For the purposes of this document, the terms below have the following meanings:
Liberty forces means the Liberty Police Incorporated, the Liberty Security Force and the Liberty Navy.
Primary fleets means any [LN], =LSF= or LPI- tagged vessels.
The house of Liberty means the systems of New York, California, Colorado, Texas, Virginia, Yukon, Ontario, Alberta, Kansas, Minnesota, Illinois, Quebec, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania and any immediately connecting independent systems, such as but not limited to Magellan and Hudson. Note, this is not a territorial claim to the referenced independent systems, which are widely recognised as neutral space.
------------------------------------- SECTION ONE : CRIME -------------------------------------
Individuals found to be associated with, condoning or conducting criminal activities is subject to on site punishment by any officer of the Liberty forces present, ranging from a verbal warning to immediate use of lethal force. Legal action may follow.
In the house of Liberty, the following are classed as crimes:
I. Contraband possession.
It is illegal to have any amount of these goods on your person at any time:
Liquid Cardamine
Counterfeit Software
Black Market Munitions
Human Organs
Synthetic Marijuana
Slaves Nomad brains
This does not apply to the primary fleet, as personnel of the primary fleet may confiscate the above goods to deliver them to a safe and secure destination.
The possession of Civilian pilots and Liberty personnel is not permitted.
The economic embargo with Rheinland has its own set of laws in addition to these laws. Please read here for those laws in detail.
II. Piracy.
This is described as:
The disruption of a trade lane ring with intent to conduct acts of piracy.
Intent is shown by the accused party being present in the close vicinity of a trade lane ring when the disrupted party drops out of the lane.
Attempts at extortion, successful or not, for sums of money, equipment, cargo or personnel in exchange for their immediate or future safety.
The most common instance of this is the well known 2mrdai phenomenon, but this law extends to any unlawful demand made upon the innocent. Of special note here, the piracy of vessels containing contraband goods as described above is permitted.
The destruction of any civilian trading vessel not breaking the law due to an act of piracy.
III. Assault.
The assault of any member of the Liberty forces for any reason is illegal, unless specific verbal exemption is given for a particular instance by a member of the high command structures of the primary fleets only.
The assault of any civilian for any reason, including the collection of bounties, is illegal. The only case that this is allowed is if that civilian has breeched the law, and only if permitted by a representative of the forces of Liberty.
Bounty Hunters, Mercenaries and Freelancers are allowed to collect against those already part of groups that the Liberty forces consider hostile.
For the full list of entities considered hostile by the government of Liberty, please visit the Liberty Navy Faction Status document, located here.
Self defence is permitted. That is the primary use for civilian weaponry in the house of Liberty.
IV. Obstructing the course of justice.
Any individual preventing, evading or delaying the administration of punishment on to an individual found to be breaking the law will be subject to any punishment deemed necessary by the ranking officer on duty.
-------------[color=#CCFFFF]---------------------- SECTION TWO : LICENSURE ----------------------------------
I. Licensing.
There are no licensing procedures as yet for actions such as arms dealing (legal currently) and the transportation of nomad material (illegal currently).
----------[color=#CCFFFF]------------------ SECTION THREE : SHIPS AND WEAPONS --------------[color=#FFFF]-------------
I. Weaponry.
All types of weaponry are permitted in Liberty, with the exception of Rheinland manufactured guns (Firekiss, Flamecurse, Hornviper, Stealthblade series), Phantom labelled guns and Nomad weaponry. Anybody in possession of these weapons will be asked to dismount them and hand them to any station authority for transportation to Willard research station. All civilian installations are equipped to handle nomad material.
II. Small ships.
The possession of some small ships is illegal in Liberty. Small ships are classified as gunboats or anything below such as freighters and fighters. This most commonly applies to Freelancers and Mercenaries. The list is as follows:
Pilots flying these must either exit the house of Liberty immediately by the route specified by the officer on duty or turn the ship in for research or destruction purposes at the nearest station able to provide a replacement ship. Any resistance will result in the ship being destroyed.
There are, however, exceptions. Address any plea for exceptions to this law to the Liberty Navy Mid-Command. The list of exceptions are as follows:
The possession of ships designed and produced under contract by the Liberty Navy is also not permitted unless authorised. These ships are:
Executioner Heavy Fighter.
Guardian Very Heavy Fighter.
Avenger Very Heavy Fighter.
Liberty Gunboat.
Pilots gain authorisation automatically with the possession of Liberty Navy or Liberty Security Force identification papers. Pilots may also gain authorisation through applying to Liberty Navy Mid-Command if they are not operating within the scope of the Liberty Navy or the Liberty Security Force. The list of permitted pilots not holding Liberty Navy or LSF identification papers is as follows:
Pilots flying these ships without authorisation are to turn in their ship for a publically available model immediately or face possible destruction and later court action.
