******************Incoming Transmission***************
Source: Freeport XV
Sender: Captain Rainus Uysison
A indie Zoner by the name of Tau_Ceti_Central has requested a trading mission to the skros shipyard in O74. He informed me that I was to be the representative for him. He says that the TAZ could also benefit from this trade mission. Well I don't take any actions without proper opinions. What do you think?
Comm ID: Mad John Rackham
Ship ID: [TAZ]Law_of_Fives
Curret Location: O49
Hi Doc,
Stalwart work getting them passes with the SCRA. I reckon I'll chugg up to O52 with some tobacco and wine handouts in appreciation of the rites of passage, ya know.
But seriously...I won't be abusing the pass, oh no. Ya got my word on it boss.
The only thing is that the Coalitition don't show on my mates and enemies listings yet, maybe I should dip a toe into O52 and see?
regards an' hats off to yez!
' Wrote:Comm ID: [TAZ]Doc Holliday
To: All TAZ
A few things I want to mention. When it comes to official diplomatic responses of any kind, those will be handled by me or, if I have so designated, Xavier Triton, as Xavier is learning the ropes of diplomacy at this time. I reference the recent post by the Mollies in regards to Samura and Kishiro mining activities into Dublin via Omega 49 in that one of our people made a comment. TAZ, as part of the Zoner Alliance with the ZTC and OSI have no jurisdiction in Omega 49. We can come and go from it as we like and even have residence there but the most we can do is enforce the NFZ around Lanzerate and the docking rings around Gran Canaria.
I handle all matters with the SCRA, MM, TAZ law and financial matters. Xavier works by assignment of which he currently has one.
The SCRA has also given visas to the following trade vessels to trade into Omega 52. Please, if you are listed, check your rep sheet. If there is an issue, get back with me on it:
-[TAZ]Rainus Uysison
If anyone else still wants a visa to trade, send your account name and ship type for approval to me and I'll send it along.
These are all trade ships. Remember, we are guests there. Do NOT violate their laws for I will not be able to get you out of trouble. I have worked hard to earn their trust and we still have more to earn. Remember:
-Do not explore their system. Trade or pass through the system but don't wander.
-If you are asked to stop for a scan, listen to them and please, don't try smuggling through their system.
-NO fighter/bomber escorts. If you don't know your way through, my diplomatic yacht, [TAZ]Ambassador's.Ark, is stationed at Boa Vista Station in Omega 50. Commander Schmidt knows the way and will escort you.
-Do not buy Coalition weapons.
-If any Revolutionaries are present, ask for docking clearance. Remember, they are looking for tobacco. I'm not sure what else they need but we'll deliver other materials as we get them.
-If you do violate their laws, you will be subject to their justice and I've heard that Coalition Gulags are pretty brutal. There will be most likely little I can do to help you and it may reflect on the rest of us so please be careful.
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Comm ID: [TAZ]Doc Holliday
To: Mad John
I'm curious about the rep not showing. If you're going to try and poke your nose into O52 and test the waters, do it unloaded. There's enough firepower around the Jumphole to drop a cruiser. I will try to get a more definitive answer for you.
Just a reminder to all, passage through Baffin is granted to all regardless of which side of the legal line they cross, who they fly for or what they are carrying. It is the best and really, only thing we have to offer for neutrality and to this point it has provided us with just that.
And if you're going to be working in someone's space, show some courtesy. Outcasts and Corsairs don't like warships in their space. You can ask Commander Matok about that one. He found out the hard way.
Comm ID: [TAZ]Guard.Fyre
To: Doc
Re: Piracy in Baffin
I've gotten some disturbing reports about pirates conducting operations in Baffin, indeed, engaging and destroying ships IN Baffin. If we witness acts of aggression in Baffin by pirates, or others, how would you like this handled? Is there a policy in place at this time?
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The law in Baffin is simple. It is a "No tax," "No fire" system. If someone is doing either, ask them to leave. If they escort them out. If they still refuse, destroy them!
I do apologize for this intrusion into your comm channel. I came across two of your pilots in Okinawa recently.
As I was coming down the trade lane they shot out the lane ahead of me. I thought at first is was pirates but was surprised to see that to people were zoners and Taz at that. It came as a bit of a shock to me, as I do business on a regular basis with your people.
The two Taz members apologized for taking down the lane. I just find it odd that they would do such a thing.
The pilots in question were A Cpt. Zero and Rainus.Uysison.
I thank you for your time.
Cpt H. Murdock
Death Before Dishonour! Honour above all!
This masterpiece was made by Calego. (Iron Legion)