The director of the Fuchu prison steps into his small office on the station, seeing small amount of paperwork and sighs. "Another day.", he calmly says, as he sits into his chair and starts looking at the papers he received on his desk.
One of the papers is addressed directly to him, the sender appears to be Ageira Technologies, scientist Hal Zorov. He thinks a bit, and opens it. In it, it says, "Greetings, director. I and the rest of my scientists, as well as the crew that is responsible for flying this research vessel, we all thank you for notifying us of mr. Fernando Habnez's release from the prison, as our company seen him as a future security officer among our ranks. After all, your prison changed him into a better man. Be well, and take care, director. All salutations, dorctor Zorov.".
Prison director chuckles slighty and smiles, and then puts it away, continuing his work.
Betlehem Station, Pennsylvania System
Research Vessel E-207 is docked currently at the station, although the crew is getting ready for researches and the discovery scanner has been installed onto the ship. The last of the prison cells are being recreated into the laboratories.
Navigation and first officer Jean De'Sauan looks at his wrist clock, and thinks to himself, "We still got a few hours left.", and looks at the navigational computer, approaching it slowly. He types in the password and it comes online. He puts in some information, and a female computer voice says, "Texas system mapping queued. Kusari space mapping queued. Awaiting captain's approval.". He nods, and sets the computer on standby. He leaves the bridge and takes an elevator to the boarding ramp and then to the Betlehem Station's mess hall.
At the mess hall, he runs into Fernando, the research ship's security security and gunnery officer, and Habnez says to him as a greeting, "Howdy there, Galliman. How ya doin'?", and chuckles. Jean replies, with lowered tone, "No need to call me Galiman, you old Corsair fossil.", Jean chuckles then, as he turns towards Habnez's meal, "And you eat the food that's not even good. But otherwise...", he sighs, "I'm good, thank you.", and thinks a bit, "Have you finished checking the weapon systems and made sure they work well? We might be going into dangerous territories after going through Kusari.".
Fernando replies with a calm voice, "I've tested it, I've cleaned, repaired if it needed repair. It takes a lot of time due to the size of the ship, even with the help of one of the engineers. We're a small crew, too. Don't ya be an idiot, I know what I'm doing.", he chuckles and points at the captain, eating with doctor Zorov at the other end of the mess hall, "The only one who can order me around, is that guy over there. Be sure ya make yer own work, too. 20 years of prison didn't steal my knowledge of ships.".
"Bah.", Jean De'Sauan waves his hand, "I'm not going to argue about work with you.", and leaves towards the food serving place, ordering some food.
After 3 hours, the crew met at the boarding ramp. Captain Hartman briefed the crew again, "Alright, boys and a girl, we'll be leaving towards Texas first, to get some resources for the long travels we'll have. Then to Kusari, since our scientists from Kusari will require some... disks and notebooks about those strange things, artifacts and the organisms that we may find on our travels. So, be ready, once our science team comes, we'll be leaving. Dismissed.". The captain enters the ship, and heads towards the bridge.
Cyndia Sanders, ship engineer and repairswoman, asks John Farson, quite quickly and smiles slightly, "So, you ready for the long travels aboard this ship? It's quite scary, isn't it?". John smiles, and nods slowly, "It is. I've heard it used to be darker, but the scientists made it bright, so it shouldn't be as scary. I just hope I've made enough modifications to the outer hull so it'll protect us from all the radiation we might come in contact with.".
Cyndia laughs for a moment, "You spent a few days working on that, I'm sure it'll be alright!", and smiles. John replies, "Heh, thanks. Oh, be sure to teach your student over there, so he won't be too confused if we run into trouble.". She nods, and looks at the young Joey Stampson, an electronics student, looking at the maps of the ship's electronics, studying them thoroughly.
After about 5 minutes after the short conversation between the two engineers ended, the science team came, and Zorov said, "Alright, crew, get ready. We've got some work to do. We will be launching extremely soon.".
Research Vessel E-207 log: Travel day 2.
Location: Pequena Negra, Texas, C3.
<Tuesday, December 1st, 2009>
Captain's Log #1:
Captain Hartman [speaking into the microphone of the ship's captain log recorder]: - We went past North Dallas Debris field, onto the Pequena Negra, another debris field with a strange, brown cloud. We picked up radiation from it before we entered, although the radiation wasn't lethal or damaging to our ship, but once we came in, the radiation raised. We came past a jump hole to Pennsylvania, and two abandoned ships. We found diamonds on one. One of the pilots was dead. The scientists insist that we stay here so they may study this cloud as much as necessary. They also have taken three samples of scrap metal. Our engineer Farson is working on repairing the outer hull, the radiation is very harmful. If it gets through the outer hull and shields, it'll start affecting us. Good thing he upgraded the armor and hull against natural enemies like this. We might stay here for a bit. Captain's log finishes now.
Science log:
Vinny Binglow [Writes on his computer]: Radiation logs. We are in Texas. This cloud has quite high radioactive radiation. I and doctor Yutsuoshi think it may be because of remnants of ships in this area. Although there are two abandoned ships, from which we salvaged some iradiated diamonds and weapons, which are still usable. There may have been bigger ships around here, possibly blown up and with nuclear reactors. Perhaps that could explain this radiation. No source has been found yet. Log ends.
Doctor Miyotori Hanso and Doctor Hanzo Mitsushi [Diamond research - written on computer]: We tractored some diamonds from two vessels that have been stranded in this cloud without pilots, seems like for awhile. The diamonds seem to have been affected by radiation only slightly, as they have not been damaged by the radiation. We are not yet sure where they originate from, possibly Rheinland. We shall continue our research further. If properly cut, these diamonds can be of much use. First log ends.
--- After a few hours of research ---
Captain's Log #2, same day:
Captain Hartman [speaking into the microphone of the ship's captain log recorder]: Once scientists logged all information has been gathered, we left towards West Dallas Debris field, which also had some radiation. Our scientists are gathering more information about this radiation. Their logs will be published later as the research continues, as our sensors pick up all the necessary information as well. Now we are on the way towards Grande Negra. Over.
--- After 15 minutes ---
Captain's Log #3, same day:
Captain Hartman [speaking into the microphone of the ship's captain log recorder]: We have entered Grande Negra at high cruise speeds. Our science vessel receives about the same type of radiation as in the other Negra cloud. Scientists said not to worry. I do not trust them about that. We will soon return to the nearest base for weapons repairs. Habnez will check the weapons as well. We also were speaking to a possible junker. Captain's log off.