It may be necessary to pay out a refundable deposit to ensure the good intentions of those seeking exemption to the relevant sections of this law. This deposit will be refunded if the pilot in question announces, with reasons, that he or she no longer requires the agreement to be in place. For example, this could include the permanent relocation of a mercenary pilot flying a Wraith from Liberty to another house. The deposit will not be refunded if the agreement is broken in any way. For example, actions such as the pilot assaulting civilians in the house of Liberty or pilots of the Liberty forces anywhere during their operations.
III. Special cases.
It is illegal to have the following combination of ship and weapons:
A Sabre (Borderworlds ship) with three or more Outcast weapons (Kracken models, Wrym models, Inferno torpedo gun).
There are no exceptions to this law.
IV. Transport ships.
The transport models of the Rheinland Train, Behemoth medium transport, Pirate Train and Pirate Transport are not permitted within the house of Liberty. The ALG mover and all other transport class ships are permitted.
There are no exceptions to this law.
Captains of transports of illegal make and model will be forced to drop any cargo they are carrying and exit the house of Liberty by the route specified by the officer on duty. An additional fine may be levied if previous infractions have occurred. Any resistance or evasion will result in the transport ship being destroyed.
V. Foreign Warships.
No warships except those in service within the ranks of the Liberty forces are permitted within the house of Liberty. Warships are classed as any ship of destroyer, cruiser, or larger. This includes the Corvo Cruiser, a ship famous for its research and reconnaissance capabilities.
However, permission can be obtained from the ranking officer on duty present for warships of these classes to enter Liberty space. Where possible, these ships will be given an armed escort during their trip through Liberty space. Some reasons for this permission being given may be:
Diplomatic talks with the government of Liberty or a corporation based within Liberty. The warship in question needing urgent repairs or resupply. Flight through Liberty to avoid a warzone.
If a ranking officer is not present, entrance into the house of Liberty is denied. Warships found within the house of Liberty without prior permission will be, depending on the conditions, escorted out of the house of Liberty or boarded and diverted to moor on Norfolk shipyard in New York. If additional security is required due to the nature of the ship, it will be relocated to San Jacinto station in Virginia. Any resistance will result in the warship being destroyed.
Permanent clearance for foreign warships to operate in the house of Liberty is not available.
VI. Homeland Warships.
All warships bearing Liberty Navy Guard, Liberty Security Force Guard and Liberty Police Incorporated Guard identification must be listed at the designated registry. This list will keep the following information:
Identification (Liberty Navy, LSF or LPI) Name (LNS-Washington, for example) Warship class (Seige Cruiser, Battlecruiser, and so on)
Exceptions are any warships belonging to the main wings of the Liberty Navy, LSF and LPI. That being the [LN], the =LSF= and the LPI-. The information on those warships will be stored in a more secure location, often with additional tactical data.
This is to better keep everyone informed of the current ships in service. If the information of the ship is here, then investigations do not have to be launched into the origin of the present command of that ship. This registry is meant to save a lot of time in the long run.
The manager of this registry is the Liberty Army Captain James Patterson, who himself is currently holding the commission of a heavily modified Liberty Battlecruiser, the Fort Louisbourg.
Capital ships of the Liberty forces are not allowed in the hands of those without Liberty Navy or LSF identification papers unless prior permission is given by the High Command of the Liberty Navy. Anybody found to be selling these ships commercially to those not within the Liberty Navy or LSF will face prosecution.
VII. Systems and areas with restricted access.
Virginia is restricted to all those not within the operational scope of the Liberty Navy. Trespassers will be dealt with using lethal force.
Illinois is restricted to all those not within the operational scope of the Liberty Police Incorporated. Trespassers will be dealt with using lethal force.
The Zone 21 minefield within New York is restricted to all those without proper authorisation to enter. Those who have this authorisation know that they do. Those who do not will be shot. There will be no exceptions.
Civilians are advised not to enter the systems of Hudson, Bering and New Hampshire without first preparing for a hostile encounter. The Rheinland Military are known to be aggressive and unrelenting in their attacks, even against defenceless ships.
----------[color=#CCFFFF]-------------------- SECTION FOUR : KNOWN CRIMINALS -----------------[color=#FFFF]-------------
All those possessing:
Outcast IDs
Rheinland Military IDs
Phantom IDs
Pirate ID's
Liberty Rogue IDs
Lane Hacker IDs
Xenos IDs
And the following individuals:
Phate [and all derivations of the same name] (10,000,000)
Any bounties placed on the above individuals are indicated by a sum of credits in parenthesis on the same line that the name of the criminal's name is. These can be collected here, with the presentatation of relevant evidence.
To have the identification of your ship removed from this list, a fine will need to be paid. The sum of this fine will be decided by and paid to the Liberty Navy. The payment itself will be overseen by either a member of the High Command or the Quartermaster of the Liberty Navy. Your name may reappear on this list if you reoffend.
-----------------------------SECTION FIVE : FINANACIAL SUPPORT-----------------------------
Donations above two million credits or equipment of the same value are highly valued by the Liberty forces. These are purely optional, and will not be advertised to civilians or corporations during active duty. Donations are very helpful to the forces of Liberty, and your funds will be used to support the men and women who put their lives on the line every day for the safety of the house and those within. More specifically, donations will go towards the construction of new ships, large and small, as well as recreational and training facilities for officers.
