is made all the more evident by the TAZ' refusal to allow me to station the Arromanches in Baffin, a Zoner system. Now, they don't technically have that right, any Zoner may be present in Baffin according to the A.D.M.I.N entities, and the TAZ have no authority to say otherwise.
I'm getting a little tired of people trying to force rules upon us. Baffin belongs to TAZ, bought and paid for. If someone wants to put me on trial for a supposed breach of A.D.M.I.N entities, please do. I would be very happy to settle it once and for all.
To your claim that the ZA won't work with the CoZ. Your proposal for a committee has been under review. Chill out and let us mull things over.