Comm ID: Grand Admiral, 1st Class Denelo Mori
Target ID: Executive Commander Mark Kaine
Encryption: Regulator 3
Please remember that we are leading together, not you leading and me helping. Just to avoid any future confusion. Do not argue, as I would be perfectly happy not helping you lead, but our Supreme Commander thought this way best.
Grand Admiral, 1st Class Denelo Mori out.
OOC: Psst! Flyer! I don't want any smacking, do you?
Tanktarget Wrote:Flyer you will not make any big or small descisions the type i make without the approval of Denelo, you two are both in charge do NOT PULL RANK....I WILL READ THE FORUMS AND DO SOME SMACKING IF I SEE THIS!
So let's try to our best to lead the clan, not argue among ourselves... agreed?
Comm ID: Grand Admiral, 1st Class Denelo Mori
Target ID: All members
Encryption: Regulator 3
I have recruited another member. [HF]-Aaron has joined the Legion!
Aaron is an excellent Fighter Pilot, and I have outfitted him with a Scimitar. He is currently standing by in Vespucci.
Denelo out.
OOC: Aaron is Hylden/Kvasir, that guy who posted in the recruiting thread about a week ago. I got his HF character set up, and he's a full member. He is, like I said, a great fighter pilots, but his RP needs a little work.
Comm ID: Executive Commander Kaine
To: Grand Admiral Denelo
Good job. It's always good to hear of more pilots willing to fight for the Legion. His RP training will start right away. For the Legion! Kaine out.
OOC: Tank's talked to me on Skype and such, and all three of us are to confer on major decisions. So let's not go to war without telling Tankie.
I am a long-absent Supreme Commander, Executive Commander, Grand Admiral, Fleet Admiral, and Captain in the mighty Hellfire Legion. I have returned, and am on an urgent mission from Drake Thastus to return the Legion to its former glory, and to claim the galaxy for its own. Only then will I be able to rest.
RP Story (Still deciding whether or not to finish)
OOC:I am still your boss...I am just taking a break. I cannot stand dealing with some of the people I have been lately... *clears throat* not to point anyone out in particular...;)
OOC: Hello ppl, i am known to you as Kvasir, or [HF]-Aaron. I have a scimitar and I wait further orders.
It is good to be in the HellFire Legion, and I eagerly wait to prove you that I am a worthy pilot. If there will be any sort of incidents, you can rely on my help.
Okey, BRUTO insulted me... this I will call it a 'personal' payback...
I never let debts unpaied. So, I inform all the HF members, if i see him again in Magellan, I will kill him.
Comm ID: Grand Admiral, 1st Class Denelo Mori
Target ID: All Members
Encryption: Regulator 3
I have made two new recruits today! Please welcome [HF]-Fusilion and [HF]-Mimic to the Legion!
They are both Fighter Pilots. Fusilion prefers Heavy Fighters, while I believe Mimic prefers light ones. Training (OOC: setting up) of the pair was interrupted by engine failures (OOC: server crash, then they had to log).
However, I have already given them 2.75 million of their starting money, and they both have Slipstreams.