The list of donors is as below:
The transfer of donations will be overseen by a member of the High Command of the primary fleet that you wish to donate to. In the case of the Liberty Navy, it may also be overseen by the Quartermaster.
[color=#FFFFFF]------------[color=#CCFFFF]------------------------- SECTION SIX : NOTES -------------------------------------
The following are addendums and clarifications of the laws specified above:
The Liberty Navy will not participate in the enforcement of corporate laws, most notably the transport of gate/lane parts by those not associated with Deep Space Engineering or Ageira Technologies or disputes over the ownership of elemental ores. Corporate crimes are firmly within the retinue of responsibility tasked to the Liberty Police Incorporated.
The house of Liberty has welcomed incoming commercial shipping from the Gallic Council, specifically those working under the family name Dupont. As such, transports belonging to this division of the Gallic Council are free to trade inside the borders of the house of Liberty. They are also entitled to the protection provided by the Liberty forces during their stay.
Where punishment for infractions is unspecified, it is up to the officer on duty to decide punishment. This can range from a verbal warning to summary execution. Most instances however, can be dealt with by a fine being levied. All officers are subject to judicial review of their actions, and will be answerable to a criminal court of law if their punishments are found to be unjustly harsh or lenient.
In all cases, the judgement of the ranking officer on duty is to be abided by. This judgement, and any consequences of that judgement can be challenged in a court of law. The prosecution has the right to state that they will pursue criminal or civil action as a means of informing the officer on duty, not as a warning to cease activities that have yet to be justified as appropriate.
No-fire zones put in place in the space surrounding the Zoner installations of Freeport 2, Ames research station and Bethlehem station do not obstruct the course of justice as detailed in the treaty of Bethlehem. Gather evidence of a chase before entering the no-fire zone, and evidence of a battle taking place within and if applicable, any attempts by the criminal party to claim asylum in the no-fire zone. If any Zoner vessels fire on vessels belonging to the Liberty forces within the no-fire zone without direct provocation, report this immediately to Liberty Navy High Command with attached visual evidence.
Any fines imposed on people attempting to break or found breaking the law may range from one million credits to ten million credits. These fines can only be imposed by members of the primary fleet.
The government of Liberty reserves the right to change any part of this document without limitation and without notice.
=======Inbound Transmission=======
Comms ID:Captian James Patterson,CB-19 Fort Louisbourg,Commanding
to: all concerned partys CC Naval Command LSF Directors
subject:Capitol Regrestration
as stated above ,any and all Capitol inquiorys or Regrestration submissions are to be sent to me Via Personal Comms untill i can get a proper listing sorted,im an Attache to the Liberty Security force. and i have other dutys but i took this on to ease the Stress on the Navy. In the event a ship is seen and not on my roster i will most certinly have the Resorces be it with my Own Command or the numrous Assets in the Navy or Security Force and if need be the Army and Marines,to Seize Said Vessel In question it is a Federal Offence and i will Treat it as such. I should add aswell if i see a ship on My roster that displays Gross military misconduct or is otherwise a complete utter imbicle it is upon my recomendation that the Navy will remoive said person or persons from there command do not test me ,comply with the laws or face consaquences
to any Existing fleet Captians Transmit your Data to me via any manner of means not limited to the Personal Comms(pm) or standard milltary band S.K.Y.P.E Protocols you may also use M.S.N Protocols.
If you Happen to find the fort in space you may also contact meAboard her
to the last Naval Officer incharge of Regrestration:
contact me and pass along the most complete list you have on the Reservist or National guard fleets
that is all god bless Liberty!
also i wil lbe monotering this channel for further replys or changes
===added comunique text detected... updateing====
As per Orders of commodore robinson herself i Captian James Patterson am th supre and final say in Capitol ship Regestration the link to the newly made database is here
ive been given complete control along with the LN in unacouted capitol ships see the above attached document for further infomation
* he saluted * <transmission ends the Crest of the fort Louisbourg aperes its gold and platnum with latin meaning "never wavor")
We need to know who holds the captaincy of warships now, not who held their commission two years ago. An up to date list is preferable to what we currently have. The officer in charge of the previous list has also been less active in his duties recently, which is insufficient to deal with the number of capital vessels operating in the secondary fleet.
It was the agreed policy that with the release of such large changes to the laws of Liberty, which were becoming quite dated, we would wipe the slate clean and start from scratch.
Ah, a new set of laws for a new age. Wonderful transmission, I shall keep a copy of it saved to my neural net account for usage at all times. Thank you, Commodore. I will inform my task force of these changes and keep them informed.
i must ask then what is about with blackmarket engines. As you can buy it in some Liberty stations, they have good colors and such. And i can't find it is Legal or not. Must post it here, because i can't find anything about engines and liberty laws.